His Dearest Wife

Chapter 621

Chapter 621

The annual Qinglong prize awarding Party of Chanyu group has officially started. The grand venue, which can accommodate more than 500 people, is the most anticipated Party of the year, with brilliant lights and stars.

Leng Yaochen, as the CEO of Zen feather, has a speech tonight.

A dark black suit sets off his tall and slender body. Because of his heart surgery, his complexion is not as healthy as before. His handsome face is slightly pale, but it does not damage his inherent noble temperament. On the contrary, it makes him look more lazy and mysterious like a vampire king in the West.

Leng Yaochen wore a gentleman's bow tie at his neckline. He looked self-contained, elegant and calm.

Standing in front of the stage, facing the empty seat of Nuo Da conference hall, his low and quiet male voice spread to the corners of the conference hall.

The calmness of his manner and the humor of his words make Leng Yaochen more brilliant than the stars.

On the seat, a large number of women are calling for him, which shows how popular Leng Yaochen is.

Lin Xi, sitting in the first row, was attracted by the calm man on the stage with beautiful eyes.

Before she knew it, she was fascinated by it. When she came back, she suddenly felt that the man's eyes were looking at her.

The heart beat suddenly fanatical rise, Lin Xi's urgent tightening eyes, delicate face, suffused with heat.

Two small hands nervously pinched, Lin Xi's breathing had been disordered, and her heart.

She didn't know what happened to her. Every time she saw Leng Yaochen these days, she felt nervous.

In fact, Lin Xi can't deceive himself. This kind of feeling is clearly exciting.

She was moved by Leng Yaochen. This discovery frightened her.

After Leng Yaochen finished his speech, there was a performance next. Xia Hanxue led several female stars to dance.

Xia Hanxue in order to get the headlines, but also under the full strength, wearing sexy and charming leather pants, the upper body fabric is also poor.

She worked hard on the top of a hook dance down, looking at Lin Xi's expression, showing a trace of malice.

She knew that Lin Xi was going to sing on stage later, so she added some ingredients to her drink.

She wants to make Lin Xi a mute and see how she will step down later.

After all, Lin Xi is still a newcomer. She is very serious and conscientious, but she can't prevent the conspiracy of some people.

When she drank the drink, she didn't feel uncomfortable. But after half an hour, she felt that her throat was very dry and painful, as if she had a bad cold. She was very angry.

When Lin Xi realized that her body was not right, she heard the host call her name with a smile on her face.

Lin Xi was frozen.

"Let's welcome our new man, Xiao Hualin, to come on stage and sing a song for you The host's eyes were full of invitation and encouragement.

Lin Xi's body seemed to be fixed. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. If he didn't go up, everyone's eyes and all the cameras turned towards her.

The party is live, and any mistakes will be magnified.

"Lin Xi Everyone is waiting! " The host saw that she was stiff and motionless, and immediately turned out with a smile: "Lin Xi is a new person of Zen Yu. Maybe it's her first time on the stage. She's a little shy. Please give her a round of applause to encourage her to come up."

All of a sudden, the whole banquet hall rang out like a wave of applause, Xia Hanxue clapped very hard, a pair of eyes also hooked vicious smile, just want to see how Lin Xi to step down.

Leng Yaochen is also looking forward to her performance. He knows that Lin Xi's singing skills are good. After a period of professional training, he believes that it will bring you a refreshing feeling.

"Lin Xi, why don't you go up? Everyone is waiting. " Next to a male star, also feel anxious for her up, urged her.

Lin Xi was forced to stand up, nervous and afraid, and stepped on the stage.

Then, the music started, and the atmosphere and lights gathered on her.

Facing the attention of more than 500 pairs of eyes on the stage, Lin xijue's own body had to be seen hundreds of holes by them.

She swallowed her saliva in pain. The burning sensation made it difficult for her to make a sound.

The music had already flowed to the time when she sent out the first word. Lin Xi tried to bear the pain and try to make her voice normal.


As soon as Lin Xi said two words, he realized that his voice was not his own.

The scene was in an uproar!

Lin Xi was holding the microphone anxiously. Her beautiful eyes flickered helplessly and fearlessly. The next second, she had to apologize to everyone: "I I have a sore throat. I'm sorry... "

She said these words, are very hard, she can only be embarrassed to turn around, the microphone to the host, panic and flee.Xia Hanxue succeeds in her treacherous scheme and looks very proud.

Just now, Lin Xi's embarrassment was all written on her face. The feeling of being suspected, examined and despised is not easy.

After escaping from the stage, Lin Xi ran all the way to the gate.

She didn't know why she wanted to escape, so she felt that the stage was like her hell, which scared her.

"Young master..." Wei Nan, sitting beside Leng Yaochen, saw that Leng Yaochen suddenly stood up and ran after Lin Xi. He cried out.

Cold Yao Chen but ice facial expression, strode of pursued to go out.

Lin Xi ran out of the distance at one go. She pinched her throat in pain and felt that her vocal cords were going to waste.

What's going on?

Did someone intentionally give her something that broke her vocal cords?

That drink

Lin Xi already knew where the problem was, but it was too late.

Lin Xi's tears fell down. Suddenly, she saw a big body behind her walking towards her.

"Mr. Leng..." Lin Xi's voice was hoarse, and he saw that Leng Yaochen's face was pale. He covered his chest with one hand, as if it was difficult to breathe. Lin Xi's eyes widened.

"Mr. Leng, what's the matter with you? You look so pale Lin Xi labored to make a sound and turned quickly.

Leng Yaochen frowned, his voice was a little annoyed: "you are so thin and weak, you can run very fast."

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment. A pretty face immediately turned red. She apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, did I lose your face?"

"What's wrong with your voice? What's wrong with it." Listening to her dry dumb voice, Leng Yaochen felt uncomfortable all over.

Lin Xi's eyes were red: "I don't know. I've had a drink, and that's what happened!"


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