His Dearest Wife

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

On the second floor of an ordinary small hospital, Chi minlan sat down on a chair and said, "I came here just for one thing. When I gave birth in your hospital, although you were not the attending doctor and you were just a nurse at that time, you were the one who cleaned the child's body. Do you remember any marks on my child?"

The head nurse looked at her in surprise. In fact, when Chi minlan entered the delivery room, she was still very impressed.

Because, too many puerpera do not pay much attention to their image, but Chi minlan is still very beautiful, take care of themselves clean, the fabric of the clothes is also very high-end good-looking.

But it's a pity that she came alone, and she didn't even have a family around her, which made it difficult for the nurses. In private, many people doubted whether she was someone else's lover. Only when she couldn't see the light, would she sneak into such a small place to have a baby.

Originally, the process was very successful. Just after the child was taken out, Chi minlan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly had bleeding symptoms, which scared the doctors and nurses at that time. Originally, there were not enough hands, so the nurses and doctors were called in to help stop bleeding and perform operations.

At that time, the child fell asleep and was sent back to the ward. When they stopped the blood for the puerpera and went back to the ward, the child was gone!

Chi minlan a listen, on the spot gas halo in the operating table.

"Madam, you really embarrassed me. How can I remember such a long time ago?" The head nurse was silly. She had other things to say, but she was too old to remember such things. It was really hard for her to think clearly.

"You are the only nurse who has seen my child's body. When you cleaned her, don't you really remember the marks on her body? Please, think about it again. I really want to find her Chi minlan's eyes are red, and she starts to wipe her tears with a paper towel.

The head nurse, who was also a mother, had red eyes and sighed: "madam, I really sympathized with your experience. In fact, I was very impressed with you at that time. You looked really beautiful when you were young, just like a star. Your skin was white and clean, and your facial features were very delicate. At that time, I thought, your child must be very beautiful, so when your child was born, I took it to wash it I really went to see the child carefully

"Really? Do you have any memory of my child's birthmark? " Chi minlan a listen, immediately surprised up, incomparably looking forward to said.

After the head nurse fell into the deep memory, he nodded: "I don't know whether it's the left shoulder or the right shoulder. There is a long and thin trace like a flying dragon. The color is very deep, but I don't know whether it's the birthmark or the trace caused when the head nurse pulled it out with forceps."

"Really? Are you sure there's a mark on her shoulder? " After Chi minlan got the news, the whole person was much brighter.

"Yes, I remember that very clearly, but it's not a birthmark, so I can't guarantee it." The head nurse shook her head.

"Do you remember the left shoulder or the right?" Chi minlan hopes to get more accurate information.

"Well I really can't remember, but it must be in the direction behind my shoulders. " The head nurse carefully aimed at Chi minlan's face and said.

Although the news is not very reliable, it sets up a flag for Chi minlan's blank heart and gives her a new direction to look for.

Miss Lin went downstairs on time after work, but when she was about to enter the stairs, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

She looked down and panicked.

It's Leng Yaochen. Did he come to her again?

Half of Zen feather international is his. Last time I heard Feng Yu mention that Leng Yaochen was dealing with many of Zen feather's daily affairs.

Now, Leng Yaochen has become her boss for no reason. If she doesn't answer the phone, will she be rude?

Between hesitation, Miss Lin simply answered.

She wants to see what absurd things Leng Yaochen wants to say to her.

"Come to my office! Now When Leng Yaochen heard that the phone had been answered, he did not wait for her to say anything, so he sent down a cold command.

"Why?" Lin asked strangely.

"It's about work!" Leng Yaochen seems to be afraid that she will not come, but also deliberately threw a word out.

When the phone was hung up, Lin was stunned. What about work? Is she not doing well recently? Is the boss going to invite her to the office?

Originally thought, if Leng Yaochen said those inexplicable words, she can be very angry refused to meet.

But he said that what he wanted to talk about was work. Alas, as a member of his staff, if she didn't go to see him, it would be a blatant provocation to his authority as the boss.

Lin stretched out a finger and pressed the elevator.

She has been working in Chanyu for some days. Of course, Leng Yaochen knows how to get to her office.

In fact, she knew that Leng Yaochen would come to Chanyu almost every few days to deal with his affairs.

But because she has been hiding in the small office of the design department, and rarely goes out to walk, naturally she has not met Leng Yaochen.Unless, like today, he deliberately calls to ask to meet, Lin Xiangxiang has to see him.

Lin Xiangxiang is worried about whether he will be gossiped when he goes to see Leng Yaochen.

After all, most of Zen Yu's work is done by women, who are the most gossipy and like to exaggerate.

Fortunately, when she went to the door of Leng Yaochen's office, several assistants under him had already left work, and the position was empty.

She had to knock on the door. The door was opened from the inside. It was very powerful.

Miss Lin was startled, the next moment, she was the whole man to ruthlessly pulled in.

"Ah..." This is definitely not the painting style of meeting the boss. Moreover, Leng Yaochen talks to her about business affairs. How can she be so violent?

More violent still below, she was pulled in, legs are not on the ground, the whole like a chicken like he picked up, heavily recommended on the door wall, the man's fingers, heavily pinched in her slender neck.

"Well What are you doing Miss Lin is scared of the soul is gone, a pair of beautiful eyes stare big, feel the moment of cold Yaochen, terrible to the extreme, his small life will be lost in his hands.

Can also be just a second, he let go, she fell mercilessly, but did not fall very heavy, because the man and conscience turned around, her fast falling body to stop.

After cold Yao Chen's expressionless stare at her, he turns around and goes to the sofa in the middle of his big office.

Lin Xiangxiang's face was already pale and colorless when she experienced the shock between life and death. When she saw that Leng Yaochen's attitude recovered as if nothing had happened in the next second, she was immediately annoyed.

"Leng Yaochen, what are you mad about today? Were you just going to kill me? " Miss Lin panted over and asked him angrily.

"Yes Cold Yao Chen is holding a magic cube in the hand, is playing carelessly, the vision raises, coldly stares at her to answer.

Miss Lin was even more angry and trembled all over: "you tell me clearly, where did I offend you? Why do you want to kill me? "

Leng Yaochen's eyes went all the way down from her face, and finally fixed his eyes on her smooth abdomen. His voice was as cold as ice: "are you pregnant?"

Lin missed a fright, subconsciously cover his stomach, don't want to let him so dead stare.

"What does it have to do with you?" Lin's missing voice suddenly became weaker. Maybe it was because she was not in good spirits.

Leng Yaochen threw Mo Fang on the table, and his tone became heavy: "what do you think it has to do with me? Miss Lin, is it cool to play with me and make you feel very successful? "

Lin Xiangxiang saw him stand up, and his whole body was stiff. His beautiful eyes couldn't help but widened and said, "what did you say? Who played with you? I'm not. "

"Dare you say you don't?" Leng Yaochen pressed forward step by step with a sarcastic voice.

Lin Xiangxiang has a headache. She knows that Leng Yaochen will move out again. She asked him to help her divorce not long ago.

"Leng Yaochen, people change. That's right. When I first got married, I really wanted to divorce Feng Yu, but now I've changed. I find that Feng Yu is not a bad person with big evils. On the contrary, he is very kind and takes care of me. This feeling is something I've never experienced before. Some people care about him and others love me! Leng Yaochen, you must have had this kind of taste, haven't you? " Miss Lin was a little excited. When she turned around, the man stood less than 30 cm away from her. She was startled and ran away.

"I didn't pay it!" Leng Yaochen's face can't be described as hard. It's just the haze and chill before the storm.

Lin missed a pair of beautiful eyes in his face swept, trembling said: "you don't cheat me, that called Xia Hanxue female star, is not very close to you? You must have deep feelings, too. "

"If you really want to know what I have to do with her, you can ask me freely, and you don't need to believe those rumors." Leng Yaochen sneered.

Miss Lin quickly corrected his face: "I didn't believe it. I heard Xia Hanxue say it herself. She said it had a different relationship with you."

Leng Yaochen's eyes were burning at her seemingly unconcerned face. Her eyes were a little deep. I don't know if he was really afraid of her misunderstanding. He said the secret he didn't say: "she's my father's illegitimate daughter."

"What?" Although Lin Xiangxiang has made psychological preparation, she thinks that Leng Yaochen will come back like other men's routine, but this result still makes her surprised: "no, your father has an illegitimate daughter?"

Leng Yaochen sneered at himself: "Feng Yu's father doesn't want to marry her. My father has an illegitimate daughter. What's so strange."

Isn't it strange that Miss Lin is almost stunned by his words?

Why, as children, should they finally accept these cruel facts?

"Xia Hanxue must not have told you that she has been threatening me. If I don't give her resources, she will go to Lengjia, embarrass my father and make the whole Lengjia a big joke." Cold Yao Chen says sarcastically again.Miss Lin trembles all over, and Xia Hanxue's lovely face floats in her mind. It's hard to imagine that Leng Yaochen should have a brother sister relationship with her. Moreover, she can even threaten Leng Yaochen. No wonder it's said that she has a strong background. She wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. Young people can play like this. I'm afraid that in a few years, no one can play with her.

"Sorry, I always thought you were in a relationship with her." Lin Xiangxiang was embarrassed by the misunderstanding he said.

Leng Yaochen's eyes were fixed on her. Seeing that she wanted to explain something, she said coldly, "if you still suspect that I have an affair with other women in the future, you can directly ask me instead of guessing."

"I I'm not so boring! " Lin missed a choke, suddenly feel the conversation and ambiguous up, heart chaos.


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