Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 113 Are You A Couple?

"One… Two… Three… Green light!"

Suddenly, all the players activated their skills and started running forward. Johnny had already turned his back on the players and was just waiting to turn around.

The moment the players saw him turning around, they stopped at their places or at least tried to do so. Some of their skills forced them to move further ahead and they couldn't stop.

As soon as John's gaze landed on such players, a smile appeared on his face. Seven players were eliminated at once before he counted for three seconds and turned again.

Zack had used his swift lightning the moment the round had begun. He wanted to use water gun but after seeing how players weren't able to stop themselves from moving, he decided to just run normally.

Emma on the other hand had a huge advantage as she used a skill called 'marking the pray'. With the help of the skill, she could mark any person as a pray and then chase them.

Due to this, she would get a 50% increase in her agility stat as long as she was looking and chasing the person.

Now, all she had to do was to stop at the right moment and follow Johnny.

Emma soon realized that she wasn't the only person with this ability. She saw ten more players using the same ability yet their pace differed depending on their base agility stat.

Some of them were faster than Emma while some of them were slower.

Zack on the other noticed a few lightning mages as well.

However, the true key player in the game was Lisa. She was freely moving despite Johnny's gaze.

The reason?

She was standing on the starting line and creating formations around her feet.

Johnny hadn't said that the same rules applied to those standing on the finishing line.

Lisa had all the time she wanted and while the others were forced to play by Johnny's rule, she was simply creating symbols.

The other formations masters in the group also thought of copying her and started running back towards the starting line.

However, their bodies vanished as soon as they tried to take a step backward.

"I forgot to mention but you can't step back after stepping forward from the finishing line," Johnny called from the other side before he turned around and said green light.

While the others kept on moving forward, Lisa finally finished her formation.

However, she waited until Johnny had looked back once again before saying green light.

"Two hundred and fifty meters teleportation formation activate," Lisa said under her breath before a blue light surrounded her body.

She vanished from the starting line and appeared fifty meters away from the finishing line.

That was her current limit for using teleportation formations yet Lisa wasn't one to easily give up.

She instead had another trick up her sleeve which she had prepared after her first formation ended.

"Fifty-meter teleportation formation." And that was another teleportation formation.

This one had taken her an additional five minutes to prepare since she would have to move it with her.

But all of that had paid as she crossed the finishing line and waved at John.

"Well, one winner had been chosen. To hurry things up, this round will last for another four minutes." Johnny said with a yawn before closing his eyes and sitting down.

As soon as he did that, the entire thing turned into a free for all.

Attacks were thrown everywhere and chaos erupted on the place. However, Zack and Emma weren't bothered by it at all.

The former used his lightning sparks to help himself win the challenge while the latter used her hunter powers.

In the end, ten winners were Lisa, Zack, Emma, and seven random players.

As the former number one player, Zack was getting a lot of stares from the other winners. Particularly, a single-player was eyeing him as though he was an idol or something.

"Um, can I ask you a question?" The player was shorter than Zack by many inches. His guess was around five feet or so.

The player had green hair and a pair of very curious-looking black eyes that were fixated on Zack's face.

However, he couldn't tell the player's gender even after looking at the face. Zack instead decided to go with the basic rule of the Internet and video games.

Always expect the other party to be a male unless and until proved wrong with multiple proofs.

"Sure, go ahead," Zack replied with a smile as he looked at the short man.

"Is it true that you killed yourself to prevent getting killed by spiders?"

"Yes, me and WolfHeart here did that." Zack suddenly placed a hand on Emma's shoulder before pulling her into the conversation.

Johnny was currently hosting an eleventh-winner event but none of the winners had any interest in it.

Instead, they were hearing two former top players talking about the experience where they had died.

"If you don't mind telling, how did you feel then?" The man asked again before shifting his attention to Emma.

The latter did a fake cough before giving Zack a sidelong glance as to say "answer this question".

[ You were the one who he is looking at. Go ahead and answer him. ]

[ We will talk about this later. ] Emma replied with a mental sigh before replying to the man's question.

"Well, I felt quite helpless at that moment. The feeling of not being able to do anything is not great. However, I have managed to pull myself up since then." Emma replied with a small smile as all the winners nodded.

[ How did you answer them so professionally? ] Zack asked with a surprised look.

[It's because I read professional magazines. Always give an answer that doesn't reveal anything personal or anything related to the events that happened. They might be recording it and might spread it later on. ]

[ Well, that's a good way to pass time. ]

The short man nodded to himself before looking at both Zack and Emma with shining eyes.

"Then are you a couple or lovers?"


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