High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 371: Husband?!

Chapter 371: Husband?!

With no choice left in her hands, Alena was dragged to the other side where others were sitting as well.

In the middle of the guests, her mother introduced her to some of her new friends and some of her old relatives. Although Alena looked least interested for the sake of her parents, she did whatever she could.

"Alena, I have asked Reyan to bring the most expensive and beautiful ring for you! Everyone will surely envy your ring." Suddenly, bringing his topic in between was like a timebomb on her face. she doesn't need anything from that bastard!

"Mom... I don't want expensive things. You know that these all aren't my kind." Alena honestly replied.

"But you are grown up and going to get married. Act like a lady and stop making excuses each time. You don't want others to bad mouth you." A strict warning came on her way.

But Alena was even more reluctant even now. 'Only if I could explain to you guys how badly I wish to run away from here.' 

She was hurt deeply and no one knew how she would handle it. Her parents are already thinking that Reyan is the best son-in-law they can get.

It was another storm that came in her direction when her father called her. She had predicted that maybe he would make her embarrassed in front of everyone but to their surprise, he asked her in a sweet voice.

"Alena.. please come here." Taking the space from everyone present thereon, Alena walked to her father who was sitting with his friends.

"Yes, dad?" 

"Come to my study. I have some things to ask about..something. please excuse us and enjoy the breakfast." Her father told his friends and they all nodded their heads.

Along with her father getting up, Alena made her way to his study where she locked the door from behind, and there she found even her mother standing with her brother.

The atmosphere that was light downstairs, it was now getting more intense. The calmness that Alena felt inside her heart just a second ago, is now gone because she realized that nothing was normal.

"I told you that you aren't allowed to go out. But I see that you have started disobeying my orders.. I don't know what to do with you anymore, Alena." 

"I...I did what I felt was right. I was out with Anna and I think that isn't a bad thing. I'm already a grown-up adult!" This conversation was once again up, and this time she has no other choice but to put her demands and things clearly.

"But you are about to get married! Who told you to go to any club just like that? Do you even have any idea what Reyan had to go through to get to you?" 

Before Alena could have answered back, her mother spoke as well,"Alena.. you are our dearest child. We don't want any harm to you but you keep on going against the rules. You aren't allowed to upset your husband!" 

A sarcastic laugh came on her face when she heard the word husband because instead of Reyan, Jack is now husband. How will he feel when he gets to know that his wife is getting married to someone else and claims on someone else as her husband?

"Husband? I'm not even married to him and you already decided him to be my husband? Mom, if my husband is also doing wrong then I will correct him to walk on the right path, not like you who just blindly follows what father says." 

"ALENA! Is this the way to talk to mom? Say sorry to her at this point!" Her brother shouted but Alena didn't feel a little bit sorry.

All she said was quite a true fact, despite everyone disagreeing on it. In this house, why does everyone only follow her father but no one gives a damn about her mom? Why is this injustice in her family?

Turning to her brother, Alena opened her mouth, "Brother, you are also aware of this. Since childhood, mom rarely said anything. Many times father was wrong but she never rectified it. Why? Why has she never built an identity of hers?" 

"But you are crossing your limits Alena! he is our dad and if we won't listen to him then who will guide us!" Once again, her father was defended by her lovely brother. 

"Yes, he is the adult of her family but who will not say that he has not done any mistake in his life?! Mother, you aren't even uttering a single word now. Why? Do you feel that you flag something?" Alena turn to face her mom, who looked quite nervous at this point. 

She was nervous because, where Alena spoke was quite right. She doesn't care about her own self-respect and just like that, she lets her husband dominate everyone.

"ALENA! You are forgetting that you are still standing in my house! Whatever I will say will only happen and trust me, I'm not joking on this."

"Then listen to my final words as well dad. I will only do what I wish to. I will get my independence and won't let Reyan dominate me. I don't care if he gets upset or not because this is my life and he is no one to hold me and decide for me!" Alena once again shouted and gave her final verdict.

She will do what comes in her own mind only! A glare passed through her eyes. Bleeding Bollin with her veins almost on the verge of coming out.

Turning around, she walked to the door of the study room. She was hands-on with the knob when she heard her father's words again.

"Wait. I never asked you to leave."


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