His Dearest Wife

Chapter 612

Chapter 612

Traffic flow on the road, at the moment a mobile phone constantly flashing light, suddenly, a passing car, run over from the mobile phone, the mobile phone in the flash after a few sparks, return to silence.

Leng Yaochen half squints cold Mou, this woman unexpectedly even his telephone all did not answer, should not also like Lin missing that, to Feng Yu a see needle affection.

Leng Yaochen is walking back and forth in the office. He doesn't know what kind of psychology he wants to call Lin Xi.

Maybe he just wants to know what's going on as soon as possible, or I'm worried about something else.

Cold Yao Chen Yin wears facial expression, dialed the telephone to accompany Lin Xi to attend the banquet that man together.

As soon as the man saw his call, he immediately shivered and found a quiet place to answer the phone.

"Mr. Leng, I took the forest mat to Fengyu as you ordered." The man hastened to show his loyalty.

"Is Lindsey with you?" Leng Yaochen asked in a cool voice.

The man looked left and right, then said in a low voice: "no, just now the assistant of general manager Feng went to say something to her, and Miss Lin left."

"Left?" Leng Yaochen was slightly surprised. What did Jin Lin tell her to leave.

"Yes, Mr. Leng, I don't know what assistant Lin said to her, but it seems that Miss Lin is a little embarrassed. Someone mistook her for Feng's grandmother just now. I don't know if she left because of this." The man didn't know the purpose of Leng Yaochen. He only thought that Lin Xi left because he was embarrassed.

"I see!" Leng Yaochen hung up his mobile phone and pressed the landline: "locate Lin Xi's mobile phone for me right away."

After a while, Wei Nan pushed the door in and said solemnly, "young master, Lin Xi's mobile phone has been located, right at the gate of the hotel."

"Come with me!" Leng Yaochen took his coat and walked out of the office with a cold face.

In fact, Leng Yaochen has always felt that Lin Xi is not such a obedient woman. She dares to leave the party and not answer her phone. She is so brave.

A black elegant car was parked at the gate of the hotel. Wei Nan was sitting in the car, controlling the positioning system. He said strangely: "young master, Lin Xi's mobile phone is clearly there But I didn't see her

"Go down and have a look!" Leng Yaochen looks out of the window and orders.

Wei Nan walked over and saw the mobile phone being crushed on the road. He was shocked and immediately returned to the car and said, "young master, Lin Xi's mobile phone was crushed by the car on the road."

"How did her cell phone fall on the side of the road?" Cold Yao Chen's facial expression person's one shock, obviously didn't expect to be such result.

Wei Nan was also blindfolded: "I don't know if Miss Lin is in any danger. In a hurry, she threw her cell phone on the road."

Leng Yaochen's expression suddenly became dignified. He looked up at the monitoring equipment at the gate of the hotel and immediately ordered in a deep voice: "find out the monitor above for me."

Weinan made a phone call to go out. In a short time, the hotel's monitoring system was hacked.

A group of monitoring images are transmitted to the iPad in Weinan's hand.

Wei Nan exclaimed: "is Lin Xi kidnapped?"

Leng Yaochen's heart seemed to be seized by someone. A stab of pain crossed his handsome face.

He took a deep breath, and then suppressed the disorder in his heart. He said angrily, "check it for me right away. Who tied her away?"

Wei Nan suggested: "young master, let's call the police. Maybe someone wanted money to take Lin Xi away. After all, Lin Xi is a little famous now, or maybe she's a fan..."

"I can't call the police. What if I get angry and tear her up?" Leng Yaochen didn't support calling the police because he was concerned about the safety of Lin Xi.

"Yes, I'll start everyone to look for the car now!" Wei Nan found that Leng Yaochen's mood was out of control. He was surprised. He always thought Leng Yaochen had no feelings for Lin Xi, but now it seems that his cognition is wrong.

Leng Yaochen's big palm was pinching tightly, and his finger joints were rattling.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the black night. What he saw in his mind was that Lin Xi was squatting in the small room of the club that day with tears streaming down his face.

At that time, she was like a fragile porcelain doll, gently pinch, it will be broken.

This night, Leng Yaochen didn't close his eyes. He sat in the office restlessly until dawn, and didn't get any useful news.

After Feng Yu tied up Lin Xi, he just locked her in a room and did nothing to her.

After the party, he went back to the hospital to accompany his little wife.

When he went back, the light in the ward dimmed, indicating that his little woman had fallen asleep. Feng Yu lightened her steps, and all her movements became more careful.When he took a bath and planned to kiss the forehead of the woman in bed, he woke Lin up.

Miss Lin rubbed her bleary eyes and looked at the man's enlarged handsome face. Her beautiful eyes blinked.

"Feng Yu, when did you come back?" Miss Lin shouts and asks.

"Just back!" Feng Yu replied softly.

Lin took his mobile phone and looked at the time: "it's 12 o'clock. Go to bed quickly."

"I'm ready to go to bed. You don't feel well tonight." Feng Yu asked with concern.

Miss Lin shook his head: "no, everything is fine. Your grandfather came to dinner."

"Yes? Did he say anything else? " Feng Yu picked up her little hand and played with it.

Lin Xiangxiang chuckled: "your grandfather said that he would give me a reward and that he would give me 6% of the company's equity."

"Oh, that's good. Six percent of the shares are worth about five billion. You're a little rich woman." After hearing this, Feng Yu was happy for her.

Lin Xiangxiang exclaimed: "no, there are so many. I still won't take them. It seems that I'm greedy."

"Why don't you take it? My grandfather gave it to you. You take it." Feng Yu said with a soft smile.

"If I don't take it, will your grandfather be upset?" Miss Lin is surprised and happy. She can't spend so much money in her life.

"Yes, my grandfather always has a clear distinction between public and private. He doesn't like others to disobey anything he does." Feng Yu's serious nonsense.

Lin sighed, but his mouth raised: "in this case, I will accept his kindness."

"Well, you deserve it. You're a great credit to the family." Feng Yu lowered his head, put his forehead on her cerebellum, and said with a gentle smile.


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