Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 213 The Ruler Of Heaven

[ Zack, I don't think that you are strong enough to rival those in the heaven… ] Lance tried to talk some sense into Zack but he wasn't one bit interested in it.

'You don't know what Xelor gave me. I know that I can't beat him but it doesn't matter. My only goal is to meet him and enter heaven. I will leave the rest to Kai and Odin.'

[ Odin? Isn't he trapped inside heaven?] Lance asked in confusion as a smile appeared on Zack's face.

'That is where you  are wrong. Odin has been freed by Kai and Michael has also been brought to our side.' Zack replied as he finally found what  he looking for.

Situated in the innermost part of the cave was a silver door with numerous symbols drawn on it. It was a door that connected the heavens to the Eastern continent an such a door was present only on the Eastern continent.

Zack very well remembered that the gate had been created by Xelor back in the day and it could be used by mortals to access heaven.

It was the same gate using which Zack had invaded the heavens in the past and killed multiple gods. In a way, many of his memories were attached to the door.

'So let's see. I just have to drip my blood one of the symbols and the rest of this should activate.' Zack thought before biting his right thumb.

He brushed his blood on the symbol before chanting a few words under his breath. The symbols on the door suddenly started glowing before opening inch by inch.

Zack didn't hasten  the process as he knew that one mistake and he would make his body travel through space and time at a cell destroying speed.

After five minutes of waiting around, the door finally opened up and bathed Zack in white light.

He wasn't surprised by the sudden attack of light as he felt his body slowly being carried away. The process suddenly quickened as Zack's body vanished from the cave and flew inside the door.

The next minute, he appeared on top of a cloud while facing a man in front of him.

"So you have once again appeared here in hopes of defeating me and freeing humanity," The man amused as though he had been expecting Zack to appear. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop dreaming  about such things?"

Zack remained silent as he examined the man's appearance from head to toe while slowly clenching his fist. Though his appearance had changed immensely over the centuries, Zack was still able to recognize him.

"Nice to meet you, Dark Emperor,"  Zack said while bowing his head a bit. He still wasn't  accustomed to calling the man by his name so he stuck to his title. "I am not here to fight you but rather observe how you are doing."

"Hmm, are you thinking of surrendering? I never thought of such a thing happening." The man amused once again as Zack didn't say anything.

He knew that the more he would talk to the man, the more infuriated he would get. Zack instead decided to focus on the man's eyes as he remembered the words Xelor had whispered in his ears before turning to stone.

"Zack, the dark emperor has become a puppet of the darkness now. You have to confirm it through your own eyes before escaping heaven. The time for you to regain your original self has finally arrived."

Zack remembered those words clear as day and now that he had stared into the man's eyes, he knew that Xelor was telling the truth.

"Brother, I am sorry that I couldn't bring you back to the correct path despite how much you cared for me in the past," Zack suddenly spoke up as his black wings unfolded behind him.

"I am not your brother." The man's facial expression suddenly turned dangerous as he lifted his right hand in Zack's direction and shot a beam of darkness at him.

"Mordred, I will make sure to relieve you of that thing controlling you we will meet soon." Zack replied softly before he launched into the air and flew away.

The man, Mordred, tried to attack him but he soon realized that Zack was moving too fast for him to do anything.

He could only watch as Zack flew out of his territory and went back to Hikari. Mordred felt a weird feeling appearing inside his heart as the Zack's words from earlier repeated inside his mind, one particular word repeating itself.



[ Zack, how could that be Mordred? He didn't look anything like Mordred and didn't even have the same hair and eye color! ] Lance asked as he and Zack were descending from the heavens.

Though the visit had been extremely short, it had been enough for Zack to know the truth he had went there to find.

'Lance, appearances change with time and even though he looked different, that man was indeed Mordred. If you try hard enough you can remember that it was the same man we fought centuries ago.'

[ … ] Lance had no words left to spoken as he was trying hard to remember what Zack was taking about.

After focusing hard enough, Lance finally remembered a twinge of what had happened in the past. He couldn't help but feel shocked at how much things had changed over time.

Mordred used to have the same white hair that Zack sometimes did except his were permanent. He also used to have lovely deep blue eyes that could make any woman and several men fall in love with him.

But the Mordred they had seen currently had sleek black hair and eyes the color of the blackest coffee to ever exist on Earth.

Every bit of humanity had left his eyes and if not for Zack, Lance was sure that he would have never realized that the same person was someone he once used to know.

'I know its shocking but you need to get over it,' Zack suddenly said as he opened another portal after reaching several thousand kilometers away from heaven. 'We are going to have a fight with someone and bring Emma back.

[ Ok…. ] Lance replied shakily but Zack didn't seem to notice it.

He widened the portal a bit before taking a deep breath and stepping inside it. The portal shortly closed afterwards, leaving no traces of Zack ever being there.


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