His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 215 - I'll Escort You Out

The next day, word of the Queen's awakening shuffled through the castle and capital. Everyone was glad to hear she was healthy and well, but no one understood the extent of her injuries. No one, except the King, the twins, and soon, Lydia, who had sauntered past the guards.

"Addy!" Lydia gushed, tears of joy filling her trembling eyes when she saw her best friend sitting in bed, breastfeeding one of the infants whereas the other was squirming in Elias's arms.

"Liddy," Adeline immediately greeted, lifting her head to reveal a soft smile. Her heart pricked at the sight of Lydia in pain.

"You're finally awake, I'm so happy! Oh god, I can't cry, my mascara is expensive!" Lydia cracked a joke, rushing forward to sit upon the bed and peer down. "Your breasts grew."

Elias's eyes instantly flickered towards Adeline. 

Adeline lightly laughed. That was the first thing Lydia said? She loved her friend's humor. "What are you talking about?" she mused, just as Adelia finished her meal.

"No, no, I'm serious, I think it went up a cup size," Lydia said whilst taking Adelia into her arms. She stared into the child's evergreen eyes, speckled with gold. A warm, fuzzy feeling lifted her chest. She let out a sigh, marveling at how beautiful the baby was.

"This is Adelia," Adeline said. "And that's Elios," she said pointing to the crib.

"A baby girl and boy?" Lydia asked, escalated by the news. She was already imagining all of the cute clothes she could buy! Children's clothes were just so adorable! She wished they looked good on adults as well.

"And their names are so cute! I see you stuck with tradition," Lydia added on, grinning down at Adelia who's expression was blank. Adelia stared up at Lydia with large eyes and did nothing, but just look.

Lydia made a funny face in hopes of getting a reaction, but to no avail. Adelia simply blinked her eyes and began to look for her mother.

"Adelia resembles her father," Lydia commented with a slight frown. 

Lydia was going to cry if Adelia grew up with the same personality as the King. What a shame it'd be if Adelia was as sadistic and sly.

"This is the only time I'm not displeased by your words," Elias muttered, shaking his head as he handed Elios to his wife who began to breastfeed the boy. He peered over Lydia's shoulder, and towards Adelia.

Instantly, Adelia reacted, moving her tiny arms upwards. Her expression changed, her lips parting in joy as she wriggled her cute little fingers. Elias smirked a bit and bent down, taking her into his arms to be burped. Adelia instantly rested her head upon his shoulders as he began to rub and pat her back.

"Well, now we know who's the favorite," Lydia scoffed, watching as Adelia burped, her arms seemingly wrapped around Elias's shoulder.

Elias ignored her as he softly bounced Adelia in his arms, hoping to have her fall asleep. 

"That reminds me!" Lydia said, turning to her friend. "I brought gifts!"

Lydia clapped her hands and the doors opened, to reveal her bodyguards with bags and boxes of gifts. Leading the pack was Asher, who wordlessly walked past the King.

Elias's eyes narrowed upon the bodyguard, watching intently as Asher and the other bodyguards placed the bags and boxes next to the bed. Then, they left, their eyes averted, and their mouths shut. Elias's eyes followed Asher the entire time, and the man didn't even react.

Adeline was too engrossed by Elios to even realize who had walked in. Only when Elios had stopped drinking, did she raise her head, but by then, half the bodyguards were already out the door.

"You shouldn't have," Adeline said with a soft sigh. "I still haven't opened all of your presents from the baby shower."

"Well, I got the necessities for the baby shower like diapers, the cribs being used in the nursery, the crib curtains, towels, bedding, and so on, but this time, I brought clothes! For both boys and girls, since I wasn't sure which gender, but I'm glad I made the decision for both!" Lydia babbled, reaching into the bags, just as there was another knock on the door.

Lydia lifted a silky rose headband out of the bag and showed it to Adeline. "See! Isn't it adorable?"

Adeline's eyes lit up. She reached a hand out and felt the material, smiling since it was perfect for Adelia. 

"Yes, it's wonderful…" Adeline breathed out, touched by Lydia's actions.

Adeline's voice trailed off when she saw who was standing at the door. Dorothy was being accompanied by a stoic Weston and hesitant Easton. She blinked in surprise.

"Dorothy," Adeline greeted as Elias spun around, a frosty expression on his face.

"Where were you?" Elias demanded in a harsh voice, his eyes narrowed into slits. 

Elias was informed by the twins last time that Dorothy was not in her tower. They had checked for the past three days, and she was still not in there. But now, she shows up out of the blue? It was suspicious.

"Where else would I be?" Dorothy murmured, walking into the room with an inconspicuous wooden box. 

Dorothy brushed past Elias, but he grabbed her wrists before she was able to put the box down.

"Give it to me," Elias stated in a rough voice. He refused to take any chances with his Grandmother, especially when he knew she didn't support their relationship. For all he knew, the box held explosives.

Dorothy scoffed. "You think I'd hurt the mother of my great-grandchildren?"

Adeline blinked as she glanced from Grandmother to Grandson. 

Elias had been extremely overprotective of her today. In the morning, she woke up to his gaze and eye bags, indicating he had watched her the whole night. Every move, every blink, he was beside her, offering all of his aid. When she said she was fine and he should work, he refused and remained hovering over her.

"Give it to me," Elias repeated, leaving no room for argument.

Dorothy let out a small sigh, shaking her head in disapproval. She opened the box, revealing a vial containing dark liquid. 

Dorothy looked at Elias. "Humans were never meant to breed with vampires. Especially little human girls with weak statures. This tonic should rejuvenate your wife," she said.

Adeline hugged Elios closer to her body when he squirmed a bit. She instantly realized he hadn't been burped, and began to help him do just that. 

The entire time, she couldn't look away from Elias's stormy expression. She couldn't help but wonder if she had ruined their relationship. Were they always like this?

Dorothy was Elias's last remaining relative. Perhaps her heart had softened with childbirth, but Adeline pitied Dorothy.

Adeline opened her mouth. "Let me see—" 

"Give me a sip," Elias said. He reached for the bottle and the lid was closed. It nearly jammed his fingers, and he nearly snapped his Grandmother's neck.

"Don't be greedy," Dorothy said. "This drink is intended for the Queen. I see you still lack trust in me."

Elias narrowed his eyes.

"The Queen would like to see it," Dorothy added on, approaching the bed but Elias stepped in front of her.

"It's poison, isn't it?" Elias seethed, his face cruel and cunning. He was prepared to kill his Grandmother right here and there. Anyone that dared to harm his wife will meet a fate worse than death. 

"I can drink it in front of you," Dorothy said. "This tonic is not meant for men."

"Then let me try it," Lydia offered, standing up. "I am a human girl."

"Evidently," Dorothy scoffed, turning to the Golden Rose. She had long abandoned the idea of having the Claymore Heiress wed the King. It was too late now, given the Queen's pregnancy and the heir she birthed.

"Give it a try then," Dorothy said, opening the lid, but Adeline instantly spoke up.

"No, Liddy, don't," Adeline said, frowning at how quickly her friend and husband were willing to get hurt for her. 

"Too late," Lydia responded, taking the vial out of the box. Before she could uncap it, a hand roughly grabbed her wrist. She glanced up to see it was Weston, whose face was dark and domineering.

"Don't be a fool," he hissed at her, snatching the vial from her hand. "You have a pharmaceutical company, get them to test the ingredients in here."

Lydia blinked. "That'd take too much time—"

"Seeing as neither of you trust me, I see my presence here is not appreciated," Dorothy coldly muttered, turning her back to the group. The one time she performed an act of kindness, and it was shut down. She began heading for the door but a hesitant voice stopped her.

"Wait," Adeline said. 

Dorothy glanced back as Adeline smiled. To Dorothy's surprise, the smile was warm and reached the Queen's shimmering gaze.

"Thank you for your kind thoughts," Adeline said. "I will drink it once it is safe. The journey back home must've been tough. Would you like to stay and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of tea?"


Dorothy stared at the Queen for a brief second. Not even her grandson anticipated the gentle words, granted by his widened eyes. Dorothy's frigid heart was touched, but only a bit. She glanced at her ungrateful grandson who was staring intently at his wife.

Truly, Dorothy had never seen a more obsessed husband. Not even her own husband treated her with this much love. It made Dorothy realize that as much as she was hating her grandson now, her granddaughter-in-law was innocent. The Queen was just a young girl.

"Your warm thoughts are all I need," Dorothy curtly said. 

"I'll escort you out, Grandmother," Elias finally said, after Adeline gave him a pointed look.

Dorothy looked in her grandson's direction. Wordlessly, she walked out of the door. Immediately, her grandson followed after her.


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