High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 208: Keep her safe, even if costs my life!

Chapter 208: Keep her safe, even if costs my life!

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This gesture of Anna does not miss Chris's eyes. She was stopping him so that he does not hurt Alex? Thinking about this, Chris felt his anger boiling up. But Anna did not care, as usual, ignored the anger and darkness in his eyes and did her work. 

Keeping Scott inside the car safely, she walked to the bodyguards who were behind them. "I'm leaving my youngest master here. Make sure he is safe and if he wakes up call any of us." They all nodded because Anna is not only Chris's fiance but also Alex's friend. Her words were not only to her bodyguards but to both of their bodyguards also.

After all, if their masters pay attention to her and give her all rights then it's their responsibility to obey her orders, right?

After receiving their nod, Anna walked inside the place. They had to climb a hundred stairs before reaching the top. Not many tourists were there, so Anna had predicted that maybe Chris might have cleared this place also, just like the garden before.

Anna in the middle, and both of the men on her either side, walked above the place. 

But one thing that did not miss Anna's eye was the more he was moving upwards, the wind became stronger. Anna was feeling a little cold the more upper they moved. But she did not say this to anyone. 

"Alex, why is this place known so much?" Instead of asking Chris, she asked Alex because it would be much easier if Alex tells her instead of Chris.

"As you know that our south of Zuak Land has many historical places, so this is one of them. At the top, we will find one statue which people things is God. Not exactly God but they think it blesses people to live together or something like that." He never tried to come here because who will try to come here when you are single?

Who will the statue bless you with? Ghost?

"So, people come here to get blessings?"

"Practically yes! They think this way, no one will break them." And that is why he suggested this place because he wanted to come here and be blessed with Anna. Although Chris is with them, the only love birds get blessed whose love isn't to love but an obsession.

God won't bless his obsession!

"Hah! So, Anna, we should take blessings for sure. That way we will have a lifelong bond and although it's a fact that no one can take you away from me, and this will be just a formality." Chris suddenly spoke up as Anns rolled her eyes hearing his words.

'I will ask for blessings to kill you rather live with you for lifelong.' Anna thought but she kept quiet. On the other side, Alex did not react much because he knew why Chris suddenly said these words.

He wanted to irritate Alex but he kept his patience to tolerate him for long. After all, he knew Chris does not believe in such things. It was just a myth or bullshit for this person and that is why Alex did not take his words to his heart.

After coming up, Anna looked around and saw many leaves on the floor of the prayer space and a large hall was built up. From the age, it was already brown, rusted but still many people have their belief in it which made Anna surprised.

'No matter what, if people believe that this place is a blessing for couples, then it must be awesome for it.' 

The trio stepped inside the hall and there they saw a large statue in the middle. It was for two couples. Who knows who they were, because leave their parents or grandparents, it was generations old. Anna's eyes glittered with surprise and uniqueness. 

But this not only surprised Anna but Alex was also struck by the beautiful crafts. It was built so well that it has survived for so long, even after being rusted.

"I feel this place has a strong vibe in it," Anna confessed. 

"I have the same feeling. Something really might have happened here otherwise... I don't know why but it makes me more curious." Alex and Anna ignored Chris's presence who was least interested in taking a look around. 

Standing in front of the statue, Anna closed her eyes and prayed, while on another side, Alex did the same thing. In contrast to these two, Chris was normally checking the mails on his phone. But all of the sudden, he received an important call. He took a glance at Anna and Alex's whose eyes were closed and he decided to attend this important call.

'God, I've many obstacles on my way. Somewhere I know that I'm not that strong. Give me the strength to fight all the demons and complete my motive for coming here. Having Alex is my top priority but I hope we are meant to be together and you will help me in this.' Anna does not want anything else but her motive and Alex. Not everything, but she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

But, on the other hand, Alex opened his eyes and looked at Anna's close eyes. He stared at his face for some time and then prayed to god, not removing his eyes from her face.

'I don't want anything else but the person who is beside me. Having her is all I can ask for in this life, and never let anything happen to my Si. Always make her happy and keep her safe even if it costs my life. I know God, I might sound selfish because she is my sister in law, but asking something good for the person is not wrong I guess.'

He already dedicated his life to Anna. Nothing else is more important to him than her well being and that happiness.

'I love you my Si. I accept this in front of our couple God. May someday, I will say 'I do' in our marriage. I hope that day comes in the future.' 


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