High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 260: Anna Slapped Alex!

Chapter 260: Anna Slapped Alex!

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In the morning.

Chris knocked on the room and was going to step inside but before, he decided to call Anna first. Bringing his phone, he taped in her contact. "Hello?" Came Anna's plan voice from the other hand.

"Oh my love, a very good morning. Sorry if I had woken you up. I know it's quite early to disturb your sleep." Chris tried to sound romantic but Anna just felt irked.

Her face twisted hearing his talk sweet voice and that too, early in the morning. It was just like, disturbing her beautiful morning.

In her mind, he was just someone whom she wanted to kill barehand and have Alex to herself. Hearing his voice first thing in the morning made her face crumble down.

"What do you want? Just say it directly please." Her questions were quite direct.

She wasn't interested in beating around the bush anymore.

"Can you come to one hotel? Please?"

"Why?" Anna suspiciously asked.

"Oh, I need to show you something. Please try and come to the hotel right now. It's something urgent." Chris tried to convince her but sounded too excited.

"No! I won't ever obey your orders in this lifetime anymore Chris!" Anna replied with a very angry voice.

"Please Anna. It's quite urgent. I assure you that you won't be disappointed this time. Trust me in this, please Anna!" Chris was almost begging her.

After a minute of silence, Chris's aura turned dangerous. 'Why is she not saying anything? Can't she just agree to my words once a time?'

"Chris, I'm going back to my sl-" her words were interrupted when she heard his next wordings.

"It's related to your lover, your precious Alex. Don't you want to know more about it? So come to the address I'm messaging you."

Chris knew it too well that she was deeply attached to his idiot brother. No matter what happens, she will react if it concerns him.

"CHRIS! If there is something unusual, be ready for your death and I swear that I don't joke on this." Her voice was as cold as before.

Her face had a frown and glare at the same time. When she heard Alex's name from his mouth, she knew he wasn't joking.

"You won't be disappointed. Trust me for this." Saying this, he hung up, without uttering a single other word or giving her any other hint!

Maybe this was because he had enough trust that she will agree to everything if it has Alex in it. This was the length of her love for that brother of his.

Unfortunately, he can never have thus loge by her heart, but only if with the force and with his cheap tricks.


Anna arrived at the hotel, wearing jeans and a top. Although it was a five-star hotel, she didn't care about this appearance because she was concerned about what Chris has under his sleeves!

'I hope he hasn't harmed Alex otherwise he will face death from me!' Anna thought and was praying that nothing goes wrong with her love.

And there in the lobby, she saw Chris standing near a room's door. He was smiling so wide that it was almost reaching his ears and she knew something was evil!

The way he stood, made her feel as if he was considering himself to be a king who is going to win a serious battle right now.

"Why did you call me?" Anna asked with a frown on her face clearly.

"Finally you came! I had a wonderful surprise for you." Chris replied.


Chris signaled her to knock on the door on her own and see it herself. On the other hand, Anna had her own doubts as she looked at Chris with her suspicious eyes.

'He is up to no good.' She thought but did as asked.

Knocking on the door once, she heard a girl's voice coming from inside. Anna did not know how to react because she felt it wasn't something she can do whatever about. What can a girl do?

What has it to do with her!?

But then, Anna felt her heart had stopped beating the moment she saw the lady opening the door and the view of her came in front of her, covered in a white blanket.


All of the sudden, she felt there was a lack of oxygen in her body as her hand unconsciously went towards her chest to control the pain inside.

"Anna... Chris... What are you both doing here, early in the morning?" Emma asked innocently, with a small blush creeping out on her face.

"Oh sorry, I think we disturbed your private time? Is it my precious brother?" Chris added fuel to the burning fire in Anna's mind.

"I..I." before Emma could have answered any of them, Anna pushed her harshly and stepped inside the room to find her man!

"ALEX! WHERE ARE YOU!" her voice was loud as ever, echoing in the whole house but then her eyes swept through the view of the room.

At that moment, she actually forgot that she was Chris's fiance. Seeing Emma half-naked, her imagination started running too wild and she did not want to guess anything without seeing anything from her eyes.

Her steps slowed down a little when she saw the candles on the one side and some rose petals on the floor too, with the clothes scattered on the ground.

'W...What happened in the room? Alex..'

Her head was already a mess as she tried to control her emotions and took baby steps inside, hoping to not find what everyone was saying.

On the other hand, Emma looked at Chris who was smirking too much. She was feeling guilty a lot but kept her mouth shut, at least for now because it was better this way.

Anna walked fully into the room to find a man sleeping on the bed, half-naked, with his shorts on only.

"Alex" Her voice became too low, but Alex was able to listen to it. He half-opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

Absentmindedly, he looked at his own self and then, met Anna's shocked eyes. He gulped in far because seeing her pretty face, he remembered all the past night's events, and no words came out in front of her.

But then, he spoke, "Anna... I.. It's not the way you think it is. Let me explain it."

"E..explain? Is there something to explain anymore?" Her voice was still slacking because she wasn't able to digest the information and register it in her mind.

"Oh My, My! My little brother and his fiance shared a night? Can I expect a child soon in my family?" Chris's voice rang from behind and Anna just wanted to smash his face and make him unconscious at this moment.

Chris was adding more fuel to the fire. He wants Anna to feel broken, to make his plan succeed!

He went near and tried to grab her waist but she slashed his hand away, not breaking her eye contact with Alex.

"You betrayed me." Her voice was broken.

Tears on the verge of coming out but did not fall due to the shock.

Alex got up from the bed and tried to approach her but she stopped him, indicating not to come near her.

"Anna... Let me explain. Emma! Why don't you just tell her!" Alex doesn't want any misunderstanding to arise at this point between him and Anna. He looked at Emma, who was acting dumbly but did not speak any word.

But the deed was already done.

Emma came a little forward, trying to hold her blanket properly, "What Alex? It is quite alright to do it. Why do we have to share it with our sister in law?"

"Don't play any tricks!! Tell her everything that you drugged me!" Alex shouted.

"WHAT!?!? FOR GOD'S SAKE! You are my fiance, why will I use such cheap tactics to sleep with my own husband?"

"Emma, I swear you will be killed if you speak any other lie! It was you who initiated everything!"

"And You! you let her do everything she wanted and gave her pleasure?" This time, Alex was faced with Anna's direct question which made him feel goosebumps.

No words came from his mouth any more because this was a harsh truth he was facing. Chris was just simply enjoying the scene.

The horror on Anna's face gave him satisfaction. 'I played a smart move this time. Ah, Alex, you will be separated from Anna this time!' The evil grin isn't leaving his face!

"ALEX! HOW COULD YOU?" The last string of hope broke her into pieces.

"Anna, let me speak first." But before him, Chris first answered, "You guys used condoms or something? Wait a min, what if Emma is already pregnant with Steve's family's child?"

The fire in Anna's head was now doubled on thinking about this possibility.

He betrayed her so badly that she might not be able to recover from it ever in her life!

Her knees were giving up and Anna took the support of the nearby wall to hold herself back from falling, Alex tried to help her and touch her shoulders but instead he received a glare from her.

"Ann, Emma simply drugged me! J never wanted to do it with her! You know how much I love you, you are the only girl in my eyes!" his words went in vain because Anna's next move shocked almost everyone in the room.



So? What about Alex betraying?!

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