His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 68 - Protect Her Family

"Did you sleep at all?" Adeline asked him, despite all of his affection nudges. His lips teased the side of her face. Wherever he touched, her skin would heat up. She had recalled it happening before, during the cold night.

"Vampires do not need as much sleep as you humans do."

Adeline knew that, but she was still worried about him. "Then, why are you so irritated today?"

Elias raised his head. He pressed his lips into a thin line. She was so tiny, he couldn't help but sigh. His figure alone swallowed her tiny ones. With his wide back, nobody would even know she was in front of him.

"Trust your husband, my sweet. Don't worry about the blood and the shoe." Elias observed her reaction. Yet again, she was severely disappointed, the light in her verdant eyes dimming. It reminded him of leaves without sunlight.

Elias always believed Adeline would run from him. He knew she could freely disappear without hesitation. She reminded him of a dandelion. A gust of wind could take her anywhere but here. His grip tightened upon her waist.

She could leave him if she wishes, but he'd chase her without hesitation. Even to the ends of this world, he will chase her.

"My husband…?" Adeline repeated with uncertainty. "We've yet to be married."

Elias narrowed his eyes. Did she enjoy provoking him? "Have you decided to just be my mistress instead?"


"Then it's husband," he said.

Adeline rapidly blinked her eyes. Why did she have the feeling he was taking this one-year thing more seriously than her? She thought back to their conversation last night. Was he serious? Did he truly plan to lock her away in this castle?

To test the question, she lifted her head. "I'd like to leave the castle to visit my family."

"You have a family?" he rebutted.

Adeline gawked at him.

"Are you not an orphan, my sweet?" Elias asked, whilst brushing the hair away from her eyes. She had lovely strands that framed her delicate face. 

"The Marden family—"

"Did they not abuse you?"

Adeline's expression turned cold. She pushed him away, and he let her. She was offended by his wording.

"No, they d-did not," Adeline finally responded.

Elias crossed his arms. He threw her a pointed look, that implied he knew better. "So if I told you to lift your skirts and bend over my desk, you'll say the same thing?"

Adeline's face instantly flushed at the thought. Did he have to say it like that? "I'm tired," she finally said. "I don't want to have this conversation with you."

Elias raised his brows. He let out a small scoff. Without warning, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the door.

"Elias!" Adeline finally raised her voice, just as he began to pull her down the hallways. Everywhere they went, people bowed at the sight of him, a few stopped to gawk and stare. She wasn't surprised by this effect.

With Elias's dark hair and ruby eyes, he was an unforgettable sight. People would always be forced to take a second look.

"Where are you taking me—!" She yelped when he instantly grabbed the back of her legs and lifted her. Her eyes went wide, as she held onto his shoulder to prevent herself from falling.

Elias carried her bridal style. It was as if he was impatient with how slow she walked. But she was wearing heels and her legs were shorter than his. He should have some sympathy!

"C-can't we just have a normal discussion?" she blurted out, her voice going higher than usual. She was terrified of falling from his arms, especially since he was so tall. It would definitely hurt. 

"Elias," she groaned, hiding her face upon his shoulders when even more servants passed them. It was embarrassing for her to be seen like this. 

"If you're going to say my name, scream it at the top of your lungs," he scoffed.

Adeline felt like there was a second meaning to his words. She didn't even have time to respond. He pushed the doors open to an unexpected room. She thought he was taking her back to the bedroom to be locked up as punishment.

Viscount Marden would do that to her. He'd lock the doors and not give her food. To torture her more, he'd place it outside her door so that she could smell it. 

"I'll behave," Adeline blurted out. 

Her fingers tightened on his black button-up. It was silky under her touch, but she was scrunching the material. "P-please, Elias, I'll behave, don't lock me in here!"

Elias's rush came to an abrupt halt. What did she just say?

Realizing what she said, Adeline slapped a hand over her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut and hid her face into his shoulders again. She wished she could dig a hole and bury herself in it. 

"Repeat that," he demanded.

Adeline peered up at him. A composed voice, aloof manner of speech, and great physique, these were the powerful traits of someone who had lived his whole life with power. People were at his disposal. His entire lineage was marked with prestige. His bloodline was one of the oldest in this entire country.

Why did he care so much for her?

"Adeline," he said in a clipped tone. "Repeat. It."

Adeline shook her head. He opened his mouth to speak, but she pathetically clung to him. "I don't want to."

Elias clamped his mouth shut. Did she realize her position? Alone in his bedroom, desperately embracing him, did she truly not understand? She was shaking in his arms, her voice trembling with nervousness. She was stuttering again. It must've been out of habit whenever she was troubled.

"The Mardens did it?"

"Elias…" Adeline was surprised when he threw her upon something. Her eyes widened in horror to discover it was an enormous canopy bed, that was enough to fit an entire family. This was not her room.

Adeline's gaze expired the black and grey room. Sleek, minimalistic furniture, cold colors, this was everything that his personality represented. This was his room.


Elias flipped her around until her face was pressed into the bed. She instantly tried to sit up, but he placed a hand on her shoulder and shoved her down.

"Elias, w-wait, I'll tell you, I—"

"Lift your skirts."

Adeline's eyes widened. Her heart raced as she clenched her legs together, and attempted to spin around. Lying on her stomach, the mattress was soft. It was like sleeping on a cloud, but her heart was racing with uncertainty.

"L-let me explain—"

"I'll do it myself," Elias murmured.

Elias needed to see for it himself. Jean and Jenny had come to him earlier with fear and concern written all over her face. They spoke about the cuts and scabs behind the Princess's legs. 

Elias grabbed the edges of her long dress and gingerly pulled it up.

"No, Elias I don't want to sleep with you yet!" she shrieked.

Instantly, a silence fell over them.

Adeline's breath hitched when his fingers caressed the back of her legs. His touch was firm, yet soft at the same time. Her face flushed in response, her heart racing with uncertainty.

"Yet?" he finally said, in a hardened voice.

She expected amusement from his teasing. But he sounded furious.


"Who did this?" 

Adeline's heart dropped to her stomach. He was beyond furious. He barely kept his tone in control, but she heard it. His hand trembled on her legs. And she knew he had seen it.

The unhealed wound from last time's canning.

Instantly, Adeline sat up. This time, he allowed her to do so. She covered her legs with her long dress, an apprehensive look on her face.

"It's none of your concern," Adeline bluntly told him. 

Adeline pressed a hand to her chest when his face darkened. A storm cloud rolled over his indifferent features. In his dimly lit room, his eyes were flashing red with warning. His hands curled into fists, his jaw ticking in response.

Without warning, he grabbed her ankles. "Elias," she stressed. He yanked her forward by her ankle until she was directly underneath him. He pinned her down, his face turning thunderous.

"Who. Did. This. To. You?" he seethed.

Adeline had never seen this side of him. She had faced his anger before, but not to his extent. He was never violent with her. Patience was something he had plenty of. But today, he had none.

She had two options. To lie, or to not lie. To tell the truth or to not tell the truth. In a situation like this, what should she do? Protect her family or sell them out?


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