Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 55 Early Access To Gaming Pods

"Um, maybe you should go sleep now?" Zack asked as the two of them pulled apart from each other with small smiles.

"I will. Good night big brother." She replied and scratched her head a little before turning around and walking up to her bed.

Zack closed her door from the outside before going back to his room and crashing on the bed. There was no way that he was going to sleep then.

He was very tempted to go ahead and meet up with Emma but the pink-haired woman might have fallen asleep too.

The black-haired boy decided that he was going to check the extra features of the VR glasses. You could apparently use it to watch anime too and even act like the characters.

And Zack knew firsthand how awesome it was to get your early teenage years dream fulfilled.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try." He muttered and wore the glasses before using the watch to shift the VR glasses to anime mode.

He was going to the anime where shouting equaled to powering up to no limits.


Emma woke up on the hospital bed as she soon removed the VR glasses. The first thing that she did after that was to check the time on the watch around her wrist.

"Damn it's 4 am..." The pink-haired woman muttered with a sigh before she stood up and stretched her body a little.

Even though she felt completed refreshed, it was still quite late for her.

'Zack is probably planning to sleep after seeing the time. Guess I don't have anything else to do except sleep too.' The pink-haired woman then walked up to the bed and laid down again.

Even though she was wearing jeans and a top, Emma was used to sleeping in such clothes most of the time.

During the earlier days of the orphanage, Emma had also asked Charlotte to go ahead and use the money they had for the younger children's education.

She on the other hand had made money by working multiple part-time jobs but because of them, she didn't have the time to focus on her studies.

But once she had turned 17, she had started playing games where she could make money online.

And now, she had enough money to buy the organization which had threatened her orphanage.

'Sleep dammit. I'll keep on thinking otherwise.' Emma chided herself before she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

And five minutes later, she was sleeping peacefully and suddenly entered a weird dream.

'Where am I?'

She was standing on the top of a hill while overlooking the beautiful scenery below her. She blinked at this scene in confusion since it looked too real.

But when she turned around, she saw a person standing beside her but his face appeared hidden to her for some reason.

She rubbed her eyes once but still couldn't see his face.

"Something got into your eyes?" The voice of the man sounded extremely familiar but the pink-haired woman couldn't pinpoint it.

"Do I know you?" She asked in a confused tone as she heard the man chuckle.

"Looks like obtaining your beloved bow again made you too happy. Still, that joke is getting quite old." the man replied as Emma felt confused again.

It looked as though the man could see the confused expression on her face and pointed beside her.

The pink-haired woman turned her head towards the left and in front of her was Khryselakatos, the bow she had gotten in the room inside the guild.

She raised her right hand towards the bow as though she was mesmerized by it.

The moment her fingers touched the bow, an electric current traveled through her entire body and she suddenly woke up in the real life.

'What was that?...' Emma thought while taking a few deep breaths.

Her entire body was sweaty and her clothes stuck to her body tightly. The pink-haired woman stood up and walked towards the bathroom where she washed her face.

But after she returned to the room, she could no longer remember what she had dreamt about.

"I wonder what woke me up..." She mumbled before crashing on the bed again.

And this time, she had a dreamless sleep.


"That was fun," Zack muttered as he pulled the VR glasses off his face and stood up from his bed.

It was currently 8 am in the morning and the sunlight was pouring through his window. Zack had been watching the anime the entire time and now that he was awake, it was time for him to go and help Emma in getting a contract.

'Let's hope that I can make Eva sign Emma on a good contract.' He then walked out of his room and went to the first floor.

After making his way through to the kitchen of the mansion, he saw Mia cooking food for him.

Zack had asked whether Mia wanted to have a chef or not but the black-haired girl had denied saying that there was no need for them to get one.

And the black-haired boy liked his sister's food more than the food of a chef.

After eating his breakfast, Zack told Mia that he was going to Eva's house to help Emma get a contract.

His sister nodded and told him that she would be having her classes in the afternoon.

Mia had started taking engineering classes because if she ever needed to get the company started, she quickly needed to create something that would help cure even more diseases.

"Looks like we are both getting busier nowadays," Zack said with a sigh as he realized that he and Mia hadn't been spending that much time together.

"Maybe we could go out on Sunday?" Mia asked with an expressionless face as a smile appeared on his face.

"If that's what you want, why not?"

Mia smiled back as she said bye to her brother and went back to her room.

Zack on the other hand went to the hospital. A familiar scene was repeating itself as he saw Emma standing outside the hospital.

Thankfully, she had been there for only a few minutes.

"So where are we going now?" The pink-haired woman asked casually as the duo walked towards the biggest mansion in the entire place.

"We are going to meet Evangeline Hayes, the CEO of Doogle," Zack replied as, after a few minutes of walking, they finally appeared in front of the mansion.

The guards standing outside the place had long since become Zack's friends and said good morning to each other.

After walking inside the mansion, they immediately saw the living area for guests in front of them.

However, the entire house didn't give the millionaire vibes.

It instead looked as though someone had just moved into the place and had no idea what they should adorn the entire place with.

"So what's next?" Emma asked as she saw two couches lying in front of them with a wooden table placed in the center of the two couches.

"We just sit here and wait for Evangeline's to appear," Zack replied as he sat down on one of the couches and picked a packet of chips from the wooden table.

Emma followed his example and did the same as the duo waited for fifteen minutes before the CEO finally showed up.

For a CEO and owner of the world's most richest company, Evangeline was dressed rather too casually.

She was wearing black jeans with a plain white shirt and jacket on top of it.

"So I take it that you are WolfHeart, the current number three player?" Eva asked as she sat on the couch opposite of the duo and stared at the pink-haired woman.

In front of Eva, Emma felt as though she was a prey waiting to be pounced upon by the hunter known as Evangeline Hayes.

But if she showed any weakness at that moment, she would be jumped on by the hunter.

"Well, I used to be the number two player but Elyon is currently on that spot," Emma replied with a shrug as she could feel Eva's green eyes on her face. "I can still reach that spot again."

"1 or 10?"

"10 for confidence," Emma replied as Eva nodded.

"You are hired."

Zack almost spat out the water he had been drinking when he heard Eva saying that Emma was hired.

"That was easier than the interviews I had to give at fast-food restaurants." Emma muttered as Evangeline smiled.

"I planned to hire you anyway and meet you in person, I have a good contract for you. I'll take 10% of your income and provide you with a place to live and full security. Do you accept or not?"

"I accept," Emma replied in a heartbeat since there was no way that she was going to decline such a good offer.

Zack on the other hand wondered whether he had judged Evangeline wrongly since the red-head woman had actually given Emma a fair contract.

The reason for this was that Evangeline had already pulled out all the information available on Emma and her business and normal mind had a conflict.

So in the end, she had settled on a good offer for both herself and the pink-haired orphan.

'Hopefully, you two won't disappoint me in the future.' Eva thought with a sigh before she decided it was time to tell the duo some important things.

"Zack, Emma, would you both like to test the gaming pods right now?"

The black-haired boy smiled and nodded. He had known that the companies had managed to get the gaming pods for early access.

Now he and Emma could use them before they were released to the public.

""Sure."" Both of them replied at the same time.

The CEO of Doogle then smiled at asked them to follow her.

"Then let's go to my secret lair."


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