His Devious Rule

Chapter 472 Endless

The one who she was there to question and confront was the Arrow Trucking company. Her mind was already flooded with another attack, she was dumbfounded at the scene.

Shawn Rivas wasn't just any man. A President of the conglomerate. He was kidnapped, yet he looked relaxed. He was kidnapped yet there was no one to get him out of the mess yet.

How could that be possible?

Anya blurted in confusion, "You are kidnapped?" Disbelief was apparent in her expression.

She was there to help Alvin solve the mess. She hadn't thought of standing at another illegal act. Yet, her instinctive thought of the situation was saving Shawn. That was her duty in Narnia and what she learned from Jason. She can't ignore the crime or the person's life in danger.

The eagerness on Shawn Rivas's handsome face turned blank. He looked behind Anya and was disappointed for not meeting his expectation, "Who are you?" He sounded annoyed by her arrival.

Anya: "..."

What's with his reaction?

Shouldn't he be asking her to save him from them?

Shouldn't he be glad that there was a group who could save him?

She ignored Shawn and glanced at the three men. One was trying to stop her by holding a knife at Shawn's neck and another two were finding a chance to attack her.

The three men had witnessed how Anya broke a man's face. So they didn't take her lightly. They tried to scare her, "Get back. Or else I will kill him."

Although there was a misunderstanding, Anya didn't take rash decisions and put Shawn's life in danger. So she tried to put the guards down with other men and give Shawn a chance to get away from the knife.

In a calming voice, she tried to persuade them, "There is a misunderstanding. We didn't come here to save President Rivas. I just wanted to have a word with President Rivas when I saw him enter this villa."

The three men looked at each other. It was hard to believe considering six tall burly men with her. They tried hard to believe her by recalling how confused she was. A man snarled at her, "Why the hell are you attacking us if you didn't know him?"

Anya was inarticulate. They attacked them first. Nevertheless, she realized Shawn was purposefully standing meek even when he had a chance to knock the man out or push the knife away from his neck to give her the chance.

'Were they tricking her?' Anya was confused again without grasping the situation.

Was there something dangerous in the room? Or is someone watching them from the dark?

Without knowing the whole situation, her theories and analysis were endless.

Shawn Rivas narrowed his eyes on Anya to read her reaction. He discerned that Anya told the truth. She must have followed him when they brought him inside the villa.

Hearing the men groaning outside, he looked at the fearless lady. "Why are you still here?" She should be saving her skin.

Anya furrowed at Shawn's nonchalance when she was worried about keeping him safe. Thus she snapped at him, "To save your a**." He looked like a brat in her eyes.

The three men were alerted instantly. However, Shawn looked at her frame in amusement before he shrugged, "Little Heart will be here soon. You can leave, I need some rest." He even waved her hand towards the exit.

Anya and the three men: "..."

Shawn Rivas didn't seem to have any intention of being saved. Anya couldn't leave and be at ease if she left him there. But how could she save the man who didn't want to be saved?

How could she save the man who didn't fear his kidnappers?

Do businessmen have weird personalities?please visit

'Argh,' Anya was frustrated by the man. But she was aware that she should mind her own business and ignore the illegal acts sometimes.

Gritting her teeth, Anya commanded the men outside, "Stop fighting. We are at the wrong place." She halfheartedly chose to leave and alert the appropriate people about Shawn Rivas's location.

The two groups of men: "..."

Then she turned to Shawn. Why should she waste their energy after taking so much risk? Since he was cool with the kidnap, she asked to know his opinion.

"Let's talk business. Have you heard of the gas explosion near an archeological site?" She flatly questioned without showing any emotions.

The three men were baffled by how easily they discarded their presence and started talking about business.

Shawn's brows faintly tightened, then his eyes widened a bit when he put all the broken pieces together. He deduced the reason behind her appearance. "You work for Skylark?!" He carelessly pointed at the men around them, "They are from Arrow Trucking."

Shawn is kidnapped by the Arrow Trucking company!?

The lady is from Skylark!?

The fight that had ceased resumed. Anya cursed Shawn under her breath and kicked the vase. She jumped over the sofa to attack the men who ran towards her.

Shawn saw the vase hit the man next to him. Taking the chance, he grabbed his hand, knocked out the knife, and dislocated his arm like breaking the toy. He instinctively stepped toward Anya to save her but she had wasted two men to the ground at ease.

Anya closed her eyes and breathed to stay calm. She should have ignored the man and focused on dealing with the Arrow Trucking Company. She didn't only waste time, her head started throbbing with all the developments. She walked out without bothering about the troublesome man.

Whereas Shawn Rivas shoved his hands into his pant pockets and followed her out. He silently grimaced when she grabbed the hair of a man and demanded, "Where is your boss?"

"Villa number 30." Shawn carelessly responded.

Anya straightened her back without understanding what Shawn wanted. He didn't want to be saved but caused a ruckus when she wanted to leave.

What was he up to now?

Will he use her to deal with the Arrow Trucking company?

Before she could decide how to react, her eyes caught the man who looked like a grim reaper from hell, striding towards them.

Unawarely she breathed a sigh of relief. She was irritated by these businessmen, their illegal acts, and their awful personalities. Thus as soon as Alvin neared, her expression softened, and jutted her lips.

Alvin couldn't believe Anya jumped into the fire without thinking. He had only let her go because she said she would find out the culprit and let him deal with the rest.

Why did she have to put herself in danger and play the cop?

He was itching to pull her cheek and chide her but melted seeing her pout and lift her hands to hug him. Pressing his lips on her forehead, he wrapped her in his embrace. He breathed in relief seeing her unscathed.

That's when he noticed Shawn Rivas was behind her. He had heard Shawn was missing when he tried to contact Rivas Industries from Narnia. Glancing at the groaning men, he deduced the Arrow Trucking company failed to play smart.

Shawn Rivas identified Alvin Matthews and deduced Anya to be the wife or girlfriend of the man. He was about to speak, but everyone heard hurried footsteps before the man announced, "CEO and his secretary escaped with his men."

Alvin didn't care, Shawn ignored the news while Anya looked daggers at Shawn for putting the drama and wasting her time.


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