High-Class Mob

Chapter 86: Ragdoll (part 1)

Chapter 86: Ragdoll (part 1)

When Leo was back on Earth, he had no notable talent nor parents. He was an orphan who, got adopted but felt like he didn’t belong in his family.

When he was 16, the family who adopted him died in an accident, and once again, he was alone.

But it was at that time he got himself a girlfriend. She said she loved him, and the lonely Leo ate those words turning him blind to her flaws and mistakes. In short, he became stupid.

That girl was Tia.

Leo supported her dreams both morally and financially. Tia became a support to Leo’s crumbling mind, and as time went on, he considered marriage despite his young age.

He wanted to get married. Because then, he might find himself in a family where he doesn’t find out of place if he was the one who built it.

But once Tia got what she wanted. Just when she got her first project after graduating, Tia revealed her true colors, and everyone knows the story from then on…

She broke up with him, and Leo destroyed her social status. Leo drowned himself in alcohol, drinking while gloating as he had the satisfying last laugh. A week later after doing that, he woke up in a different world and was dragged to a world within a story where.

He changed the story to a point where weird events are now beginning to show. He now has two daughters and a child that’s about to see the world.

He has a family who he feels oddly settled with, and his mind was clear no matter what he does. He now had saved a lot of people and straightened the paths of villains.

In the process of doing so, Colt inadvertently saved thousands of lives. The slaughter Gilbert was supposed to cause will not happen; Mina’s descent to madness will spare him and anyone who might suffer in the crossfire; the epidemic will be avoided; Filla and Hylda now have a father; Vyra will finally realize her dream of creating a family.

He cannot save the world from whatever the hero was supposed to protect it from. But he can at least say he managed to save the lives of few and avoid the unnecessary deaths of some.

Colt knows not when or where the Hero will appear. But from the looks of it, the hero has yet to transmigrate to this world and is being tortured in another world.

“Poor lad…”


Colt unconsciously spoke but his eyes remained closed. He had a splitting headache, and his head was rested on an uncomfortable pillow. He could hear faint words as if they are from somewhere far, but Colt could grasp what they were saying.

He tried opening his eyes but was blinded by something shiny. He thought back to something from the past.

“Am I back in the Goddesses place? Did I almost die again, or did I finally kick the bucket??”

“Oh, Butler Neun! I think the Young Master is delirious! I think he hit his head too hard this time. The Young Mistress will deal with you when we get back.” Sera’s voice echoed in Colt’s ears.

“Bah! That lass will not do anything to me. I’m this kid’s master; I am the teacher, the instructor! I will do everything I need to do to make him more powerful than he is now! This is what he wanted!” Neun retorted back.

Sera was silent for a while, but she remembered Mina’s words when she first met her and then shuddered from the implanted fear.

But she regained herself reasonably quickly thanks to the training she received from the very same person who instilled fear to her bones “…You don’t understand. The Young Mistress will grind your bones to dust if you hurt him too much…”

“Sera, that’s enough. I am fine.” Sera was trying her best to warn Neun when Colt spoke.

Slowly, Colt regained his sense of sight and realized he was staring at the sun and he was resting his head on someone else’s lap — Neun’s lap!

“Ahhh! Dammit, so that’s why it felt wrong.” Colt felt a splitting headache, but that was blown away as he realized what was happening. The shock was indeed effective.

Colt looked at Sera and Neun then waved his hand, “Sera, I requested this training to improve my strength faster, and I can tell that my aura is getting stronger, so I don’t mind and neither should you. that aside, how long was I out?”

“Four hours since 9:00 am today, Young Master.” Sera answered.

“Hooh, that’s a pretty long nap, no wonder I managed to recover most of my aura.” Colt looked around and noted the fact that they have stopped moving, “Seeing that we stopped our travels, are the soldiers and horses on break? Have the soldiers eaten?”

“All the soldiers and horses have eaten. They are currently training under the guidance of the Platoon Leader. They are currently running about to shake off their sleepiness.”

“Good, they are not slacking off. It appears showing them a wastrel working hard is quite effective.” Colt looked around and found the soldiers five hundred meters away.

They were fully armored under the glaring sun. The soldiers had their tongue sticking out. But one man in their group stood tall and kept at it like it was nothing to him.

That man was Lopre. He is the oldest of the Platoon and is the Platoon Leader.

Colt asked for volunteers who wanted to fight for him. The veteran guards and soldiers of the family are loyal to his father, so only the new and barely trained soldiers joined his troops.

However, it was a surprise Lopre stood up and volunteered to join the nameless platoon. Lopre was a Rank-6 Warrior. He receives a nice salary from his position from being the Vice-Captain of the Guards, but he gave it all away to follow Colt.

He had seen the wonderful and pure sword of Colt. His valiance to his Young Master was born when Colt saved him from the assassins. He was in awe of this person, and as he learned more about Colt’s true nature when they returned to the Edgeworth fief the more he was impressed.

Thus, he was easily swayed when the chance to serve Colt came.

Lopre was loyal to Shickly, but he finds Colt more charismatic. He was a guard who had not gone to war, but if Colt wishes for it, Lopre will obediently follow.

As for the other soldiers, they were working hard because they don’t want to be outdone by the old man and the master they serve. They gritted their teeth as they made a run for it.

“Sera, give me water and hard bread. I’ll eat as I wait for the soldiers to prepare for departure. Once we’re ready, we are moving again. We’ve been traveling for a week. I want to reach the city by tonight.”

Sera felt Colt’s nonchalance to be quite strange. But she still handed him the food he requested, Colt quietly ate and rested his body some more.

The soldiers arrive right after Colt finished his food. As they did, Colt moved his body around and warmed it up. The soldiers saw this and looked at him like he was crazy.

“Is the young master doing it again?”

“That’s crazy! He’d been doing this since day two, how long is he going to keep this up?”

The young soldiers were quite scared by Colt’s perverseness. His training methods were too bizarre. Lopre, on the other hand, had already transformed into one of Colt’s zealous followers, and once he heard the soldiers’ complaints, he burst out of anger.

“You damn worms! You dare criticize the Young Master!? You fools have no right to say such things unless you can at least match his determination. Look at yourselves, already out of breath and complaining after some light runs. Do you even have the balls to do what he’s doing!?”

Lopre killed them with his words.

Colt saw this and shook his head as he chuckled. But he felt bad for the soldiers that he had to cut Lopre’s words short.

“Platoon Leader, that’s enough. They’re simply tired because of the heat, let them rest and cool their heads. Besides, they’re just words. You can’t lose a liver through words alone.”

“If the Young Master says so…” Lopre obliged to his request.

The Young Soldiers found Colt in a new light after this. This was one of the first interactions that will give birth to a loyal army that belongs only to Colt.

And as for Colt, he doesn’t even know that this was going on. He just genuinely felt bad for the soldiers; that’s why he stopped Lopre.

While all of this was happening, Sera watched as Colt tool the rope that had >its< one end tied to the back of the carriage and tied the other end to himself.

Sera panicked as she saw this.

“Young Master! You’re going to die if you continue doing this.” Sera was against his crazy idea.

“It’s going to be fine. My neck is strong enough. I won’t die from a whiplash. You’ve seen me do this dozen of times already. Also, your cool head has been deteriorating. Butler Go won’t be happy seeing his successor like this.”

“Ah!” Sera realized that she had been complaining and screaming all this while and nd bit her lip until it bled. The pain brought her back, and her cold expression returned.

Her eyes became sharper as she spoke in a cold but respectful manner, “I am merely worried over your safety, Young Master.”

“Stop worrying so much. I won’t die from this. Teacher, I’m going to go again!”

“That’s my successor, hahaha. Don’t worry. With what we’re doing, you will surely reach Rank-3 Warrior before we reach Golden Eye City.”

“Thank you, Teacher.”

Everything’s ready. The Soldiers had cleaned up the mess scattered around their resting area, and Sera entered the carriage to rest.

Neun got up the carriage’s roof, and the Colt remained outside, tied to the back carriage.

“Ready, my successor?”

“Yeah! Do it!”


The soldier driving the carriage heard Colt’s shout and ordered for the Magical Beasts pulling the carriage to move. The Dragon Horses moved and pulled the carriage, which in turn pulled Colt’s body.

The carriage pulled Colt, and then he let his body go limp. However, he didn’t let himself flail around

When the carriage suddenly dragged Colt, the force caused his body to be lifted from the ground momentarily.

The time he will stay mid-air will range from a quarter of a second to two seconds tops.

While in mid-air, there is not much danger other than bugs sieging his open mouth.

But once his toes touch the ground, Colt must react and lift his body by kicking the ground, or else he will lose his posture, and then he will become a doll that will be dragged about.

But it’s not so easy to do that as the ground is uneven. The road is paved, but the carriage he was tied to wasn’t using that road. It was using the rough way that’s by the roadside.

Colt will have to be aware of what he must do. This will test his concentration and his reflexes. This will also make him wary of his aura usage so he’ll be able to last longer in a fight.

Neun watched Colt jump up and down with a serious expression.

‘His sword is sharp, but his footwork is shit. After this, his usage of his aura will be so refined that it will make others cry. Hahahaha, my student is a genius! He’s also the very depiction of courage and determination!

‘Once you’re done training my swordsmanship, you might just be able to conquer the world!’

Neun was becoming a devil of a trainer.

But Colt didn’t care. He was enjoying this harsh training.

‘Training is nothing once you get used to the pain. You’ll even begin enjoying pain after some time…wait a fucking minute!’ Colt suddenly realized something, and his concentration lapsed.

He tumbled on the ground as he realized that this training might be turning him into something; he doesn’t want to become…a masochist.

‘Oh, no…I’ll have to continue doing this.’

Colt prayed to stay normal once this whole thing was over as he got dragged on the ground.

That night, Colt reached Golden Eye City. He was not that hurt, but his psyche took a massive hit.

Colt collapsed as soon as they neared the city. Sera booked an inn to accommodate most of the guards and Colt. The rest would be on night watch duty.

Colt would wake up 2:00 am without a care for his battered-up body to train his sword. He opened his eyes and observed his current situation.

He realized he was in an inn and then shrugged his shoulders and accepted it as is. He went out and went to the inn’s stables where the horses stayed to rest.

There, he would practice his sword, but as he was just about ready to swing his sword, Colt looked up at the moon and saw a young man with golden hair holding a sword coming to him.

‘Holy shit, another assassin?’


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