Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 110 The Game Of Tag

"Haha, so you went through all that to chase three players while I blindly ran through doors and managed to find the center."

Zack couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that Emma had to work hard to pass the first round while all he did was run around due to the noise of someone dashing close to him.

Perhaps having balanced stats and a reincarnated person's luck did carry him quite far.

"Hey, don't rub it in my face..." Emma pouted before the two of them waited for the second round to begin.

After two hours of sitting around while looking at more players arriving, Zack and Emma were extremely bored.

And that's when Johnny decided to make his appearance.

"Currently, there are five hundred thousand players here. Yes, the millions of players were reduced to you lot." He said with a smile as his gaze flickered over a few players.

"Anyways, the second round of the event is a game of tag. Yes, you'll have to run around even more. In this mode, there will be a single tag player, and whoever he or she touches will get eliminated.

After the chaser has managed to tag 2 people, or if the chaser manages to tag 2 people, someone else will take the chaser role. However, if the chair fails to catch someone in the given time of 1 minute, they will be eliminated."

After explaining the game, a screen appeared in front of the players which showed how the game had to be played.

It looked pretty simple to them yet Johnny wasn't going to let them go without a twist.

"All movement skills are allowed for this round and do keep in mind that only a single person will advance out of the 12 people who will play this game together."

After explaining the remaining details, Johnny snapped his fingers, and pillars of light started appearing around the players.

"And this time, all games will go simultaneously," Johnny added with a smile as thousands of pillars of light started appearing around the players.

Both Zack and Emma immediately closed their eyes as the pillars soon started getting blinding. This meant that those who had watched a few more than normal, they were blinded for some time.

[[ See you soon. ]]

Both Zack and Emma sent the same message before they disappeared.


[ You have been chosen as the chaser. ]

This time, Zack was not going to be the one being chased. He was going to be the chaser.

'Looks like my first skill has come a long way of helping me. I wonder if I can use my other skills for movement too.'

Zack saw that all the players were standing a few meters away from him. A timer was visible above their heads which only he could see.

The environment for the game was a plain open field without any place to hide.

The players would have to keep running if they wanted to protect themselves from dying.

[ 3... 2... 1... Run! ]

The players started running in all directions with the sole goal of staying away from Zack.

The latter however still couldn't move as a ten-second timer ticked above his head.

The game didn't have any perks or disadvantages for the chaser which meant that he could tag multiple people at once.

None of the players were stupid enough to run beside each other. It was not just because they feared Zack but also because they didn't trust their fellow players.

Every single one of them was afraid that they might get backstabbed and thrown to the ground.

In tag, the one who fell to the ground would always, and no one wanted to be that person.

As soon as the timer fell down to zero, a smile appeared on Zack's face.

He dashed forward towards the slowest person who likely decided to pool all the points towards a certain stat.

"Swift Lightning," Zack muttered under his breath as he shot forward at the speed of Lightning.

The person being chased realized that something was wrong as he turned back to see Jason's hand touching his shoulder.

A pillar of light descended on his body before he vanished from the field. Now that Jason's skill was on cooldown, there was only one skill that he could use.

Zack pointed both of his hands backward before closing using water. As the wave of water shot out of his fingers, Zack was propelled forward and started catching up to the second player.

"Earth walk!" However, the player had a trick up his sleeve too as he submerged under the earth. Zack could see the timer running on the player's head which said only thirty seconds were left for him to capture a player.

'Well, I can still use one last skill.' Zack had no idea whether his skill would work or not but he didn't have a whole lot of options.

He kept both of his hands backward and activated blue flames. Unlike water gun, which had propelled him forward, his flames gave him a speed boost.

However, he had to make sure that he didn't hurt a player. Only twenty seconds remained which meant Zack was getting dangerously close to being eliminated.

However, the blue flames skill didn't have a cooldown or a time limit. So technically, it was the best skill to have for the entire round.

After choosing a target, Zack started homing in on her. The female player however had a skill to help her too.

She waited until Zack was only a few feet away from her and activated her skill.

"Swift lightning!" It was the same skill Zack had first used. Unfortunately, the skill only worked for a few seconds whereas his skill was permanent.

[ A new chaser will now be chosen. ]

Suddenly, all players were forced to stand still as a red dot appeared above their heads. Out of the twelve people, only ten remained.

[ A new chaser has been chosen. ]

The dot stopped on top of a male tank who looked at the other players with a grim expression.

He was the tallest and buffest of the bunch and had no hopes of catching the smaller players.

'Well, looks like I won this game the moment it started.' Zack thought with a smile as the game of tag continued on.


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