High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 324: Anna's reply!

Chapter 324: Anna's reply!

Seeing that sinister laugh of his, Alena just wanted to throw up all the disgust she was feeling. Being his bride was the last thing she ever wants to do her entire life!

Instead, she would rather prefer dying before getting married to this demon. God knows what happened to her and Anna when they thought that he was a good guy but unlikely, both of them were wrong. 

They hadn't seen his real face back then but now that they do know how this person is, Alena swear that she would jump down from the building before going near this person! He will fucking kill her every day if she would be wed to this demon!

"Reyan, you are a crazy monster! You were with Chris right?" She can easily guess this. From the last year, she had stopped herself from asking him anything like this.

A smirk came on his face, while he slowly removed his hands through her face. Alena tried to step back but failed miserably. 

"Yes love, I was the one involved with Chris! But Anna killed him and I wasn't able to get what I Wanted! But no worries, no one can stop me from getting you as my wife. Anyways, I Was here to remind you that we have a marriage in the next month so stops that you don't wish to marry me!" 

Alena gave him a glare but he only lagged seeing her pitiful expressions. Does God know why he enjoys seeing her in pain?!

"Alena, you're not thinking about this in the right way. Love, understand that you can't escape from me no matter what happens! in the lifetime, your life I already stuck with me and do not even think about doing anything stupid ever!" 

Saying this, he shut the door behind making Alena fall on the ground with her legs already weak. She was a simple lady, wanting to have a normal life but to her dismay that wasn't possible. 

But it was possible and that was running away from this crazy person. She knew that Anna would help her in every state but her luck did not seem to work nowadays!

' I...I can't marry him! No!'


On the other hand, Anna's eyes were wide when she heard Mr. Adam's words!

She can feel her heart was almost on the verge of coming out for her body because this was not what she had expected from Mr. Adam's mouth. He was telling her to work with her brother's killer!

"Mr. Adam, are you sure what you have thought? Please do give it another thought. You see my taste and Mr. Steve's taste are absolutely different!" Anna can't help but explain him once more. 

She doesn't wish to be with him in any state! Being loose with him only makes her shiver and moreover, she can't even think of disclosing the identity of her daughter! What will she do if he gets to know about Kiara?

Mr. Adam gave her another look and spoke, "I have thought about it many times. Anna. You do not understand what I can see through your both presentations! You have flaws in your presentation but I can see that each other's presentation fully fills all the flaws of the opposite person! That is wonderful!" 

'That is wonderful for you but for me, it is a death call!' this thought suddenly passed through her, and when she looked at Alex's face who looked equally shocked and surprised, 

"Mr. Adam, I do respect you a lot. But you are making two competing companies work together and I think that is not a good idea!" After a while, Alex opened his mouth when he realized what had happened just now.

He was asked to work again with Anna and he can't afford to do it. He was angry too and behind him for some reason, his anger is resisting and he hits thunder whenever the line is crossed!

Working with her daily is almost his limit and he can't help but give Mr. Adam please glare. He had worked his ass off to make sure that Walker didn't get this project and now suddenly Mr. Adam has turned the table around!?

But it looks like, No one can convince Mr. Adam anymore. He abundant on his decisions and it would be a waste of time to make him understand their rivalry at the sprint when he has found a project for his so-called estate!

'I swear if you do not have that much power and authority Mr. Adam, I would have done something right now!' This thought made Alex's eyes turn more cold and black. 

While both of them were shocked and surprised, the secretary wasn't able to figure out the problem of son his business together? It was a deal for both fat parties and will benefit both of them so why are they not considering it?

Coming a little closer to Anna, her secretary whispered in her ear, "Ma'am, you need to think about it once in a while. Mr. Adam is someone we can't afford to lose and now that he is giving you opportunity on his base only then you should take it!" 

"I know but..working with this bastard is a big no from my side!" Anna can't help but frown deeply when Alex gives her another look asking her to say no to Mr. Adam. 

He was waiting for Anna to step back and he can get all the project to himself without training his reputation because the one to back off will be Anna. 

But to his dismay, Anna already read through his mind because she was thinking of the same situation about the vice versa! 

Giving it a thought for a few good minutes, Anna stood up from her seat, and then a small smirk came on her face which isn't giving Alex much good feeling. 

"I will work with you, Mr. Alex I will work with you on this project together. Are You in or not?"


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