Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 205 Closer To The Truth

[ Wait, does that mean that the moment  one of the biggest waves came, you appeared in this life? ] lance asked in a shocked voice as Zack mentally nodded.

'Let's talk in a bit. Let me finish my talk with Sun Wukong.' Zack replied as he looked straight at Sun Wukong. "So what happened once you appeared here?"

"I stayed lowkey for a long time as I knew that if any god found out what happened to me, I would be a goner. Since I had fallen to the lowest rank of a demi-god, I still had many of my powers which meant that I could keep myself hidden.

After a few years of keeping myself hidden, I, uh, started interacting with humanity which was a completely fresh experience considering how my interactions were limited to you and your group."

"As if we fall in the category of just plain humans," Zack chuckled before Wukong continued on.

"So after a few months, lets say that there were many women who fell for my charms while I on the other hand fell for one of them too. Perhaps getting half of my humanity back made my long lost emotions wake up." Wukong said awkwardly as Zack smiled again.

"So you were horny again."

"Hey…" Wukong glared as Zack stared directly into his eyes.

"I am right you know." Wukong realized that he couldn't fight against Zack's points as he sighed and continued on.

"Anyways, I didn't think it through and well, the birth of a demi-god was not something that went by unnoticed. For once, I was angry at my myself that I went on a rampage to protect my wife and child and released all of the power that I had inside myself.

I killed many gods, including the White Tiger, Loki, Two Archangels while annoying Lucifer, and numerous others. In the end, they had to leave the world of Hikari and my rank lowered once again. Now I am sitting at level 999, one step away from being a demi-god."

"What happened to Hark and your wife after that?" Zack asked curiously as Wukong sighed once again and stared at the sky.

"I lost my wife to the tricks of Loki while Hark lived. I was too injured at the time so alongside me, I brought him to hibernation. After I woke up, he was already five years old and I set him free in the world of Hikari while keeping an eye on him through our bond.

Everything was quite fine until the point when he turned eighteen and met the duke of the Henson family. Neither of us knew that he was a spy and had a special blessing that allowed him to sense anything godly around him.

He treated Hark nicely until he showed his true colors. After six months, he asked Hark to come to his mansion and took it down to the basement. There, he started a ritual after which, things turned out to be disastarous.

I had recognized it immediately since many humans had used it to call me in the past. It was a god summoning ritual and the moment he took the first step, I appeared beside Hark.

I don't know how I ended up going on a rampage but when I woke up, half of the mansion had been destroyed. I left without saying anything and since then, Hark had been alone and doing what he wanted."

After hearing Sun Wukong's tale, Zack took a deep breath before nodding. He then excused himself by saying that he needed to talk to Eva and Jonathan as he flew to the palace.

But instead of going to meet the two of them, he sidetracked himself and went inside one of the many rooms in the palace. After that, he sat down on the bed and let go of his thoughts.

'Lance, why do I feel this is some sort of master plan that Kai had thought off and it is finally coming to fruition…'

[ Knowing Kai, he could very well do it if he put enough of his brain into it and seeing how everything you and I have done till know was connected, I am thinking that it really is some sort of master plan that he formed… ]

Both Lance and Zack brainstormed hard to find what Kai's goal was but neither of them could think of what the god of timelines wanted.

'Ugh, leave that of the time being. Do you remember that when we first met Hark, it showed that he was from both the light and dark side and Eirias failed to activate either of its special properties?'

[ yeah, I was also able to sense that and it would have usually meant that he was neutral however, that wasn't the case. Maybe we should add him to the list of people we need to talk to and get things done. ]

'Well, let's start with Eva lest she decides to chuck a metal pole at me.' Zack replied while chuckling as he stood up and started finding Eva.

Due to the memory she had opened up, both of them were know able to get a general idea of where the other was. It took Zack a few minutes to locate Eva as he reached the boundary of the city.

Zack's eyes then went up the walls as he saw Eva flying above them with a relaxed expression. The wind directly hit her face as it gently blew her hair back and drew the features of her face.

"Why do you look as though you are the last remaining member of humanity?" Zack suddenly asked as he popped right beside Eva.

The latter just smiled as she turned to look at him.

"Zack, tell me how much you actually remember about the past. Be completely honest."

"I know like twenty percent…" Zack muttered as Eva sighed as she sat down cross legged. Iron nails suddenly appeared below her and formed a chair for her to sit on as Eva stared at Zack.

"I remember more or less the same percentage. I was just wondering when I will remember everything and when this will end."

"This will only end once we find the core of things. There is no other way." Zack replied with a sigh as the two of them looked beyond the walls.

The forest and the villages inside it looked completely calm but they knew that the people there were worried too.

They were hiding or running to a safer place as the news about the undead army had spread all around the continent alongside the news of what had happened afterwards.

Zack now felt that there were millions of people placing their hopes on him and his group as well as praying to Sun Wukong. Just a single event had made a lot of them change their beliefs which made Zack wonder how the goddess of light would react.

After all, she had just lost a lot of followers and for someone who was real close to losing her godhood, it was not a good thing.

'Well, I would be reaching her level soon.' Zack thought as he looked at all the spare points he currently had.

Without looking at Eva, he once again distributed them and stared at his status screen which he had achieved after dying once in the game.


Name: Zack

Level: 689

HP: 1,696,400/1,696,400

Mana: infinite

INT: 700 AGI: 720

STR: 744 DEX: 744

VIT: 796

Remaining points: 0


'I have come so far.' Zack thought as he turned his gaze towards Eva and his expression turned serious. "I am closer to the truth as to what happened in the past. Just give me some time and I will find a way to let us recover all of our past memories."

"I trust you." Eva replied as she turned her gaze back towards the outer side of the walls.

[ Hey Lance, do you think that we are in the wrong place at the wrong time? ] Gajeel suddenly spoke as he was directly able to talk to Lance.

[ You are right about that so don't say anything. We are not going to ruin the moment between the two of them. ] Lance replied as he once again went on silent mode.

[ Indeed. ] Gajeel replied as the two of them went back to observing.

But what they didn't know was that Zack had heard them as he decided to leave the place and go talk to Jonathan first.

"Then I will see soon," He paused and did a fake cough. "Preferably alone."

[ You heard us, didn't you? ] Lance asked as Zack smiled and flew away.

The two of them talked a bit before Zack appeared in front of the throne room a few minutes later.

Jonathan wasn't sitting on his throne and was instead talking to Hark who was fine now. The two of them immediately went quiet when they saw Zack move in.

"So I guess Evangeline didn't lie," Jonathan muttered while looking up and down Zack. "You really  went ahead and became ten times as strong."

"Yes, she told you the truth." Zack replied smoothly as he had no idea what Eva had said. If not for his experience of knowing her, Zack was sure that he would have stuttered which fortunately didn't happen.

"Then can you tell us how did you convert those undead back into humans?" Hark asked in a low tone as Zack smiled and brought out Chastiefol out.

The spear had returned back to its original form after Zack had finished the true form.

"Chastiefol's last form was unlocked after my visit to a certain place and I can convert undead and other beings infected by the dark side back into humans." Zack explained before stared directly at Hark.

"Now, would you mind telling me how you belong to both the light side and dark side?"


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