His Devious Rule

Chapter 107 A Small Town Girl

At Johnson mansion,

The Sun had just risen from the horizon, warming the autumn air a bit. The colorful leaves of the autumn were floating in the air and landing smoothly on the pathway. A car suddenly sped fast on the path changing the direction of the wind. The leaves swirled and slowly settled bringing the calmness back.

'Thud.' The same calmness wasn't in the heart of the people who were in the mansion when they saw their master push the main door hard causing the maid to fall to the ground.

The maid bit her lip, clenching the cleaning cloth that was in her hand. She didn't dare to make any noise. She was cleaning the huge main wooden door and didn't hear the car stop. It was too late before she moved away and gave space.

'Didn't the master leave the mansion just now?'

'Why did he return so angrily?' The other servants kept their heads down, thinking to themselves. They didn't dare to move until their master vanished at the corner of the stairs.

Then four maids, who were nearby, ran up to the maid who was on the ground. "Lily, are you alright?"

"Ah… Your knees are bleeding."

"Let's not crowd here." Another maid hurried the other three and helped the injured one. They quickly left to the maid quarters in the basement of the mansion.

Other maids looked at each other in panic and quickened their movements to clean the mansion. Nobody dared to go upstairs to clean and soon the first floor was deserted.

For the past few days, their master was acting weirdly, shouting at everybody and smoking too much. They didn't want to offend him so they scurried away.

Upstairs in the study room, the air was filled with the smell of tobacco in just five minutes. Files and papers were still scattered everywhere. The ash in the crystal ashtray had a small heap.

A hoarse intimidating voice echoed seeing the room still in the same state, "Are all the servants dead?"

A man in his late thirties was clenching his teeth, trying to hide his quivering body in the black suit while standing by the door. He didn't even breathe, afraid that he might make any noise. A cold sweat rolled down his forehead yet he stood without the nerve to make any movements.

Fear flickered in his eyes, glancing at his master in the room. They only went out for five minutes, how could it be cleaned so quickly? He didn't dare to answer.

In the center of the study room, stood a man giving off cold, murderous air. He was in his late forties donning a perfectly tailored Armani business suit. His breathing was heavy and his face was dark as coal in fury, yet he was clutching his smoking pipe in his left hand and drew smoke.

They had just left the mansion with a plan to leave the country as soon as possible. Not only were they stopped by the cops at the main gate of his mansion, but he also got a message that his passport was frozen. From the resources, he got to know that all the security staff at the airports in the whole country were alerted to stop Harper Johson and contact the cops immediately.

No one from his links knows which team of officials is taking action against him. They weren't only swift, they seemed to have stronger power.

Harper could only think as Bernard was doing all these. Whose power could be higher than the president of the country?

He ordered his secretary, "Find out if Bernard Collins has a hand in this."

The secretary responded stiffly, "Yes Chairman," Then he went out of the door swiftly. He breathed first without closing the door. If he goes inside, he needs oxygen to breathe. He stood by the door and dialed one of the spies planted next to Bernard.

Bernard might be thinking he had removed all the spies but Harper had bought many people a long time ago. So if they remove one spy, they will have another.

The secretary who was shaking in the study room suddenly became cold and furious when he opened his lips, "What is going on? Is President Collins taking action against the Chairman? Why didn't you notify us before?" If the spy had notified them about the plan of detaining Harper in the country, they could have taken action immediately. Now they were too late.

[No, no… President Collins hadn't taken any actions against the Chairman. The President is busy with the upcoming National Day. The officers who are investigating are meeting at a dead end.] There was desperation and fear in the tone.

If any actions have to be taken against Harper, it has to pass through Bernard as this has become national treachery. How could Bernard not know? He questioned the spy, "Did you perhaps miss anything? Did anybody meet President Collins?"

[No. I am carefully keeping an eye on him.]

The secretary threatened the person to stay low before hanging up the call. Returning inside, he felt the air thicker with tobacco. His expression from authoritative to submissive changed in a split second. He pushed the door to close and uneasily reported, "Chairman, President Collins isn't taking any action on the case. He is busy with National day."

As soon as the secretary reported, Harper turned around and glared at the secretary. "Then who the f*ck is controlling the cops?"

Well, the secretary had no answer to it yet. So he meekly responded, "Our team is working on it."

Harper gritted his teeth. He had thought dealing with Anya Owen would be easy but he was facing failure after failure. Just when he thinks, he succeeded he was falling on his face.

His men failed to kidnap Anya Owen, then where did she vanish?

He assumed Bernard was hiding her but his team was desperately searching for her. To bring her out, Harper even blew up the matter of stolen information and Anya was a major suspect. With her absence for many days, the media entitled her as a most wanted criminal. It couldn't be cleared until she appears.

When he was busy with this, he got the news that his team lost control over his vacation ship. Now his men weren't able to contact the ship or trace its location. It was as though the large cruise ship vanished. So his men are out to find the ship. He desperately needs some information and videos that could help him control the whole government at his fingertips.

His eyes suddenly glinted. If not by air, he could leave by water. Once he entered the international waters, Narnia law and order couldn't control him.

"Who has the fastest yacht or speed boat in the country?" He has a yacht but he couldn't use it as it will be under the eyes of the cops.

The secretary quickly fished his Ipad from the blazer. Since they were in the cruise business field, they had most of the information about such details.

After a quick search, the secretary reported, "Chairman Johnson, Alvin Matthews, the second son of Chairman Matthews, is owning the world's second-fastest yacht Queen and the speed boat COOP. However, nobody knows where those are right now…" He hesitated to add, "Alvin Matthews whereabouts are impossible to find." He reported his intel.

However, Harper didn't focus on the last part. He was personally dialing Casper Matthews's number. Although Matthews and Johnsons never worked together, being big names in the country, they had numerous times met in business parties and conferences.

The mobile rang thrice before it was answered. If Harper is egoistic, Casper was also prideful. Despite knowing who the caller was, he stayed silent. Harper first composed his emotions before he spoke, "Chairman Matthews, I hope I am not disturbing you early in the morning." Being a businessman for years, Harper knew when to be arrogant and when to fake being friendly.

There was a beeping sound from the other end. Harper, who knew Casper was a health freak, could guess the latter was on a treadmill. Then a slightly breathy voice slowly came, "Chairman Johnson, I am sure you have a reason behind your call." Casper came to the point.

That's what Harper likes about Casper. If he had a daughter, he would have undoubtedly formed a business-marriage alliance between the two companies. That's right, marriages are a deal to them. Nevertheless, Harper had a son and Casper had two sons.

"Chairman Matthews, I would like to borrow or buy your Yacht Queen. State your conditions." He offered a deal.

The other end was oblivious of that yacht so there was silence for a few seconds. Casper doubted if Harper misdialed him, "Chairman Johnson, I have Yacht OKO." He was ready to sell that as it was old.

Harper frowned. He knows the yacht OKO. Although it was luxurious, it wasn't fit to travel far. "Chairman Matthews, I am speaking about the yacht your second son owns."

Harper could bet he heard Casper grit his teeth when he mentioned the second son. Why?

Well, Casper's pride was at stake, he wouldn't tell anybody that he and his second son fell out a long back due to a lady who is entitled as the most wanted criminal of Narnia.

Casper, who stays up to date about the business news and also unspoken news of it, directly asked, "Fleeing the country because of a mere girl?" He snickered. "Chairman Johnson, my son won't help you but laugh at you." He lied. Alvin won't help but destroy Harper.

Harper's face was already dark as coal. Casper Matthews just proved he was a smart businessman who stays on his toes. However, hearing that Casper's son will laugh at him, his fury was clocking up.

Casper Matthews continued without a long break, "Let's make a deal. You help me, I will help you out of this trouble or flee the country." He struck a deal without asking Harper's opinion.

Casper and Matthews don't mix themselves with illegal activities as it will affect their huge empire. So Harper was astonished to hear Casper. However, he didn't show his surprise or hope in his tone. He deadpanned, "What is it?"

"Eliminate Anya Owen," Casper Matthews stated as if killing an ant.

Well, Casper wasn't going to deal with Anya Owen directly because he knew his son too well. Alvin's enmity will cost him too much and the Matthews Industries suffer a great blow. Although Alvin couldn't bring him to bankruptcy, he was strong enough to shake the whole company.

Since the Matthews and Johnsons had no business dealing and Harper is already an enemy of Anya Owen, Casper Matthews chose the opportunity that knocked on his door. Harper was his scapegoat.

## Doesn't affect the coin value of the chapter. ##

Shout out to 3 top fans of the novel,

Speedboat COOP - Jessica_Cooper_9531

Yacht Queen - Queena_Jacobs

Yacht OKO - Chioma_Okoye_9544 (Oko means eye. Russian)

Don't forget to comment, review, vote, gift, and use coins to increase fan value. You might be the next reader to get the shoutout. Hehe.


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