Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 215 Zack Versus The Moon God [Part 1]

'Lance, I was going to try a much subtle approach but you have ruined the chances of that being possible…' Zack muttered with a sigh as he stood at the apex of the tower.

Lance's idea  had been to climb the entire palace from outside and had found it all right but that was until they had gotten into a fight with a lot of… birds.

[ hey, you agreed to the plan as well. Both of were involved in it so take responsibility. ] Lance replied with a pout as Zack sighed and rolled his eyes.

'Well, we are here now and didn't found Emma in any of the floors.' Zack replied as he had been checking his guild leader connection with Emma.

Though he had temporarily severed it with the other guild members, he and Emma could still use it easily.

Even though Zack knew that some of the rooms in the palace blocked out connections like that, he had still tried it on every single floor and had  been unsuccessful in finding Emma.

Still he wasn't about to give up as he and Lance looked at the top of the tower.

Zack knew that this was where the throne room of the Moon god was situated at the man would most likely be sitting inside the place.

But the only problem was that there was no entrance to the room at such a height. Zack had no idea how he could even enter it but that's when Lance came in clutch.

[ I told you that I would do something so leave everything on me now. ] The Phoenix said as he asked permission to take over Zack's body.

Zack didn't even skip a beat in doing that as Lance took control of the entire body and approached the top of the palace.

Lance then muttered a few words as his blue wings appeared behind him which were surprisingly covered by the cloak which had existed it due to the new changes.

[ You are not the only one who powered up, Zack. ] Lance suddenly said as he passed right towards the palace top which was made from solid white metal.

Zack was expecting them to crash into the metal but much to his surprise, they passed right through it and appeared in a room the size of a ball room.

Numerous thrones were present throughout the room while a huge silver throne was present on the far end of the room.

All of the thrones were equipped yet none of them seemed to pay any attention to the duo. After all, the cloak removed every single thing that could have made them know about the duo's presence including body smell and the sounds made by the duo.

Zack once again took control of his body as his gaze directly fell on the man atop the throne.

The man looked in his late twenties and had pop pink hair and black eyes. Zack felt sad while looking at the man's appearance as it reminded him of Emma.

But that was expected since the man was her father.

"Your majesty, what are we going to do about your daughter? She has taken the moon goddess's earrings from the inside of the Halls of Moon…" A sickly pale man sitting on the throne spoke up before his eyes went towards the entrance of the room.

Zack's eyes followed him too as his body suddenly froze. Emma was kneeling on her feet just a few meters away from the first throne.

Her hands were tied behind her back with yellow laser cuffs while her pink hair were the messiest Zack had ever seen them.

Her face had many cuts running across it and her arms were slightly bruised as well. Zack could tell that she had put up a fight before getting caught and all the harms on her body were the result of that.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that the special full moon night is coming soon. The dark emperor says that the plan is almost about to reach its fulfillment and we can leave this place anytime now.

That's why we need those earrings back and to do that, I give you all full permission to do anything to Emma. After all, she had been forsaken out of the clan the moment she defied my will to marry one of the prodigies of her generation and ran off."

The man,  Emma's father, said in a distasteful tone but Emma didn't look the least bit surprised.

It instead felt that she had been almost expecting this as Emma sighed and stared at her father with hatred. Zack was able to tell that she  couldn't speak or otherwise he would have already heard taunts.

His attention was now on the other people sitting on the throne as he tried evaluating how many he needed to kill and how many he needed to keep just in case.

But once one of them spoke something against Emma, all of their lives had been surrendered.

"Then if we can do anything, all of us should torture her a bit while keeping respect for the clan," The leader of the ghost clan said as he turned his face towards the man. "I hope that doesn't offend you, your majesty."

"Just go ahead and do what you want." The man said while yawning as the ghost leader turned his head towards Emma.

"Then we can get started right now." He spoke before floating at a rapid pace towards  Emma.

"One dead, a 13 more to go." Zack's voice suddenly echoed around the entire throne room as he appeared in front of the ghost leader.

The cloak suddenly vanished as Zack held Eirias in his hand, the sword glowing brightly with purple flames.

Before anyone recognized him, he hit the ghost leader's heart with the sword and twisted it. The purple flames spread all around the ghost's body as Zack pilled out the sword.

The ghost leader's body then turned to particles of light before entering Zack's body. He then pointed Eirias towards the god of moon sitting on the biggest throne.

"You have forfeited your right to live."


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