High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 373: Not a killer?

Chapter 373: Not a killer?

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Meanwhile in Anna's house.

Three days have already passed and it was soon the time for Alex to either present the proofs or get his hands out from their daughter.

Anna's mind was fixed that she would not let that Killer come near her daughter but swear she wasn't aware that destiny had some other plans for her.

There was a knock on her room, as she turned around to find the maid standing there, "Sir is calling you, Ms. Walker. He is requesting your presence in his office room." 

"I shall be there in the next few minutes," Anna replied. 

She looked at herself in the mirror and can't help but feel that a frown has appeared on her face. She knew that this is because of so many tensions aorund her but she can't help but accept it all.

It was her life, and she can't just let everything slide it into the pit. She has to sought everything with Alex as well and ask to Alena about many things.

At this point, Anna was super confused because her father would like to meet her? she hasn't done anything and didn't ask for his help as well.

'Let us see what he wishes to talk about.'

As she was already ready to go to her own office, Anna made her way to her father's little cabin in their penthouse. although, it was hers, for the time being, her father was using it for his purposes.

Knocking on the door, Anna formally asked, "May I come in dad?"

"Yes, Anna. This is your cabin, not mine. You need not ask for permission from me." Liam replied as Anna walked inside the office and saw her father was busy seeing the view of the city with his eyes.

"But you are the one who is using it for so long. Coming to the office is a hassle for you so take this as a good mini office that I gifted you." 

He nodded his head in agreement to whatever she said but he didn't utter even a single word. Seeing him so serious, Anna was quite unsure what had happened and what was there to talk?!

"What do you have to talk about? As far as I remember, I had nothing to discuss and I didn't even ask for any help from you."

"Anna despite me, leaving the Walker business on your shoulders, somewhere it is my responsibility that I should keep an eye over it always. After all, you are still in a very high mess." 

A frown appeared on her face when she heard this. "Which mess are you talking about?" 

"The mess of Kiara's father and the news of Alex being alive. We all were distant to the news that he is alive but now that we all know, we can't ignore it as well." 

This conversation was leading to somewhere else and she knew that this is just the beginning. He has something serious to talk about. 

Otherwise, she knew that he wouldn't have called her here to talk about it specially and take this topic for some other time.

"He is the father of my child and I will never deny it ever dad. But trust me, if someone will come and try to take Kiara away from me, I will crush that person!"

"But what if he doesn't have the same goal as you are thinking? Maybe he wishes to have both mother and daughter to himself." 

Hearing this, Anna's mouth sealed. She doesn't know what to do with this. 'If he wants me as well? I doubt that highly. He already has a girlfriend with him now..' 

With this though, Anna didn't see any option of them getting together. Despite in her heart, she holds the same affection and love, but she has caged it for a long time now.

It was like a time when she had to make an important decision, but she had to do something quickly. If she has to keep her daughter to herself then it would be a big deal for her to carry it out. 

"I..I don't think so that he is thinking of something like this.. no.. he won't." Anna replied with whatever that came to her mind but Liam wasn't satisfied with this.

Sitting on his armchair, Liam looked at Anna's face which is now already in a daze due to wherever he spoke right now. 

She can't digest the fact that her father really thinks differently for her and Alex. For God's sake, she is his daughter and he thinks that she is stubborn. But in reality, he forgot that she is his daughter and just like him. But only if he willunderstadn that. 

"You are forgetting that Alex is a Steve. For him, nothing is impossible just like how he escaped death. He is my grandchild's father and I'm ready to accept that but not. until he clears his intentions!

But I know that he will not clear it so quickly. You both are stubborn personalities and it will take some time. But you have to think about Kiara as well. She is growing and we can't delay it for so long.``

"Like I will let him have his way. The amount of damage he did will never be converted back. I lost my brother and you lost your son.. he is just a killer to our dearest one." 

Anna cleared it and as usual, Liam looked like her as if she was the biggest joke of the world.

"Or maybe not. Maybe he isn't the killer of Seb.. and maybe he is just framed just like the entire Steve family has been framed.."


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