Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 47 Zack And Emma Versus The Cult Of Elyon [Part 2]

"He has gotten another power-up since then..." Elyon muttered while gazing at the battlefield.

He could see the blue flames raging around the blade of the sword as Lin Fan used them to defeat the enemies.

The power emitted by every sword was enough to make the shadow-covered figure reevaluate the number one player's power.

He had never expected Lin Fan to get another powerful weapon so soon after getting Chastiefol.

But if Elyon knew about Gugnir, he would probably be wondering why Lin Fan was still allowed to play the game.

Getting three overpowered weapons at the beginning of the game was almost impossible but the white-haired boy had been able to do it because of being reincarnated into the past.

'And she too has another weapon besides being the leader of a vibranium guild. She will interfere with my plan.' The shadow-covered figure regarded WolfHeart with a hateful gaze before turning his gaze to the head of the cult.

The bald man had a panicked expression on his face as half of his guild had been wiped out in a matter of seconds.

Zack had used his blue flames to burn one player after another and since he had the buffs too, he was almost invincible.

Emma had also received some buffs because of different reasons and had used a special move called 'Moon shower'.

She had launched an arrow towards the sky which on its descent had burst into thousands of arrows.

The arrows had pierced the small openings in the armor of the tanks and had depleted their HP slowly before killing them.

And just like that, only the mages, the archers and the guild leader remained on the battlefield.

But not for long.

'I wonder if I can create a new move using this.' Zack wondered as he summoned Firerager in his other hand.

The sword had helped him through a lot in the early days of the game but he had stopped using it after obtaining two myth-level weapons and now a pseudo legendary level weapon.

The white-haired boy then used the tornado summoning ability of the sword. But as soon as the two fire tornadoes came to life, he used the blue flames of the sword to ignite the two tornadoes further.

[ The sword Firerager is found compatible with the sword Eirias. Proceed to merge the swords?

Note: Doing so would result in Firerager being permanently merged with Eirias.

This will give rise to a new skill. ]

Zack raised his eyebrows in surprise as he hadn't expected merging to appear so soon.

But since he wanted to test the new skill, he quickly replied with yes.

'I wonder what new skill I will end up with.'

[ New skill: Blue Tornado has been created ]

'That name sounds a little meh for some reason…' Zack thought with a sigh but when he read the details of the skill, his jaw dropped.

[ Blue Tornado: A tornado created from blue flames. Only certain skills can extinguish it.

Cooldown: 12 hours ]

But before he could register the shock of getting such a skill, a new skill appeared in front of him.

[ New Skill: Blue Flames has been created ]

[ Blue Flames: The only type of flames known to burn all types of artifacts below mythological rank. Only certain skills can extinguish these flames

Cooldown: None ]

'Haha… These are frightening levels of growth. Now I can be hit with a nerf at any moment.' The white-haired teenager looked at the two tornadoes he had conjured up.

They were about to hit the other side when he suddenly extinguished them.

The bald man looked stunned when he saw the tornadoes vanishing in front of him. But he was not foolish enough to think that the number one player was just going to let him and his remaining cult members go back.

"Blue Tornado," Zack said out loud as a miniature blue tornado appeared on his right palm. He looked at the bald man with a grin and raised his right hand before throwing the miniature tornado towards the man.

The tornado suddenly started growing in size before it turned into a bigger version of itself.

To the remaining members of the cult, it looked as though god's wrath was descending upon them.

"Archers and Mages, be prepared to launch all of your spells!" The bald man came to his senses as he raised his dominant hand alongside the rest of the mages. "Cast your most powerful spell as many times as you can!"

"But what if all our skills go on cooldown, sir?!" One of the mages asked as the bald man gave him a dark grin.

"We are going to die anyway. So cast those spells until you die or otherwise, you are going to die anyway."

The mages gulped in fear as they realized that their leader was telling the truth. Chants started to rise around as the archers too prepared their special arrows.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Emma suddenly asked as she and Zack were watching everything unfold from the other side.

"I have such overpowered skills and it's fun to use them while I still can. And it's their fault for challenging us out of the blue like this." The white-haired boy replied with a shrug.

"What do you mean by that?" Emma asked in a confused tone as Zack sighed.

"You expect everyone to let me stay this overpowered in the beginning. I think this will only continue for a few more days before I am hit with a heavy nerf."

"Then I guess I am going down with you." The pink-haired woman replied with a smile as the duo then turned to look at the climax of Zack's skill.

"Water spray!"

"Water pulse!"

"Air slash!"

"Water blast!"

"Hydro Pump!"

"Wind sphere!"

The mages released their water and air elemental skills on the tornado but little did they know that their skills would have no effect.

""Water arrows!""

""Wind Arrows!""

The archers released their arrows too as the combination of skills and elemental arrows flew towards the tornado.

The bald man used his skill at this moment in hopes of destroying the blue tornado.

"Dark pulse!" A spiral black dark beam shot out from his palm and followed the combined attacks.

"They will now know what it's like to be truly helpless against someone," Zack said with a small smile on his face as the blue flames swallowed every single one of the mage skills.

The arrows burned before they could reach the tornado and evaporated into the air. The dark pulse hit the blue flames at full force as the bald man suddenly looked hopeful.

The mages and archers were about to unleash another barrage of attacks but all of a sudden, their leader's eyes rolled back as he hit the ground with a thud.

The dark pulse vanished as the tornado walked over his body and swallowed him.

[ Player Tanya has been eliminated. ]

[ The guild leader of the Cult Of Elyon has been killed.

Remaining members can surrender or get killed ]

"That seems a little ruthless of a message," Emma observed as the tornado continued to run havoc.

The message was displayed after the leader of the guild died. This meant that the remaining guild members could become temporary prisoners or a new leader could rise and lead them.

But when the remaining guild members saw their fellow players getting killed by the tornado, they started surrendering one by one.

In the end, 69 people surrendered and the rest were now ashes.

"We'll see you guys later. Enjoy your time in the guild prison." Zack suddenly said with a smile as a metal collar appeared around the necks of the remaining people before they were teleported away to the guild.

[ Collect rewards from guild war? ] The notification appeared in front of the two guild leaders but they both denied it.

The white-haired boy had told Emma that they will check that later on because they still had a job left to do.

Zack then looked up at the sky and smiled.

"Elyon, I know you are watching. And perhaps flying was not the best option." The teenager raised his right hand as blue flames shot out from his hand.

And from the sky, a pure black beam shot out and collided with the blue flames.

An explosion lit up the sky as everything went black.


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