His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 203 - Purple Aliens

Everything happened so quickly. The doctors rushed in and began their work, first ensuring the babies were completely safe and healthy, then they rushed to the Queen. 

They tried to escort everyone out, but no one would budge. With no authority to rebuttal the King themselves, the doctors focused all of their efforts on the Queen. They stitched up the surprisingly clean cut as a few began hooking her up to machines that were wheeled in.

It was to no avail. The Queen's vitals were extremely low, and signs of her survival were growing dimmer by the second. It was clear that she would not be waking up any time soon.

"Your Majesty," one of the doctors said, his body visibly trembling, just like his hands. 

The doctor had never been in the presence of the King and never imagined him to be so intimidating. He shook in his shoes as he bowed his head in defeat.

"W-we did the best that we could, but—"

The doctor swallowed hard. "But the Queen is in a coma."

Lydia was horrified. She looked at Adeline in shock, her heart racing at the news. They had pulled her away, and she had been standing at the sidelines, holding one of the crying babies in her arms, whereas Weston was holding the other. 

"And when will she wake up, doctor?" Lydia asked, whilst softly rocking the baby in her arms, hoping to calm them down.

"WAHHH!" The babies shrieked, refusing to remain idle in their blankets, as they kicked and pushed, their cries louder than a thunderstorm. 

Elias was too shell shocked to even hold his own children, especially when he knew they were the cause of Adeline's coma.

"It could be weeks, months, or years. We're uncertain for now," the doctor responded. The atmosphere was thick and tense in the room, suffocating despite how large it was.

The doctors wondered if they should've written their will before coming here. They feared their days were numbered, and they'd discover themselves dead in a ditch somewhere.

"Get out."

Every pair of eyes snapped to Elias who had finally said a word in the entire thirty minutes since the doctors had arrived. His features were indifferent and desolate, making it difficult for everyone to predict his emotions.

"I said get out!" Elias roared, turning the closest nightstand over. It cracked on impact, the sound scaring the babies further. 

The babies cried louder, this time slapping at the people that held them. Lydia winced and tried to dodge her head, just as Weston remained calm, allowing the child to beat him in the face. But the sound of their cries only seemed to infuriate Elias, who lifted his head with a murderous expression.

"Those monsters," Elias snarled, his fangs showing in the heat of the moment.

Immediately, Easton rushed forward and began to escort the couple out. "Let's go, let's go," he demanded, worried the King would do something to his heirs.

Lydia didn't need to be told twice. She lowered her eyes, not wanting to further infuriate him. She hugged the baby close to her chest, even though they were supposed to have skin-to-skin contact with the parents. 

Weston and Lydia quickly left the room, accompanied by Easton and the doctors. Once the doors were shut, Easton turned to the doctors. 

"Come with me, doctors," Easton said with a friendly smile. In the distance, he saw Stella and Evelyn who already had the NDAs prepared. The castle hallways were filled with the nonstop shrieks of the babies, whose genders were yet to make themselves known. 

The doctors had been too focused on cutting the umbilical cords and taking the placenta to properly check, for they had a dying Queen to worry about. 

"Shh, it's okay," Lydia softly said, as she swayed her body a bit, in hopes of calming the child down.

"It's going to be alright," Weston murmured, quietly moving his body a bit whilst slightly moving the baby to soothe their lungs.

Unfortunately, their temperament was as horrible as their Father. They refused to listen and wailed even louder, even to shake the walls and cause the castle to collapse if they wanted to.

"Maybe it's hungry?" Easton suggested, coming back after handing the doctors off to Stella and Evelyn.

Easton peered at the baby in Weston's arms. "Wow… Why does it look like a purple alien?"

Easton's face scrunched up at the sight of them. They were pale and their skins a bit translucent. In his eyes, they looked like a soggy raisin. He never saw the appeal in children, especially babies, and witnessing the Queen's horrific birth, he wasn't sure if he wanted his future wife to get pregnant. 

"It does not look like a purple alien!" Weston hissed, turning his body so that Easton couldn't catch another glimpse.

The baby responded by screaming even louder, their cries unstoppable at this point. And because the first one was crying, the second one began to cry louder as well, until the hallways were filled with their shrieks.

Easton jumped when he heard furniture being crashed to the ground in the King's bedroom. Frightened, he turned to his brother and Lydia.

"Let's take the babies elsewhere," Easton offered, preferably on a different floor. 

The walk to the different floor was ominous, yet unbearable. The babies could not stop screaming their heads off. Their healthy lungs filled the castle, signaling everyone of their presence. Signing the NDAs was practically pointless if every maid and butler knew the babies were born.

"We have to keep them out of sight and out of mind for the King," Easton slowly said, testing the waters with his statement. 

A silence fell over the three. They glanced at each other, sharing the same, horrifying question. Was the King going to murder his children?

It was highly likely, given his reaction to the children. He had a venomous expression on his face when they had begun to cry. Everyone knew he blamed the babies for Adeline's downfall. With the children in sight, who knows what he'd do to them?

"We have to keep a watch over them," Weston concluded. He didn't know how he should react to the haunting revelation. But what could they do about it?

The King was wounded. The pain must've been too much for him to bear. He had just found the love of his life and lost her in the same year. She had given him children, but at what cost? 

"We'll take turns," Lydia offered, but Weston firmly shook his head.

"You have a company to look over," Weston said. "Easton and I will do it."

"I will?" Easton echoed, scratching the back of his head. He was horrible with babies. 

"You will." Weston glowered at his older brother. With how loud the babies cried, there was no way he could take care of both of them on his own.

"And what shall they eat?" Lydia asked, cringing at how loud the babies were crying. Her eardrums were going to be shattered at this point.

"Newborn formula," Weston responded. "At least, until we find a wetnurse. Most likely, we'll hire one soon."

"And the nursery?" Lydia asked. 

Weston frowned. "I don't think the King and Queen had one set up yet."

"It'll be done by today!" Easton chirped, hoping to brighten the mood a bit. He peered at the babies, by now, growing used to their crying, but it still made his ears bleed.

"Stella is making preparations as we speak. At least, we'd have the cribs, diapers, and toys ready," Easton informed them. 

"It all happened so quickly," Weston said to Lydia. "They didn't have time for preparations." 

Lydia slowly nodded. She hugged the baby close to her chest and glanced at the one in Weston's arms. She was lightly bouncing the baby still, hoping to calm them down but they refused to stop crying. She supposed feeding them might work, and then putting them down for a nap. But what if they cried the whole day away?

"They're so beautiful…" Lydia softly sighed, despite their demonic cries.

Lydia glanced behind her, wondering when the King would accept the twist of events. Will he ever accept the children, knowing they were the cause of Adeline's ruin? Her heart trembled at the thought of the King's aloof expression. When he looked at his own children, he had no emotion on his face. It was as if he completely lacked compassion and love.


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