High School DxD

Volume 2 Prologue

I want to protect that person.

It’s not about the contract or constraint.

That person needs to stand strong while wavering her crimson hair.

That’s the person who I came to admire.

So lend me your strength. -Red Heavenly Dragon-san.

I’m Hyoudou Issei. People call me “Ise”.

I’m a 2nd year high school student. Unfortunately, I’m not a “normal high school student”.

That’s because I happen to be a Devil. No, I’m serious. It’s just that I was reincarnated into a Devil.

Well, that’s not important right now. Just think of me as a high school Devil.

That’s what I am, but I don’t know what to do with the situation happening right in front of me.

For some reason, I’m in a place which looks like a chapel. There are familiar faces around me.

“Damn it! For Ise to get married!”

“It’s some kind of mistake! This is some kind of conspiracy!”

The bald headed Matsuda, and Motohama who is wearing glasses. My two evil pals are sending out words to me while putting on an envious look.

“Ise! I want my first grandchild to be a girl!”

“Sob, you have grown! You were a worthless child whose only pride was his desire to have sex!”

Both my parents are crying. Stop saying such things!

I’m wearing a white tuxedo.

It’s like a wedding scene. Wait, this is a wedding scene.

Even the wedding song is being played within this chapel.

Mine!? Is it my wedding!?

I became astonished at this sudden and shocking situation, then what about my bride? Who is my bride?

“Ise, you can’t look around restlessly.”

A familiar voice comes from my side. When I look to my side, there is a beauty, Rias Gremory-buchou, who has her crimson hair down to her hips standing right there.

She is the one who turned me into a Devil, and she happens to be a High-class Devil who holds a peerage. I’m the servant Devil of Rias-buchou and also her servant.

More than that, she looks so gorgeous in her wedding dress that I can’t directly look at her. Sob, Buchou, you look so beautiful!

And Buchou who is in such clothing is standing right besides me! So that means she’s my——.

“Rias-sama! You look so beautiful!”

“Aaah, Rias-oneesama! Why on earth are you marrying a guy like that!?”

Screams can be heard from various part of the chapel. So no one will praise me huh......

I-I see, so this is Rias-buchou and my wedding!

I can’t believe it. So Buchou and I got into that sort of relationship without me realising it, and our relation progressed this far.

Ah, I don’t really get it, but if I can marry Buchou who I admire, then there’s no problem at all!

“At all times, thee—”

The geezer priest is apparently saying the wedding vows, but my head is filled with other things.

Marriage = husband and wife. Husband and wife = family. Family = children. Children = making babies. Making babies = sexual relation. Sexual relation = husband and wife’s love affair. Husband and wife’s love affair = starts from the first night of marriage. ......First night of marriage......

The first night of our marriage!?

[Come here, Ise.]

Buchou is laying on the bed naked inside my imagination.

This means that I can, right? I mean, we are husband and wife after all, so we need to make a family.

A child is a must when you start a family. And to make a child, we need to do a certain thing. And that certain thing is sex.


I can have sex with Buchou!!

Reaching that conclusion, my head became full with excitement and I wasn’t able to stop imagining lots of naughty stuff.

I see, so the reason why I didn’t have any luck with these kinds of things in the past is because it was for this day. For tonight!

A-Am I be able to finish the task until the end safely!?

N-No, if it’s about knowledge, then I am an expert! I have been simulating it every day in my head!

In other words, I’m an ace-pilot in mock battles! I’m an elite who only needs to taste the real battle!

“Now you may kiss the bride.”


Yeah, that’s it, now I remember! This is the first thing I have to do!

The kiss in a chapel! A kiss with Buchou!

When I look to my side, Buchou has her eyes closed and her face is approaching me!

Can I!? I can right!? Alright! Alright! Buchou’s lip is mine!

Her lips look so soft. The lipstick makes them sparkle and my head feels like it’s about to spin around.

And soon, this will belong to me! I can’t stop myself from being excited when I think about it!

While breathing hard from my nose, I stick my lips forward and gradually approach Buchou——.

[Looks like you’re having fun, shitty brat.]


A mysterious voice echoes within my head.

It a low voice with an impact in it. I don’t recall this voice. But somehow I feel like I know this voice. A voice which has always been close to me......

[That’s right. I’m right beside you.]

......Who is this?

I look around me, and the chapel is nowhere to be seen now.

Buchou who was right next to me is also gone. Everyone including my parents and friends are gone as well!

Rather than that, where am I? I’m losing all my senses. I lost my sense of balance and touch.

I lost my sense of sight and hearing as well.

It’s pitch-black right in front of me. Darkness. I can’t hear anything with my ears. It’s silent.

......What is this?

Buchou! Dad! Mum! Matsuda! Motohama!

I shout the names of those I’m close with inside my heart, but there is no reply. What is happening to me?

Whose voice is that?

[It’s mine.]


The sound didn’t come out from my mouth, but I’m really shocked within my heart.

Of course. Anyone will be scared if a gigantic monster appears right in front of them.

It has big eyes. The colour of its eyes is red like a blood. A jaw that comes up to its ears, where lots of sharp fangs are growing out.

There is a thick horn lining up on its forehead, and the scales that covers its body is red like a magma.

It has thick arms and legs like those of a gigantic tree. The claws look very sharp and terrifying.

More than that, its pair of wings that are spread to the sides makes this giant monster look even bigger.

In front of me there is......a gigantic monster......and out of all the things I know, the thing that resembles it the most is a——.


It seems like it knows what I’m thinking even though I can’t speak, and it seems like the monster, a Dragon, which is in front of me lifts its mouth up a bit.

[That’s it. That’s the right deduction. I’ve been trying to talk to you for the whole time. But, since you were really weak, my words didn’t reach you until now. Finally. Finally, I am able to appear in front of you.]

......What is this guy saying? I don’t get it.

Appear? He has been trying to talk to me for the whole time? I don’t know. I don’t know about it! What? Is he trying to eat me?

[Eat? Eat you who seems to taste awful? As if I would. That’s not it. I just wanted to introduce myself to my partner who I will be fighting along with from now on.]

Partner? Hold on a second. I don’t even know what you are talking about!

Dragon! Who are you——.

[You already realised it, haven’t you? You probably thought about it. Yeah, that’s right. I’m exactly what you think I am. Let’s talk again. Aye, partner.]

When I look at my left arm, it’s covered in red scales and it looks very abnormal because it has really sharp claws growing out from it.


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