His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 81 - It's Love

Adeline didn't think Easton would agree. She had seen his true nature today. Despite his kind gaze and gentle smile, he supported someone else. His amicable nature was out of habit, and not out of respect.

At least Weston was direct with his hatred for her. Adeline appreciated his honesty much more. 

"I agree," another voice piqued. The tone was deep and mature, like an ancient tree in the center of a forest.

Adeline noted it was the familiar stranger. He was wearing a tailored suit, but the pin on his chest implied his importance. He wore the symbol of Wraith's military. It was a tiny pin and not that noticeable but she saw it.

She counted the agreement. Dorothy, Easton, Minerva, this stranger… Not considering Elias or Adeline, that was four out of nine votes.

"Hmm, our King is wise and just. I'd like to understand his decision for choosing Princess Adeline Mae Rose of Kastrem," the last man of the two spoke up.

Adeline noted he was also a human, but much younger and handsome. She wasn't surprised the council only had two humans, but they were powerful ones, including Charles, the human Prime Minister. 

The regime had to show their goodwill with the humans somehow… or else another disadvantageous war would break out.

"When the Noble Flower blooms, a seedling will grow in an empty room. The legend goes the Golden Rose can erase all woes," Elias finally said. His lips curled into an amused smile. 

"My Grandmother believes this foolish prophecy speaks of the same person," Elias noted. His eyes shifted to the people around the room, making sure to look at each and every one of them in the eyes.

"The empty room refers to my heartless body, and the seedling refers to the beginning of compassion and love," Elias noted. "Isn't that the reason we seek out the Golden Rose?"

"Of course," Charles spoke up. 

Charles was very adamant about making sure the King finds compassion and love. How else would he be able to view things from the human perspective? How else would he resonance with their pain?

"But the truth is, the Noble Flower and the Golden Rose are two different things," Elias noted. His eyes shifted to Adeline as he affectionately touched her shoulder.

"And I have the Noble Flower, sitting right here." 

Dorothy was furious. Adeline noted that the second her eyes flashed from hazel to red. It was the same color as Elias when Adeline displeased him. Truthfully, she was a bit confused. So, the Noble Flower was as important as the Golden Rose? She'd thought they were the same thing too. Was a rose not a flower? And a flower can be a rose?

"The name Adeline itself means nobility," Elias drawled out with a slight curl to his lips. "Of course, the name of Lydia also means noble one, but which is more important? Shear nobility or noble one?"

Dorothy opened her mouth to speak.

"Oh right," Elias held up a finger. "I don't care."

Dorothy's jaw went slack.

"Adeline is the Noble Flower. Lydia is the Golden Rose. They're different women with different abilities, and I wish to have only one," Elias concluded.

"Why not have both, Your Majesty?" Minerva suddenly asked. "You can turn the Golden Rose into your Queen and have the Noble Flower as a mistress. The Golden Rose will provide you and Wraith with much more benefit than that of emotions."

"You wish for me to be a heartless tyrant that doesn't know compassion?" Elias returned.

Minerva's heart skidded. Was he not a tyrant already? 

"Of course, I'm already that, but just imagine what it'd be like if I am forever heartless. Soon, it'll be against our kind," Elias mused. He rested the side of his forehead on his hand, a sadistic smile spreading on his lips.

Minerva's proud expression paled. She had heard of the King's brutality and witnessed it herself. Those that wronged him always ended up in mysterious deaths. Not even the police investigated thoroughly.

"Ah but Minerva is not wrong," one of the men spoke up.

Adeline recognized him as a familiar stranger. Her brows were tugged together. She could've sworn… she saw him somewhere before. But where?

"Since we have both of them in Wraith, we should utilize the Golden Rose. As a loyal citizen, her duty is to the Crown," he said.

Duke Claymore's face darkened.

"Seems like you've offended Duke Claymore, Quinston," Elias said.

Adeline's heart lurched. Quinston… where had she heard that name before? She felt like somewhere in the past, her parents had once uttered the name.

"But Duke Claymore is also a just and loyal citizen of Wraith, who's always strived hard to benefit this country—"

"Do you have daughters, Quinston?" Adeline finally asked.

Quinston was taken aback. She was so quiet that he had forgotten she was here in the first place. 


Adeline threw him a displeased look that doubted his intelligence. 

"I have sons," Quinston finally said. "I have no use for daughters."

"Then how would it feel?" Adeline said in a light voice free from taunts. She sounded sympathetic. "If a father tells your sons that his daughter can have her liberty with both of them, and your sons' talent goes to waste."

Quinston narrowed his eyes at her impudence. "In what world would that happen—"

"You're right," Adeline firmly said. "In what world should that be allowed in?"

Quinston closed his mouth. He was ruthlessly silenced by a woman half his size, and half his age. It was a feeling that left a bad taste on his tongue. He suddenly felt like the proud lion was cornered into a small den. Especially when the King made no moves to silence his woman.

Instead, Elias let out a small laugh. "Didn't expect the little cat to have claws did you?"

Quinston forced a wry smile and lowered his gaze. He couldn't say anything more after his own words were turned against him, in front of the entire council too.

Seeing Quinston's sour expression, Adeline realized he was human. Thus, there were only three human representatives? Charles, the prime minister, Quinston, and then Duke Claymore. It was still a disadvantage against Minerva, Dorothy, Easton, Weston, and Elias. But she'll take it. When she takes the throne, the numbers would even out.

"The entire purpose of the search for the Golden Rose wasn't to employ her sacrificial powers," Elias said. "It was to find the woman that will teach a heartless creature some compassion."

Dorothy's fingers dug into her palms. "The Golden Rose can erase all woes," she echoed his words. "She can—"

"Does it look like I have woes?" Elias asked.


"I am living a perfectly happy and content life, what woes do I possibly have when I control one of the strongest Empires in this country?" Elias said.

Dorothy was left fumbling and speechless. This brat of a grandson she had! All these years of discipline and he pretended it didn't happen? She could no longer hide her irritation for him, her face souring as she bit into a lemon or something.

"And how can you be so sure that Adeline Rose is the Noble Flower? Surely, their name is but a coincidence. You said so yourself, Lydia's name also means noble one."

"Actually, my wife intended for the first meaning of 'beautiful one,'" Duke Claymore spoke up in a hardened voice. He left no room for argument, his face warped into an intimidating aloofness.

"Whereas Adeline's name only means 'noble' or 'nobility.' Her name wasn't granted by her parents, but also but an overseer [1] like you, Matriarch Dorothy," Duke Claymore added on. "The overseer said Adeline is her destined name."

Dorothy was cornered.

"Even so, how can we be sure?" Dorothy demanded. "You must think of me as a villain, but I am taking percussions. No one wants the fate of Crown Prince Kaline and Crown Princess Addison to repeat. They went against heaven's wishes and look at where they ended up now—"

"If your loyalty is to the Luxtons, how are you able to glimpse into the fate of my parents?" Adeline asked. Her lips slightly trembled, but her eyes remained resolute. She tightly clenched her hands under the table, feeling an overwhelming sense of rage for the older woman.

"W-well, many people believe Addison was fated too—"

"But you wouldn't have been able to hear Heaven's wishes for my mother and father because you have nothing to do with the Roses. Your allegiance lies with Luxton, and anything that has to do with them," Adeline said. Despite her anger, her voice was leveled and calm. She sounded like she was genuinely curious.

Dorothy was floored. She didn't think Adeline knew that much. Or was the girl simply bluffing? "How did you…?"

Her eyes narrowed on Adeline. It seemed Addison told her daughter much more than stupid bedtime stories.

Dorothy suddenly turned her attention back to Elias. "You will have to prove to the Council that the Noble Flower is truly different from the Golden Rose."

Elias raised a brow. "I don't have to prove anything. I can just tell you."


Elias grabbed Adeline's hand and turned to look at her.

"My sweet," he murmured.

The entire Council was silenced. Not by his affectionate nickname, but the tender look in his eyes. He had never looked at a living thing with such profound emotions. His sardonic smirk transformed into a fond smile when she returned her attention to him.

"Hmm?" she hummed.

"There is nothing to prove," Elias said to Dorothy whilst keeping his eyes on Adeline. "I feel something for her and dare I say it's love?"


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