His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 70 - I'd Like To Walk

"Asher is kind to me," Adeline said in a lowered voice. 

Her eyes briefly glanced at his lips. She remembered he didn't kiss her upon the mouth that night as well. Instead, his face was buried upon her neck, sucking, licking, and nibbling until a love bite formed.

"He is useless." 

Elias glanced at her. Her hair was sprawled out, her dress slipping lower to reveal half of her breast. When she breathed, her chest raised and fell with it. She was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

"He's my friend," she interjected.

Elias pressed his lips together. His hands were on either side of her head, so that he didn't crush her with his weight. He lowered his tent upon her, watching as her face instantly flushed. He pressed her onto the bed, refusing to let her leave until she said yes.

"He was unable to save you from me," he noted.

Adeline's brows wrung together. She reached up and gingerly touched his jawline with both hands.

Elias was surprised by the initiative. But he lowered his head anyway, wanting more of her touch. They were feather soft and always hesitant. It felt like her caress would disappear without a moment's notice. It forced him to cherish her touch even more.

"That's not true. I willingly came to you," she pointed out.

Elias's lips curled into a smirk. Did his coercion sound like she willingly came to him? What about his threats of withholding her necklace? Her brain worked in a funny way.

"You see too much good in me," he said. "None of which exists."

"No," she responded. "I see more evil than good, but I chose to focus on the latter."

Elias laughed. She shivered. 

"I mean it, Elias," Adeline said with determination. 

He flashed her a sardonic look and arrogant smirk. He was doubtful of her intentions. Even Elias didn't believe the good in himself. There were not many, but there were still some left. 

She frowned a bit. "I truly believe it, Elias."

"I don't doubt you believe it," Elias dryly said. 

Elias slowly shook his head in amusement. Her eyes were wide with urgency, her lips parted. With his sarcasm, her lips pulled into a slight pout. He leaned down, knowing a way to get rid of her sullen expression.

"Don't pout, my sweet," Elias murmured. He curled a finger under her chin and stared deeply into her eyes. They were just a breath apart, his chest slightly brushing upon hers.

"Unless you intend to act on your tantrum," he softly said.

Adeline's stomach churned when his thumb pressed upon her bottom lip. There was a hungry look in his burning gaze as if he couldn't wait to devour her. Her breath hitched when he kissed the corner of her mouth. The collar of his unbuttoned shirt tickled her neck.

"White is a lovely color on you," Elias suddenly noted. 

Adeline's voice was caught in her throat. His lips had traveled towards her jawline. He pressed open-mouth kisses down the side of her neck. She jolted when he reached a sensitive spot. She felt the curl of his lips on her skin when he deviously smirked.

"Is it this spot, my sweet?" Elias teased, just as his hand traveled from her chin down the side of her body. His calloused hands, large and firm, gripped upon her hips, squeezing it.

"N-no," she lied. 


Elias kissed the spot as she jumped again. Her breath hitched. Instantly, he bit upon it, causing her to cry out in protest. Without warning, he licked the pain away, only to nip and suckle upon it, until she was tightly gripping his forehead.

"I-I lied, so please," she gasped for air, hoping he would spare her mercy.

Elias let out a dark, taunting chuckle. He lifted his head to see her moistened eyes and trembling lips. It was just a love bite, and she was already a mess for him. She was sensitive. This realization would be utilized to his fullest extent.

"Don't look at me like that," she grumbled whilst looking away, with rosy cheeks.

"Like what?"

Adeline snuck a glance at him. She wanted to hide her face and disappear into the bed. "Like you're going to eat me."

Elias quirked a brow. He trailed his head down her hips until it reached her thigh. He gave it a firm squeeze, his eyes flashing with amusement. His thumb brushed upon her sensitive spot again, causing her legs to squeeze together.

"Oh, but I am going to eat you," he murmured.

Adeline forgot how to breathe. She made eye-contact with him. His gaze was scorching hot and hungry for her. Her skin hummed in response, warming up for him.

"Don't worry," Elias softly reassured her.

Elias leaned down, his smirk widening at her awestruck expression. His lips gently brushed upon hers. She clung to him even more, her fingers pressing into the ridges of his hard muscles.

"I'll be gentle." 

"B-but last time you weren't…"

Elias's eyes flashed. How could he have forgotten? He could remember it vividly. She was writhing on the bed, her breathless gasps, her sweet moans, the wriggle of her hips as she tried to escape from the pleasure. 

He had grasped her thighs firmly, holding her in place, forcing her to experience the rise to her climax, until she cried out his name and came into his mouth.

"If you thought last time wasn't gentle, then you're in for a surprise," Elias taunted. 

Seizing her momentary confusion, Elias brushed the hair away from her eyes. He leaned close, his lips brushing upon her ears. He kissed underneath her lobes. 

Adeline could've sworn there were butterflies in her stomach. It fluttered and churned, as something warm pooled from underneath it. The feeling was all too familiar. His scent flooded her senses, a delectable smell of pinecones and citrus. His breath was minty, and each puff enthralled her.

"I-I'd still like to walk tomorrow."

Elias stiffened. Without warning, he smoothly chuckled into her ear, causing her body to clench underneath him.

"It seems you have entirely different plans from me, darling," he cooed.

Elias had only wanted a taste of her. He didn't think she would believe they'd go further than that. He was definitely not complaining. Consummating their marriage right then and now would not faze him.

"I don't, I just—"

"It seems you've learned a thing or two from your beloved eroticas," he said.

Adeline gasped at his words. She looked up at him, mortified that he'd tease her like this.

"I'm quite jealous," he noted.

Elias's fingers reached the thin straps that held her dress together. He unhooked it, watching as it rested limply on her arm.

"I should've taught you such dirty things."

Elias's fingers trailed down her arms teasingly, her knees sliding up in response. She had clamped her thighs together. She shivered when their gaze met. Her eyes were moistened and soft. His attention flickered to her throat when she swallowed.

"Then why don't you teach me now?" she softly uttered.

Just like that, all of his control dispersed. Without warning, he slammed his lips upon hers, capturing her in a daunting kiss.


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