Hitman x Wives

Chapter 167 167- Operation: Behemoth (Part 8)

Chapter 167 Chapter 167- Operation: Behemoth (Part 8)

Everyone nodded their heads as they scattered away like shadows. The only ones left were Kaya and Eva who Kai had told them not to move immediately.

When everyone left, Kai finally turned around and looked at the two girls.

"You know what to do, right? Especially you, Eva. You're still Grey's target beside me." Kai said.

"I know. Don't worry, I'm confident that bastard won't be able to do anything to me." Eva replied with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, darling. If Mother's Milk gets captured, I will save her." Kaya grinned as she rested her hand on Kaya's head. The latter glared back at her.

"No, no, please. I worry you might hurt your back trying to walk to me." Eva retorted.

Kai nodded his head. Seeing the two still banter even when they were about to start the second part of the plan, he was assured that they would show their full potential.

"Now, go." He said as the two girls turned around and left toward the chaotic castle.

Before also moving, Kai stared at the war occurring inside and sighed. Even though he hid it, seeing the castle again was a rather unpleasant moment for him.

"Let's get this done with… Once and for all." Then, he jumped from the roof before he dashed toward the castle at top speed.


Meanwhile, inside one of the castle's complicated corridors, a brutal battle was occurring. In the darkness, two silhouettes were moving and clashing violently, breaking everything in their way as if it were nothing.


With each clash, their bodies would fly back and hit the wall before they quickly recuperated and attacked each other again relentlessly.

"For the man with the title 'Agent 1', you're quite disappointing. I really feel ashamed being your predecessor, Noir!" Grey grinned angrily as he pushed the rubble that accumulated on his shoulders away.

"Void impact!"


Another swing sliced through two corridors, destroying them completely. Then, Noir's silhouette appeared as he glared at Grey coldly.

'He is able to dodge my attacks with ease…'

"I wasn't the one that got thrown away by the Guild. Spending your whole day thrown inside a cage, training like a maniac. I'm ashamed being the next one to claim that title from you." Noir retorted coldly as he grabbed his sword with two hands, ready to swing it again. The dark aura of Devine was getting more and more pronounced, looming over the place like a cruel devil.

Grey's frown deepened as he cracked his neck. What Noir said was indeed the truth. Grey's life had only been in a downward spiral ever since the moment he got defeated by the Black Phantom.

Because of the injury, he had to take some time away to recuperate and when he came back, the High Officers decided to promote him to the rank of a High Officer too. For many, that might've sounded like a great deal.

However, for Grey, it was akin to a death sentence. In his eyes, High Officers were simply a bunch of corporate pieces of shit that spent their days stuck in offices, signing papers and doing bureaucratic jobs that would kill with boredom.

Grey liked to be active, to fight, and to face against strong enemies so becoming a High Officer was the worst thing that could happen to him.

Ever since then, he couldn't leave his office at all. With each day passing, he hated his life more and more, finding solace only in training.

With each passing day, his hatred of the Black Phantom also grew. He was the one that threw him there, after all.


The two clashed, Noir with his sword and Grey with his fists. Normally, merely touching Devine's edge would instantly slice your hand in half. However, because of the sheer amount of Origin covering Grey's body, it was a hundred times more robust than the body of a regular Origin User.

Using his power, Grey pushed the sword to await before he followed it with a rain of punches that Noir deflected skillfully.

"You're only wasting your time fighting me, Grey. We both know that you have way worse things to deal with. The Black Phantom is coming."

"Shut up! That little cockroach will get what's coming for him soon." With those last words, Grey launched a strong punch at Noir.



Meanwhile, back in the conference room, the fight was still raging. Blood and limbs had already coated every inch of the place.

People from both sides, Executioners and Hitmen died brutally, and those who didn't, sustained horrifying injuries.

"U-Ugh… S-Save… me…" A dying hitman tried to drag himself toward the exit with the only limb left intact on his body.

However, the moment his hand reached toward the door, a sword pierced it, cutting it instantly.

"AAAGHHH!!" A horse shriek echoed in the room.

"No escaping."

Before the hitman could say anything, a bullet had penetrated his brain, killing him on the spot. As his lifeless eyes stared cruelly at his killer, a tear fell down his cheek.

V stared down at the person he killed before he wiped the blood on his cheek. Fighting for the past 15 minutes had taken a toll on V's body. Injuries of all kinds riddled his body and his clothes were soaked in blood.

'Tsk, these bastards are tricky to deal with!'

Looking up, he noticed that almost all the executioners were still alive. Except for a few that got overwhelmed by multiple Hitmen, the others survived this disastrous battle. That wasn't shocking for V considering the power of the Executioners.

They were meant to execute the rules on the Hitmen so their power was certainly stronger than most of them.

"Did you kill everyone?" V asked.

"Seems so. Top 100 Hitmen? They're all a bunch of nobodies who always bark and never bite."

"Shut up and go make sure nobody snuck away. If Grey finds out that one escaped, we're all dead."

The tense atmosphere between the Executioners grew heavier. Grey was indeed a very merciless man. They needed to check and double-check again if needed unless they wanted their heads to leave their bodies.

As they were about to scatter to search for any escapers, something unexpected happened.

A huge, monstrous head appeared out of nowhere. Except for the gigantic size of it, the monster was very similar to a tiger in features.

Opening its huge mouth, the monster swallowed a whole chunk of whatever was left of the room, along with multiple Executioners. Blood gushed out from the inside of the Tiger's mouth as the sounds of bones crushing and flesh tearing apart echoed in the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The Executioners looked at the monster with bewildered expressions.

"Sword Heaven!"

A second later, a rain of swords fell down on everybody in the room, including V. If it wasn't for his senses kicking in at the last second, his head would've been pierced by a flying sword.

Some of them were also able to dodge the swords at the last moment but not before sustaining some degree of injury.

'What the fuck is going on?!' V cursed as he looked around him. A second later, 7 silhouettes appeared inside the room.

"Time for the show, boys! Hahahahahaha!!"


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