Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 35 WolfHeart's Real Self

"That felt refreshing." The teenager muttered as he stepped out of the shower. Since instant drying was now a thing for him, he just had to step on the place between his room and the bathroom and his entire body would instantly get dry.

It was a pretty cool and convenient thing if you asked him.

"I wonder what Evangeline wants…" While thinking out loud, the black-haired boy quickly wore his clothes and rushed down the stairs.

"You should have quit the game earlier." Mia pointed out as she was sitting on the couch while scrolling through her phone watch. But she still had to do her nagging or otherwise, Zack would do the same thing again. "You might trip Zack and since you are already late, go slowly."

The black-haired teenager smiled at his sister as he slowed down his pace and bent towards the round table in front of the couch. He picked up a packet of chips from there, gave Mia a small kiss on the forehead, and dashed towards the entrance.

"Thanks for taking care of me sis." He said in a hurry and dashed towards Evangeline's mansion.

The black-haired girl on the other hand sighed at her brother's actions.

"When will you start taking care of time Zack?" She asked herself before resuming her scrolling with a sigh.


"Well, at least you are only fifteen minutes." Eva sighed while looking at her biggest contract holder. The red-head was already used to Zack showing up late sometimes though she didn't mind that.

She had used the extra time she got to check the details on Oracroft and what their future goal was.

"So, what is that you want from me?" The black-haired boy asked as Eva told him about the merging between the two companies.

But Zack had already known that something like this would happen sooner or later. Though the merging had happened sooner than he had thought, he wasn't worried.

"How long will it take the owner of Telsa to reach this place?" He asked back as Eva stared down at her watch.

"Half an hour."


(There will be a small switch to WolfHeart's POV here. After reading this, do tell me whether you would like more of these or not.)

"So it's time now…" A whisper echoed around in a dimly lit room as a woman lying on the bed took off her VR glasses.

Her black eyes looked around the room with a small smile. There was nothing left inside the room that marked it as her room.

She stood up from the bed and looked at her pink hair that was falling down to her waist. The woman had changed her hair color yesterday to match the color of her avatar.

But despite that, the woman was feeling a strange kind of restlessness inside her chest. Perhaps it was because she was leaving the place where she had grown up.

Or perhaps it was because she was going to sign her first and most important contract ever.

"Come in." The woman turned towards the door as she heard someone knocking from the outside. The door then opened up to reveal the caretaker of the orphanage standing there with a sad smile on her face.

"Why do you have to go niña?" The caretaker was an old woman in her fifties who had been taking care of her ever since she had entered the orphanage. The woman had many fond memories of the caretaker but despite that, she would have to leave.

"I have already told you a hundred times Charlotte, I will have to leave." The pink-haired woman then walked forward and stood in front of the old caretaker.

Charlotte touched her child's right cheek with her hand as she couldn't help but sigh at her helplessness. She treated all of the children in her orphanage as her own children but the woman in front of her was different.

Perhaps to call her a woman was quite wrong since she had just turned eighteen two days ago. But that was only her physical age. To the old caretaker, the pink-haired woman was still a child mentally.

Though Charlotte didn't know that the woman in front of her had progressed massively in her mental development after she had met Zack.

"The children are waiting for you in the hall." The old woman said with a sigh as she walked away.

'So this will be the last time I will ever see this room.' The pink-haired woman thought with a sigh and with a heavy heart, she exited the room and closed the door behind her.

As soon as she stepped into the hall, a group of eight-year-olds tackled her and pushed her to the ground.

"Why are you leaving us, big sister, Emma?"

"Is it because of me? I promise that I would be a good child and would not ask for more cookies. Please don't leave us!"

"If you will leave, who will help me in my studies, big sister?"

"And who will put bandages on my wounds when I fell?"

"And who will dry my hair?"

The children barraged her with a ton of questions and clung to her limbs in an attempt to prevent her from moving.

The pink-haired woman, Emma, could do nothing against them and allowed them to hug her body. There were a total of six children clinging to her body, one on each leg and arm while two of them held on to her waist.

Seeing the children, Emma wanted to stay but she knew that she would put every single person living inside the orphanage in danger if she did that.

"I will come to visit you guys once a month. And if you guys have any complaints or problems, you can always call me and I will help you. If I can't help you through a call, I will personally come here." She replied as the children slowly let go of her body.

She then sat up and looked at the sad expression of the children. All of a sudden, one of them started crying and soon enough, all six of the children had tears rolling down their cheeks.

Emma took a deep breath and stopped herself from crying. This was one day on which she wouldn't cry.

The pink-haired woman stretched her arms wide open and gave all six of the children a big hug.

"Shhh, don't cry," She whispered. "Remember, I will be back soon. You might not understand it now but I am doing this because I care about all of you. You are not going to send off your big sister with teary faces, are you?"

The children slowly stopped themselves from crying. After a few sniffles, they looked up at their big sister's kind smile and believed that she was moving away for their good.

Plus, they would get to meet her once a month.

"Now be good children and don't fight with each other or I won't bring any chocolates when I come back. Understood?" She glared at the children until all of them nodded.

After one last hug, Emma stood up and walked towards the entrance of the orphanage. She stopped herself from turning to look back at the children and closed the doors of the orphanage behind her.

The pink-haired woman had thought that she would completely distance herself from the children but when she had heard them crying last night, she couldn't stop herself from making that promise.

"Guess I will be back a month later," Emma muttered before staring at the sky.

Zack had already asked her to come to Doogle mansions and said that he would help her in getting a contract with Doogle.

That talk had happened a few days ago so Emma was ready to go ahead and sign a contract. After all, both of them were guild leaders.

She suddenly heard a 'ding' as she saw her phone watch. A message from Zack read that he had sent someone to pick her up.

Simultaneously, a black BMW pulled in front of the gates of the orphanage. A woman wearing a knee-length black skirt and a black coat on top of a white shirt stepped out from the seat beside the driver's seat.

"Miss Emma, I am your escort to the Doogle headquarters." The woman said with a small bow as Emma narrowed her eyes.

"Nice to meet you." She said while minting a straight face yet she had a strange feeling in her stomach.

The timing of the message and the arrival of the BMW was too quick.

"Our CEO will like to have a personal talk with you and you can decide what you want there. But for now, please sit in the car." The woman wearing the black coat replied as she gestured for Emma to sit in the back of the car.

She looked at the seat with a frown before shaking her head. She was definitely being paranoid since the message was from the same account Zack had used to message her ever since they had met.

With that, Emma was on her way to Doogle's headquarters.


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