His Rui

Chapter 749: The Secret Ways Were All Closed

Chapter 749: The Secret Ways Were All Closed 

That evening, General Li andariturfie came to Xi Manor. 
Since they were going to implement such a big plan, they needed. make sure that every part M it was perfect And for that they had to discuss every part of X together. 
When Xi ',Mg was on his way to Leave PLum Courtyard with his wife, his gaze fett on Gu D who was teaching his son now to use the sword. He seemed to be contemplating something. When Li Rui followed his gaze, she was surprised and after a moment of thought, she suggested M a Low voice. "ShouLd we invite Senior Brother as wear Xi %ng was also thinking the same. On hearing his wife's question, he Looked at her. seeing her anticipation-fitted eyes, he did. feet any hesitation 
and said "Do whatever you want to do.• Li Rui smiled and walked toward Gu Li. Xi %ng sighed and said immediateLy "Stow down.• She was walking so fast that he was worried that she witt fall down. 
Li Rui who heard his words bit her Lips and stowed down. She had been actually worried when she had asked the question that Xi Ying woutd get angry. 
However, he didn't so she was happy and excited. 
Since that afternoon, she had not even talked to Gu Li worrying that Xi `Ping would get angry if she interacted with him that much. However, now she could see that Xi 'ling no Longer minded all this...perhaps it was because he had finally understood that to Gu Li, she was merely his younger sitting and nothing el... 
So Li Rui thought that Xi Ying didn't have any problem with Gu Li now. She wanted Gu Li. know.. as well as she was worried that he must be thinking ...this. And she was right! Gu Li had seen Li Rui and Xi Ying passing by but he never looked at Li Rui. Since the afternoon, he had been thinking as to how he shotuld explain everything to Xi %ng. He was worried that his stupidity had created some kind of trouble for Li Rui. And thinking this, he didn't even try to approach Li Rui. However, now that he coutd sense Li Rui walking toward him, he was confused and raised his head to Look at her. Xi Ling who saw that ell Li had stopped, frowned in confusion and said "Brother Gu Li..." Only when the small bun followed Gu Lis gaze, did he reatize why the Latter had stopped He smiled cheerfutty when he saw his mother and immediatery ran towards her. However, when Xi Ling was a step away from his mother, he stopped. He couldn't help but smell himself sneak. and realized that he was smelling bad because of the sweat Xi Ling was horrified and didn't g.cLose to his mother much. Li Rui who noticed her son's actions contr.11ed her smiled. She knew that Xi Ling would .et embarrassed if she exposed him so she held his hand when she approached him and then walked to Gu Li. "Senior Brother, wouLd you Like to join us for the discussion in the study room?• Li Rui asked Gu Li as soon as she was near him. Gu Li was surprised and coutdn't help bet Look at Xi %ng who was standing a step away. Li Rui understood what he was thinking and said immediatery. "Ying has affowed already." Gu Li was surprised but didn't delay in nodding his head and saying 
Li Rui was relieved. She had... sighed in relief when she heard her son saying "Mother, Xi Ling also wan.. join." Li Rui Looked at her excited son and suddenty couLd.think of a reason to refuse him. However, Xi Ying didn't think much tike her before saying merciLessty. "It is the discussion between adults. What are you getting excited about? Stay here." Xi Ling pouted after hearing his father's words. Li Rui smiled hesitantly and patted her son's head. "Xiao Ling, stay here. Mother witt be back soon. Later, Mother and Xiao Ling witt play together." Xi Ling was excited on hearing that his mother witt play with him. He immediately nodded his head obediently and no Longer made a fuss Together Xi Xing, Li Rui, and Gu Li went to the study room white Xi Ling was left with An Ping 
General.. and Ili lunjie were being served by Putter himself in the room attached to the study room. When Xi 'ling arrived, they entered the study room w. Xi 'ling and others. Inside the room, Xi Ying Laid the same paper on the .late and said "According to what this Lord had been inform., Zhao Zhuang Chen wouLd start his plan a shichen Later than midnight" "Then we need to be ....ere We shouLd be inside the ImperiaL Palace around midnight" %Junjie said and Xi Ying nodded his head. After he finished, %Jun. glanced at Gu Li. He didn't recognize Gu Li and didn't remember if he had ever seen 
him before. 
He was curious about who he was, however, he didn't think that X was wise to probe into the matters. Also, if Xi Ying had allowed him inside then he must be trustworthy. 
That was what,Viturfie thought for only a short time. Gu Li suddenty placed his finger at a marked spot on the map and said "This place sit has been cLosed now." His words made Xi Ying frown ins.ntLy. 
It was a tunnel that was on the way. getting inside Zhao Wang Mrs chamber. If this tunneL was closed then everything wouLd halt that night 
Everyone inside the room understood this dearty. "Senior B.her, are you sure al.. this?• Li Rui asked Gu Li white % lurdie's eyes Ricker. wan surprise when he heard how Li Rui addressed Gu Li. His eyes on Gu Li suddenty were thoughtful.. Now he wanted to .ow who Gu Li was. On the other hand, Gu Li nodded his head. 
"Master had the same map but X is quite oLd. The map had more secret places and tunnels than this. However, most of them have been cLosed. 'Mtti. shadow guards had tried to use it before to enter the ImperiaL Palace when Zhao Wang Lei harts" 
_offer. us a Large amount of money to kiLL Li Rui. That was what Gu Li was abort to say but eau.. complete his words. However, Li Rui and Xi %ng were wise enough to understand his unsaid words. Xi %ng nodded his head. "We need to make changes if it is true." "And we need to change the first prince's plan as well" General Li said and everyone agreed. 
For everything to go correct they needed to ensure that Zhao Zhuang Chen woutd also be able to get inside the chamber at .e right time so Mat they would be able to put attthe blame on him. 
However, they now had another problem. %must be Zhao Wang Lei who had dosed Mem." Xi %ng said cotdLy. "But what other way we can use. enter Zhao Wang Leis chambers now?" This was the biggest question now. Gu Li immediately offer. help. "If Fr.. Minister Xi wan. then I can present Mat map." However, Xi fling shook his head and said "There is no use of all this now. He sighed as he pushed the map from his sight. "This Lord shoutd have thought of this before. Zhao Wang Lei is very cunning. He wouLd never Leave himseLf in a vulnerable situation. He must have cLosed all the secret tunnels he knew about. save himseLf from the 
The room went site. after what Xi fling said. 
Everyone was %mit anti[ General Li spoke 
"But it is impossibLe that there is no secret tunnel to get inside an Emperor's chamber. An Emperor would always Leave some way. get out of the Imperial. Palace settee,/ in case he is under attack and need . save himseLf." 
Everyone Looked at General Li and agreed to some eirtent 
Xi wing's eyes flickered and he nodded his head. "We need to find oat about this sec. way." But now witt they find H Xi %ng was thinking about this when the door of the study room was knocked. He frowned M confusion. He had strictLytotd An Shing not to disturb if anything unimportant. It must be important Xi %ng thought and walked towards the door. He opened the door slightly and stepped oat of the study room. It was already suspicious having so many people in his manor together, especially when in Zhao Wang Lei's eyes, he hated everyone from Li Clan. He could explain General Lis presence saying that the Letter was hereto meet his daughter but he coutdn't explain Yi Jun.'s presence in his manor. 
Though the Latter had used qingong to come to Manor,. Ying needed to make sure that except for some trustwo.y people, no one.. woutd get. know of his presence in Xi Manor. 
"Master, there is someone from the Imperiat Palace. sent by Empress Dowager." Xi %ng relaxed when he heard it and asked An Shing . Let the man come. The shadow guard came and handed a letter to Xi %ng and then a paper. Xi %ng dismissed the shadow guard and took the Letter and paper inside the study room. When everyone noticed what was in his hands, they were also confused. "Ying, what is this?' Li Rui asked her husband who shook his head indicating that he didn't know. 


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