Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 49 How To Scam Overgrown Birds

'Please get on our backs fool- dear humans.' One of the eagles spoke while bowing his head down as the two brothers landed on the ground.

Zack noticed that one of the eagles had light brown feathers while the other had black-colored feathers. He couldn't see any resemblance between the two brothers as he was no expert in birdology.

The white-haired boy and Emma then climbed over the two eagles while exchanging a look. They had noticed the slip in the eagle's mental voice and knew that they thought of them as normal humans.

Normal humans who would scam the scammers.

'Where do you want us to take you?' The eagle with the black feathers asked as Zack relied the location of the guild to him.

"Can you both fly closer to each other and go at a somewhat slower speed?" The white-haired boy suddenly asked as the eagles narrowed their eyes. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell your boss how much you helped us."

'I guess we can do this then.' The brown feathered eagle replied as the two of them launched into the air together and started flying forward side by side.

Zack and WolfHeart then smiled at each other as they decided to see the messages they had received earlier after the war had ended.

[ Obtained skill book: Water Gun ]

[ Obtained skill book: Air Slash ]

[ Obtained skill book: Freezing arrow ]

[ Obtained 674 gold, 967 silver, and 5454 bronze ]

[ Obtained 10000 exp ]

[ Obtained 15000 exp for winning the war ]

[ Obtain steel armor (rare) (500), Obtained Kevlar armor (super rare), obtained bows (uncommon) (100), obtained swords (uncommon) (200) … ]

The list went on for a long time as Zack and Emma's jaws dropped. The loot they had obtained was something that would only be possible if they grinded the Echo bat dungeon for an entire month without any breaks.

Winning the guild war had not only given them the resources required to start a basic guild, but it had also pushed their levels a little.

They had also gotten skill books which they would be able to use to unlock more skills and even give to other players. This was the best thing that had happened to them in a long while.

Though some people would spit blood if they heard this statement.

But as always, the best things always came at the end.

[ Obtained skill book: Dark Pulse ]

[ Obtained 2000 glory ]

"We have a lot of things to do now," Zack said with a grin as the pink-haired woman nodded.

The wind was pushing both of their hair back but they were still enjoying it.

The beautiful scenery from the sky made the entire trip worthwhile. They could see the beautiful peaceful lakes and many old-fashioned towns around them.

They could also see the forest with beasts brawling with each other.

'I wish the real world was anything like this.' The white-haired boy thought with a sigh as he wished the reality in which he had grown would be different.

The major reasons behind Hikari's initial success had been these too realistic graphics. It was almost as though someone had taken the imagination from a human brain and had used it to create the game.

But sadly, Zack and Emma couldn't enjoy the view for long enough as they could see the royal capital in the distance.

'Before we get there, would you guys like to hear something interesting?' The black-feathered eagle suddenly spoke up as he decided that it was the perfect time to implement the strategy he and his brother had thought of.

"Sure, go ahead," Zack replied with a smile as he didn't pay much attention to such details.

'Would you like to see how powerful we are?' He asked again as the white-haired boy looked surprised.

"I have never seen such a high-level beast in action. Of course, I would love to see it!" He said with a big smile as Emma nodded along with him.

"I am a hunter and eagles are one of my core partners. So I would definitely be honored to learn something from legendary creatures like you."

The two eagles grinned internally as they blamed the two humans for their own foolishness. They planned to show a small amount of power to impress the two humans and ask them whether they would like to partner up with the two brothers.

They would then offer a contract to the two humans and after a little manipulation, they would successfully make the two humans into their personal slaves who would follow all of their orders.

And if their boss got angry at them, they would give him the usual things that the legendary Phoenix loved to the core.

But what the two brothers didn't know was that they had fallen into the duo's trap the moment they had asked their second question.

"So where are you going to show us your powers?" Zack asked in an eager voice as the eagles suddenly bent down into a dive.

They had expected the two humans to scream but they seemed to enjoy it. This made the two brothers internally frown but they decided to not say anything about it for the time being.

They then rose up again before reaching high enough to gaze around the entire place comfortably.

'See that place? It has a level 30 monster living there.' The eagle with the brown feathers pointed towards a small hill a few kilometers away from their current location. 'We are going to show you how we can kill that monster without lifting a talon.'

They had expected the duo to look shocked but they just raised their eyebrows.

"Even we can do that. I thought you were going to show us something impressive." Zack muttered in a disappointed tone as the brown feather eagle felt like throwing him off his back.

'No way you can beat a level 30 beast while being level 26! There is a limit to bluffing for the feathers of birds sake.' He was about to yeet Zack off his back but thankfully, his brother prevented that from happening.

'If you don't find that exciting, do you want us to kill a level 50 beast that lives at the top of the same hill?' The bird asked again and the white-haired boy suddenly seemed interested.

"Why not?"

'Then it's settled.' The two birds' shot forward while rolling their eyes. Level 50 beasts were like a child's play for them and if that's all it took for them to get two human slaves, they would do it.

[ You are going to contact the Phoenix now? ] Emma asked Zack through a private message as he replied with yes.

He then closed his eyes for a few seconds before thinking of the dazzling orange Phoenix.

'Do you mind if I make these two overgrown birds into my personal beasts?' He asked through telepathy and got a chuckle in reply.

'I guess they were trying to do the same or something. Go ahead and do it. It would be fun to see two scammers being scammed.' The Phoenix replied as Zack felt the telepathy connection break away.

He then looked at the two eagles and gave WolfHeart a nod.

Because of the two brothers' speed, they managed to reach the top of the peak in less than five minutes. The peal was covered with light fog yet the eagles blew all of it away with their wings.

'The boss is dead.' The black-feathered eagle suddenly said as a notification appeared in front of the duo.

[ The troll of the Convex hill has been killed. ]

"That's so fast!" He said with a wide-open mouth as Emma imitated him.

'We are level 90 creatures idiots.' The black-feathered eagle thought with a smile before he turned to look at his brother as though saying "it's your time to shine brother".

'Do you guys want to see more of these overpowered killings?' The brown feathered eagle asked as Zack and Emma nodded enthusiastically.

'Then please read and sign this.' The eagle presented a hundred and six-page contract to the duo which they only read six pages of before giving up.

It was a white-colored circle hanging in front of them which had words return on it.

"We trust in the two seniors to know that they won't cheat on us." Zack suddenly said as he took out a small dagger and inflicted a small cut on his index finger.

Emma did the same as the duo held their hands over the contract hanging in front of them. Drops of their blood fell on the circle as the two birds grinned.

The two eagles had read the contract numerous time so they didn't bother with it. After dropping their own blood on the contract, they grinned at the duo

"Then its time for you to bring us fresh meat and a few female birds to have-

"Bow down and allow us to step on your backs." Zack suddenly interrupted wand much to the two eagles' horror, their bodies automatically bent down.

Zack and Emma climbed on them before and softly rubbed the heads of their respective mounts. But the two eagles were feeling as though someone was applying the spices on their bodies and was about to cook them.

'How can this be possible?!' The brown feathered eagle asked as Zack gently patted his head.

"Your boss didn't like the fact that you were about to make me a slave so he lent me some of his magic power in order to temper with the contract," Zack's smile widened as he felt the eagle tremble below him. "I will tell you more after we reach our guild."

"So get going birds," Emma said from the side as the two eagles had no choice except to follow their orders.

They had been played in their own game and that too by their own boss.

And with a big uno reverse card in their faces, they started flying towards the 'Red Dawn' guild.


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