Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 99 The City Hidden In The Valleys

"So now, we are going to the Henson family residence? And what is that aura around you?" Emma asked while clearly feeling the aura surrounding Zack.

The latter hadn't told her about his visit to the temple so before leaving, he told her everything from the start.

"So that means that once I go through the trial too, I would be summoned as well?" Emma asked while taking out her golden bow.

Her weapon was of the same grade as Zack's sword. If Joshua managed to recognize her weapon as well, Emma would also end up with the hero job class.

"Now, the Henson family can't do anything to us since no one wants the temple to be their enemy. After all, the goddess of light's true followers are not to be taken lightly."

"We can talk about that later. Let's go complete this thing first." Emma was getting bored with idle talks that were useless to her for the time being.

"This time, we will be traveling with Icarus. I don't care where those kidnappers took Pearl but we are not wasting any more time on this."

Daedalus had still not come back from whatever important thing he had gone to do. According to Icarus, the thing was important for both the eagles and that Daedalus would probably return after a few days.

The duo then went outside the guild before climbing on top of Icarus. The eagle immediately shot towards the southern side of the continent.

After the attack of the ruler of the forest of Arnia, the Henson family had moved their residence away from the southern side.

Instead, Hethburn had been built on the city of the old duke. Now, Hark was the one ruling the entire southern side despite the ruler.

'I wonder why I didn't get to know this in my previous life. Well, I never met the king like I did this time so maybe that's the reason." Zack then looked below to see that they were soon about to reach the Henson family residence.

Their new mansion was situated far away from the coast. It was surrounded by mountains and valleys while being built on a plain area from where the mountains started.

All in all, the place was cut off from the rest of society.

'Icarus, it's better that me and Emma travel the rest of the distance on foot. They might have a protection barrier around their house and taking a powerful beast like you is not a good idea.'

The eagle gently glided downwards before setting down at the base of another mountain. After patting Icarus's head, Emma jumped off his back and landed on the ground.

Zack did the same thing before the duo started walking towards the Henson mansion.

"What if they attack us on sight?" Emma casually asked while walking as Zack shook his head.

"If that happens, then we are going to either attack them depending on their level or we will run away."


It took them around fifteen minutes to reach the Henson mansion but when they did reach it, a shocking sight awaited them.

[ Didn't all the information we gathered say that the mansion was standing alone at the base of Hima mountain? ] Emma asked with a baffled look as the duo eyed the sight in front of them.

[ That's what every single information broker we consulted told us. ]

[ They why is a full-fledged city there in front of us? ]

In front of Zack and Emma were tons of buildings and houses, half of them lit as the night was slowly approaching.

Even more than that, the entire city was covered by a semi-circle wall. There was a giant gate in the middle of the wall that allowed people to enter or exit the city.

Zack took out a normal dagger from his inventory and aimed at the wall before throwing it. The dagger easily flew forward and clattered against the wall before falling to the ground.

[ I don't think there is a barrier here. We can directly go inside without going through the guards. ]

[ Zack, can you jump over 45 feet wall or climb it without getting noticed? ] Emma asked with a calm expression as Zack's hands went towards her knees.

He lifted her off her feet and was now carrying her in princess style.

[ Don't make any sound. ]

Before Emma could protest, the black-haired boy shot forward and activated 'Swift lightning'.

As lightning appeared around his legs, Zack immediately jumped upwards and managed to get on top of the wall.

Now, he and Emma were standing on top of the wall as he put her down. The duo then crouched down lest anyone sees them.

[ You could have at least given me a warning. ] Emma's black eyes glared at Zack in the darkness as the latter smiled.

Now that night had arrived, their job of entering the city was going to be a whole lot easier.

[ You liked me carrying you, didn't you? ] Zack asked back, hoping to startle Emma. But she was not someone who couldn't come up with a comeback.

[ Looks like you just surfaced your inner thoughts. After all, who wouldn't want to carry a beauty like me, especially in that… compromising position~ ] Emma then gave Zack a teasing smile.

The black-haired boy could only sigh before seeing that the cooldown for the skill was finally over.

[ So, will you allow me to carry a beauty like you once again? ]

[ Sure. ]

After picking up Emma again, Zack activated the skill and jumped down the wall. He had jumped in such a way that they would end up an alley. After all, landing in the middle of a place with people was not a good idea.

[ Should we go visit the Henson family now only? ]

[ Better to strike when someone least expects it. If we are lucky, they would ask us to stay with them and we would be able to do some research later on. ]

After finalizing on the plan, Zack and Emma moved towards the mansion to find the clue.


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