His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 112 - God Father

The enormous doors towards the gardens opened. People instantly rose at the sight of the Princes and her magnificent gown. Everyone's eyes lingered upon her, unable to look away.

The Princess stepped upon the stone pavement where wisteria arches hung over them, blooming in white, purple, and pink. The flowers symbolized long-life and immortality, the petals softly falling upon the Princess.

Their future Queen was accompanied by the highly respected Duke Claymore. Everyone was stunned by the sight of them. People knew how reclusive and stern Duke Claymore was. He wouldn't take this position for just anyone in his life. It was then the people realized how well-connected their new Queen was.

"Is that the new Queen?"

"She's quite… normal. As expected of mere humans, there's nothing too extraordinary about them."

"What a wonderful dress, worn with such elegance and grace. As expected of a previous Princess."

Murmurs one after the other began. 

Human or not,  there was something so beautiful about her aloof expression. 

The Princess had the same build as any other human girl, with their frail shoulders and thin collarbone that looked like it could shatter any moment. Despite the cold, nonchalant expression, there was a warmth to her, as if she rarely smiled, but when she did, it was blinding.

"A human Queen, the first in a long time."

"Hopefully, she'll be as good as the previous human."

Adeline's gaze landed on Lydia, who was the sole bridesmaid, and the twins, dressed in stunning black. Even on their wedding day, Elias wore full black. His tall, intimidating presence should've tangled her nerves more, but the sight of his broad shoulders reassured her. 

"Having a human Queen is very favorable."

"She knows how to control her expressions, good good."

"Hmm, will she be turned?"

Adeline couldn't even concentrate on the gossip. She was so nervous that she had begun counting her steps. Left foot, right foot, right foot, no, left foot! Her eyes widened a bit, hoping no one saw the tiny mistake. 

Elias certainly did, his lips twitching to contain a smile. She was beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

The meddling voices of his people drowned out in the background, even though it grew louder at her presence. He was focused on her and only her. She carried a bouquet of light pink roses that he found even more entertaining.

He could practically hear inside of her head. She was likely counting the steps to him or deciding which foot to put first. He had seen the tiny mishap, but no one else did, for their expression hadn't changed.

"I won't tell you good luck, sweetheart, for you don't need it. You're doing excellent," Duke Claymore whispered to her as he stopped a few steps away from the platform that Elias stood on. 

It was time for Adeline to walk alone.

"Thank you, godfather [1]," Adeline warmly said. 

Adeline slipped her hand from his bent arm and met Elias's strong gaze. He was watching her every movement, his lips slightly parted as if mesmerized by her. His body was tense, taking in all of her actions. He could not look away from her. All this time, he had been watching her.

"I'd say you're beautiful, but you already know that, darling."

Adeline lightly laughed, her eyes crinkling a bit. Hearing his slight joke calmed her down a bit. "Shouldn't you be more emotional during a wedding?"

Elias snorted. "What did you expect?"

He bent closer to her, his lips brushing upon her ears. "There's nothing to cry about except the fact that this dress has too many zippers for me to go through."

Adeline's brows tugged together. She could hear the quiet gasp and murmurs of the people who had never seen him so intimate with a woman.

"You could've just lifted the skirts…" she mumbled back.

"Let's keep that passion for the bedroom," Lydia Claymore coughed from the aisle behind her friend. She was the only bridesmaid present, and for Elias, it was the twins, but that was all that they needed. 

Elias quirked his brow, stepping even closer to her. He knew exactly what she meant, but wanted to hear it in explicit detail. The thought of her pretty little mouth saying such dirty things… He could only laugh inside his head.

Just then, the officiant quietly cleared his throat.

"Welcome friends and family," the officiant smoothly began in a calm, collected voice like a grandfather reading a bedtime story. "Princes and Princesses," he added on.

"We're gathered here to celebrate the union of Her Benevolent Grace, Princess Adeline Mae Rose, and His Royal Majesty, His Highness Elias Hyne Luxton. This union is of a joyous and wonderful one, a lifetime of commitment and love."

The officiant opened his mouth to say more, but paused. The King threw him a warning glare, urging this ceremony to hurry and end. 

With each passing second, Elias could see she was tightly clenching the bouquet. Even with her white gloves, he knew her hands were growing pale.

Elias reached a hand out and grabbed one of hers, ignoring all the pressing gazes that wished to gossip but didn't dare to speak at a time like this. Sure enough, she tightly held onto him, his lips twisting into an arrogant yet reassuring smile.

"You may exchange your vows," the officiant proudly said.

Elias saw her eyes brighten up a bit. He nearly laughed. Did she prepare her vows? He didn't think she'd care this much about the unexpected wedding that took place so quickly. 

He squeezed her hand and stared into her emerald eyes, flickering like swaying leaves upon a warm breeze. 

"Let us live the rest of our eternities together, with the same passion and fervor as the month we've shared together," Elias uttered, stepping even closer to her until their chests grazed each other.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny velvet box, revealing a large ruby ring centered around a crown of diamonds with double bands of smaller crystals. There was another, larger, golden ring beside it with a circular crest of House Luxton, a crown embellished into the center, and a crossed sword. 

He slipped the ruby ring onto her finger, pressing a kiss upon her hand.

She glanced up at him, her lips parted out of shock before it blossomed into a large smile.

His tender vow made her tear up the first time in a while. She had never cried, but a single tear trickled down her face. She pretended it didn't happen. 

When she met his earnest gaze, for once, not filled with humor or teasing, she couldn't help but want to chuckle. 

Adeline took the other ring, meant for him. "Laughter is life's sweet creation. I promise to never stop laughing with you. Every laughter, every smile, every moment, good or bad, I will cherish it until the end of our eternities and beyond that," she promised.

She slipped the ring upon his finger, and when finished, he clasped his hands over hers. 

The officiant didn't even dare to say "speak now or forever hold your vows." He knew no one was actually foolish enough to deny the King of his Queen. 

"Do you, Your Majesty, King Elias Hyne Luxton, take Princess Adeline Mae Rose to be your lawfully wedded bride, to be respected in difficult times, cherished even in hardship, protected during calamities, and loved unconditionally?"

"I do," Elias mused. 

"And do you, Your Grace, Princess Adeline Mae Rose, take King Elias Hyne Luxton as your lawfully wedded husband, to support in every righteous situation, to celebrate success like it is your own, to mourn pain like it is your own, and to respect no matter the tremors?"

"I do." 

The officiator smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Elias clasped the back of his hand upon her head and kissed her deeply. His fingers wove into her hair, angling it into a passionate, feverous kiss.

Easton wolf-whistled, whereas Weston loudly coughed. Lydia laughed in amusement, her eyes crinkling. Who would've thought Adeline would be the first to get married—especially to a bold, cruel, and intimidating man like Elias.

She glanced at her best friend, smiling brightly at the sight of Adeline's faint blush and Elias's proud smile. They were a match she could've never imagined, but wholeheartedly supported.


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