His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 110 - A Personal Question

Adeline glanced at the empty seat where Quinston once sat. She overheard from the maids that he was sentenced to rot in prison, but somehow, was injured there with wounds that didn't seem like a normal beating. Needless to say, she had a suspicion of who was behind it.

"I don't understand why I have to be present," Lydia Claymore muttered under her breath, but everyone heard her loud and clear. She folded her arms across her chest and frowned.

One of the council seats was held by her Father. She knew that much, but didn't want to be present here anymore—especially with the way they treated her like livestock for breeding.

"I want nothing to do with anyone here," Lydia added on, throwing a displeased glance towards Dorothy who smiled at her disgruntled behavior.

"You must understand, Miss Claymore, that you're a vital part of the prophecy, whether the King cares about that or not," Dorothy explained. She glanced at Adeline who hadn't said a single word the entire time she was present.

Adeline sat with a sense of aloofness that made Dorothy frown. When others would view it as intellect, Dorothy wondered if the girl was a bit slow in the head. How could a woman sit idly by when her best friend would eventually covet the King?

"Adeline is also an important part of the prophecy," Lydia said with a scowl. 

Lydia wondered exactly what this older woman was thinking. What exactly was so special about her, that Dorothy couldn't let go?

"Seeing as everyone is gathered," Elias finally said in a smooth, authoritative voice, leaving no room for an argument. "We will begin the meeting."

Dorothy stared evidently at Quinston's empty seat, a pointed look upon her expression. "Let's begin the topic of the new council member."

"We can focus on that next time," Elias mused. With one hand, he gestured towards the frowning Lydia Claymore. She looked like she'd rather be anywhere else in this world, except for this room. With the aura of an heiress, she sat with a squared shoulder but an irritated expression.

"As you can tell from Miss Claymore's obvious displeasure in marrying me," Elias mused. "We can concur that Adeline Mae Rose will be the Queen of Wraith."

Adeline glanced at Dorothy who sat on the other end of the table. She saw the animosity in the older woman's gaze, noted her taut frown, and tightened her fist. Not everyone will like you. It was a normal thing.

When Dorothy noticed Adeline's stares, she glared at the younger woman. To her surprise, Adeline smiled. It infuriated Dorothy even more, her eyes sharpening on her.

"Do we agree?" Elias demanded, his face darkening. In an instant, his eyes went cold, sweeping over the room with too much authority.

Easton gulped and bowed his head. The presence of the King was undeniable. He could turn a wooden chair into a golden throne. 

It was difficult to meet him head-on, especially when his aura could kill a man on the spot. After the charade Easton said last time, he couldn't find it in himself to deny Adeline's position upon the throne—not after he had witnessed her take down those assassins with ease.

Quietly, he swallowed. The thought of her bloodstained legs, the stench of gunpowder from her, and the unfazed expression… without a doubt, she was a woman of many talents. Her cards had never been revealed, and he had severely underestimated her.

"I agree," Easton was the first to say, followed by Weston's. 

"You already know my answer, I agree," Weston muttered.

Charles, the prime minister glanced at the young lady. He took a long, good look at her. The Princess of Kastrem… The runaway, but a human. He smiled at the idea of this, his spectacle slightly sliding off his long nose. Having a human Queen would benefit them.

"I agree," Charles proudly stated. "Princess Adeline possesses a lovely lineage and the perfect aura."

"Hm, yes she's pleasing on the eye, but I wonder if she will provide an heir." Minerva leaned closer to the table, resting her chin upon a propped-up arm. She tilted her head and smiled, her fangs slightly revealed.

"Humans have always struggled to give birth to Half-Bloods, but it's practically unheard of for a human to healthy produce an heir with a Pure-Blood like His Majesty."

Adeline blinked. In the history books she read, there had only been one instance of this. "It's possible. It has happened before and the child lived a great life without any health complications."

Minerva raised an amused brow. She knew who Adeline was referring to. When the event happened, it was quite a scandal, considering they were the first of their kind to do such a thing.

"Ah yes, you're speaking about—"

"We're not here for a history discussion," Dorothy clipped. 

Dorothy pressed her lips together and glanced at Adeline, then Elias. In her eyes, these two were defying fate the same way their parents had done so. And they would walk down the same, ruinous path their parents took.

A Crown Prince marrying a lowly-ranked daughter of an Earl or Baron, Kaline and Addison's marriage was doomed from the beginning. A child nine months after their marriage… Only Heaven knew what truly happened between them.

Dorothy thought back to her son, the deceased King who was obsessed with his wife. He, too, was supposed to marry another woman, but in the end, chose Elias's mother. What a sticky background they had.

She held back a sigh.

"Seeing as I'm heavily outnumbered, I will remain neutral," Dorothy said. "I neither agree nor disagree with your statement, Your Majesty."

Minerva glanced at Dorothy. Seeing as Quinston's seat was empty, and he had shown discreet loyalty to Dorothy, only to be killed off… Minerva knew what this human girl meant to the King. She was not a foolish woman, nor did she dream of a position by his side.

The high society of vampires was already gossiping about this human girl. Some whispered about her runaway status as Princess, others discussed her lineage. The biggest flaw about her was that she was human, and they easily died off. 

"Will the Queen be turned?" Minerva finally asked. "To spend the rest of your eternities together?"

Adeline parted her lips. She wanted to be turned, but Elias didn't. "It would be more beneficial for the Empire if I kept my humanity."

Minerva blinked pleasantly. It seemed the Princess took her kind into consideration. It was a diplomatic move, one that she could support, even as a Vampire. 

Minerva prided herself on being more progressive than the older generation like Dorothy. She was able to see the little benefit of humans, even though the species could've been turned into servants and slaves.

"Then a century from now, the King will be alive, and so will I. There might be someone to replace you and take care of your children. Don't you think it's unfair to the future heirs, Princess?" Minerva asked.

Adeline simply smiled. "By the time I pass, my children will be adults. Every kid will eventually suffer the loss of their parents. It's inevitable."

"You don't mind being replaced, Princess?" Minerva asked. 

Adeline glanced at Elias. He was watching her the entire time. He wore a stony expression on his devastatingly handsome face. When she met his gaze, his face softened a bit and he winked. 

"There will be no replacements." Adeline widened her smile and returned her gaze to Minerva. "I'm certain His Majesty isn't greedy enough to hold onto the throne forever."

"Still, will you choose to selfishly abandon His Majesty?" Minerva softly asked, her face flashing with sympathy. "He has many centuries to come, all of which could be spent with you, but you greedily choose humanity over him."

Adeline was annoyed. It wasn't like she was reluctant to be turned into a vampire. However, she couldn't just toss that onto the table and show her disloyalty to him. 

"I'm sure His Majesty can speak for himself," Adeline coldly said.

Minerva blinked in surprise, slightly taken aback by the unexpected presence of the Princess. For a split second there, her gentle facade had melted. 

"Yes, but this was a personal question about your decision, Princess."

"When the inquiry benefits someone else, it is no longer a personal question."

Minerva raised a brow. Instead of being offended, she was slightly intrigued with the young Princess. It was wrong of Minerva to continue badgering the future Queen for answers. The Princess could've put Minerva in her place. Did she not want to, or did she not know how to?

When she looked at the Princess again, her expression was still welcoming and kind. It was almost as if she had not been displeased at all. Was this woman a pushover? Or was it all an act?

Minerva was impressed, albeit only a little. It had been a while since she had seen someone so skilled at hiding their true nature. Minerva could not read what was on the Princess's mind, nor could she gouge between truth and lie.

"I suppose I should've asked for His Majesty's input, Princess," Minerva stated.

Adeline slowly nodded. Suddenly, she felt someone clasp a hand over hers which rested on the table. She glanced at Elias, startled he would openly show affection like this.

"The future Queen is right. It is more beneficial for her to remain human. Do I seem like the type to weep over a dead wife after she had lived such a satisfying life?"

Adeline couldn't imagine him in tears, but she could imagine him sitting in a dark room, sipping wine by himself and melancholy glancing out the raining window. She didn't voice the thought, for it was foolish to think of such a thing. 

Minerva softly chuckled. "It is just as you said, Your Majesty."

"Then it has been decided," Elias said, his eyes sweeping over to Charles and Duke Claymore who had nodded in agreement for the decision.

"Adeline Mae Rose will forever be addressed as Her Benevolent Grace, the Queen of Wraith." 


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