His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 110 - That’s My Daughter

Chapter 110 - That’s My Daughter

In modern times, although the Longs were a prominent family, their wealth, power, and influence couldn’t compare to the Jins and the Lus. The Jin and the Lu families didn’t have deep roots compared to the other families who were already well-established for a long time. These two families were average people, out of high society’s radar, but just a few decades ago, they suddenly skyrocketed to the top as the leading business families in the country.

On the other hand, the Longs were already well-known for centuries. Then why the discrepancy in their current status in society? A big part of this was because the Longs were a proud, traditional family. They could trace their roots all the way back from ancient times when an ancestor was bestowed a noble title for meritorious deeds by the reigning Emperor of that period.

Since then, the Longs believed that they were aristocrats by birthright. They saw and held themselves on a higher status than regular people. Even when times had changed and aristocracy was no longer widely recognized, they still held onto this self-importance, resulting in them being stuck in a backward mentality that merchants or people who worked in trade were of lower status than aristocrats like them.

They were a piece of history who refused to move forward and adapt to the changing times.

It was only when Long Tengfei’s grandfather married an artisan’s daughter that the Long family started to shift into a business family. Long Tengfei’s grandmother had a flair for business from her experience of helping out in selling her father’s works.

She ignored the protests of the Long family members and opened a trading business under her husband’s name. Her father was an artisan, so her expertise was in trading traditional arts such as pottery, porcelain and silk. The business prospered under her leadership, effectively shutting up the rest of the Long relatives who disdained the idea of becoming a business family. In fact, it fueled their self-importance even more, especially when the growing wealth was distributed to the entire clan.

The business expanded to include calligraphy, painting and sculpture in the hands of Long Tengfei’s father. His father inherited his grandmother’s flair for business and diversified into other industries as well, such as textiles, land development, and food production and processing.

When Long Tengfei took over, he led the business into even greater heights by entering the shipping industry, successfully making it into the international stage. Under his leadership, the Longs stabilized their position as a wealthy and influential business family in the country.

However, most of the Long family members, especially the elders, still retained their self-important aristocratic mentality. They cared a lot about their face and on preserving the Long family’s noble name.

They disapproved of Long Tengfei’s decision to divorce the wife they arranged for him in order to marry a gold-digging, social-climbing model. They despised Wei Lan from the very beginning.

When the Young Miss Xiulan was born, they were determined to mould her into a perfect lady. Unfortunately, they discovered that this daughter took after her disgraceful mother, entering the scandalous world of showbiz and besmirching their family’s noble name again and again. They wanted to disown her, but Long Tengfei fiercely rejected their suggestion. They could only grumble to themselves, not daring to blatantly go against him, because he was the current head of both the family and the business.

Long family ancestral residence.

As the head of the main family, Long Tengfei and his family lived in the ancestral compound where the Longs lived for many generations since ancient times when they were still a recognized aristocratic clan.

It was very grand and traditional, like travelling back in time. The huge compound was very difficult to maintain. It was a challenge to upgrade the amenities to modern ones while still preserving its original ancient dignity. However, Long Tengfei didn’t mind the huge maintenance costs because the place was a legacy from his noble ancestors.

He lived at the master wing with his third wife. His eldest son from his first wife lived alone at the eastern wing. He originally planned for his daughter, Xiulan, to live in the western wing but she had other ideas, buying her own penthouse to live by herself.

As for his two illegitimate children from his former mistresses, he didn’t even attempt to take them in. The elders absolutely couldn’t accept any illegitimate children living in the ancestral residence.

Even so, Long Tengfei loved all his children. He was generous in financially supporting and providing them with the best education and opportunities. He might not be affectionate, but nobody could fault him for shirking his responsibilities as a father.

Inside the study, Long Tengfei was watching the late night news on a huge flat screen TV which looked odd among the antique decorations. His third wife, Yang Jiahui, served him hot Longjing tea [1].

His assistant, Cao Guang, was also in the room speaking on the phone with the elders. He was trying to appease them. The elders were complaining about the Young Miss Xiulan because she was once again involved in a scandalous incident earlier that day.

The elders were livid that she beat up others like a thug in front of thousands of people―very unladylike! What upset them the most was that she filed lawsuits against the girls she beat up, earning so much attention that her face and name were plastered all over the news. How embarrassing!

While his assistant was busy on the phone, Long Tengfei and Yang Jiahui watched a footage of his daughter Xiulan dodging the attacks of the masked Alarm Girls. She looked stunning in her white suit. Her nimble movements were impressive. When she started fighting back and beating the girls, Yang Jiahui couldn’t help but gasp.

"Was Xiulan that strong? How did she learn to fight like that?" she asked.

"I heard that she’s training in some sort of Russian martial arts after she completed her post-coma rehab. Looks like it’s effective." He nodded.

The next footage showed her kicking off her high-heeled shoe and accurately hitting the other girl unconscious. Long Tengfei laughed aloud, slapping his thighs in his excitement. "That’s my daughter!" His voice was filled with pride.

Yang Jiahui smiled. "Indeed, she is."

Finally, Cao Guang was done with the phone calls.

"Cao Guang, find out all the details about what happened to Xiulan today. Yi Mei already stopped giving me regular updates ever since Xiulan became financially independent, so I have no idea what’s happening to her anymore. It seems that she totally won over the old housekeeper’s loyalty. Also contact her lawyer and tell him to put all his firm’s resources into her lawsuit. Tell him he can use my name if he needs to."

"Right away, President."

"Also call Qiao Yu and ask him whether Xiulan can afford the fees. That lawyer is expensive. I know that Xiulan wants to be completely independent, but she’s just had her comeback. I doubt that she has earned that much yet, especially now that she refused to receive allowance from me. Just tell Qiao Yu that I’ll cover the fees and no need to tell my daughter."

"Understood, President."

Long Tengfei sipped his tea. "Hmph! These little girls dare attack my, Long Tengfei’s, daughter? Serves them right that Xiulan beat them up. That’s my daughter!"

His delighted laugh echoed through the ancient walls.



[1] Also known as "Dragon Well tea". It has a gentle and sweet taste. Interestingly, the tea leaves can be eaten after infusion. Its top varieties can be expensive.


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