High-Class Mob

Chapter 75: Return

Chapter 75: Return

The Dragon is a beast that stores fire or any of the elements they breathe in their lungs. As everyone knows, the lungs of a human or most beings are really fragile as it is more like a balloon that can easily be pierced.

It is easily damaged and with that in mind, the idea of, what if the fire began circulating inside it? The ending should be clear, a very painful and harrowing death would follow the one who cannot control the fire.


A towering flame blew the carriage roof off as Colt’s body began to burn. His lung was being burned and his blood and veins were boiling. It was very painful, but despite the pain, Colt bulldozed through it with a steel-like frame of mind that remained unshaken despite the harrowing experience.

Mina cannot help him and Fluff can give moral support at best; he has no treasure to rely on but the fact that his mind works as intended was truly a blessing.

Thus, he controlled the water elemental aura the best he could. Focusing 90 percent of his effort trying to sustain what is happening would not free him from the pain, but it would at least pull him out of death’s embrace.

With a mind that is freed from any traffic of unnecessary thought birthed the method that led him to keep his life. The fire was not doused by the water elemental aura for it was too weak to contain the said mana, but Colt began reeling in the mana’s firepower in order to keep his internal organs from turning to char.

Slowly, he began lowering its temperature. From a burning campfire, he turned it to burning coal. Like a burning candlewick, the fire became calmer, but Colt knew that it will rampage again once his focus wanes.

‘For the time being that will keep things calm…’ He looked at the cat and conveyed his message of being unable to speak for the fire will rampage if he tries to open his mouth.

His message to the cat was as follows, “Have Mina rest and don’t let anyone touch me. Once Mina recovers, she will heal my wounds and will help me keep my life. With that, I’ll be able to get rid of the mana in my system.”

The cat caught on the message and relayed it to Mina before having her go and rest. Though Mina wished to quickly heal Colt, there was a risk of some unknown adverse effect happening if she does that, Colt had her go lie down.

As for the guards who rushed to the carriage after seeing that fire, all of them were given a bitch slap by the cat who was made to safeguard his partner. When Mina woke up to heal Colt’s injury, it was already midnight and Colt was still doing his best trying to suppress the fire.

If not for the white line’s help, then he would have already burned to death. And as Colt’s injury got healed, he had Fluff stop the carriage and then run as fast as he could to where no one will be bothered by what he is about to do.

Colt calmed his heart and opened his mouth; the World Devouring Mark began to whirl and then through the path he unknowingly discovered sent the fire out of his system!

Pushing the fire out as much as possible and just like that, three days passed and the present time where three Goddesses watched over Colt in order to the past time abounded.

The spectacle of him breathing fire lasted for five minutes before stopping.

The fire is no longer as strong as before no longer poses a threat to his life, it is now a mere First Circle Fire Mage’s element. It burns, but Colt decided to not eject everything out.

‘It won’t have an adverse effect on my body, and who knows, this might just become my trump card in the future, hehe. Though I think it’s best if I check for how long I’ll be able to hold onto the fire element.’

No one would suspect him a wielder of the water and dark element to suddenly use a fire element attack, it’s simply not something that is considered as normal.

‘It’s just like finding out the childhood friend of the protagonist is no longer a virgin. It’s not impossible, but it sure is not something you would expect…or not, no one really cares…they always lose anyway…dammit.’

While descending the mountain, he reminisced over the past of hurtfully cheering for the always losing childhood friends caused him to click his tongue.

With his descent, the one who met him was Mina rushing to his side to heal anything and ensure nothing bad happened.

“Darling, are you okay now!? Is the fire mana you absorbed from me already out of your system? Wait, I can still feel lingering mana in your body, Darling why are you keeping that? It will destroy your mind and body! Get rid of it!”

“Don’t worry about it, the mana is under control, I won’t…”

Colt tried to argue, but Mina grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to her face. With eyes devoid of emotions looked at Colt and said, “Get rid of it…now.”

A chill went down his spine resulting in Colt to shiver. Those eyes of Mina says one thing, “I won’t take no for an answer.” Colt knows not what she will do if he disobeys so he simply raised his head and looked the other away before using flamethrower at nothing for ten minutes.

“There…it’s gone,” Colt said as he wiped the sweat pouring out of his forehead.

Smiling, Mina began checking every nook and cranny of Colt’s visible external body. The swirling black tattoo on his left hand had already settled and stopped swirling.

“Good, if you’re feeling anything wrong, then just say it, okay?”

“I’m fine dear, let’s just go back and return to the camp, I want to rest already.”

Walking to the carriage, he saw Sera awaiting their return.

“Young Master, Young Miss you have returned. Is the mana in your system been purged, Young Master?”

“Yes, it is, I’m really tired today so I’m going to turn in today.”

They are now sharing the carriage with Sera as the other one had already lost its roof. Though Sera considers it as sharing, she actually disappears during the night. Colt doesn’t know where she goes nor does he know what she’s doing.

But it doesn’t really matter, he trusts Sera will not betray him for he holds Jin by his side. She’s a brocon, she won’t betray the benefactor of her brother…at least that’s what Colt is wishing.

Closing his eyes, Colt began reviewing the uses of the World Devouring Mark, at least what he can understand of the cryptic information that he cannot unravel for the time being.

  1. The level of life force I safely absorb and control and absorb is the same level of my aura mastery.
  2. I can’t use mana (or most likely the other life energy) to enhance my strength.
  3. If the mana is too strong, it is possible to overwhelm and destroy my body.
  4. Lastly, the reason why the book became smoke and why I can actually use the mark without hurting my mind is due to the reason that I have Fluff with me.

This is what he knows so far. Considering the cat’s strange activities in the past and how its strength is both unstoppable and not at the same time, Colt already found Fluff as interesting and weird.

Colt fell asleep after the review and then Sera left the carriage for somewhere else and then returned when the sun was just about to rise.

Like always, Mina would wake up early, an hour before sunrise to cook the food of the guards and Colt’s. In this timeframe, Mina and Sera would converse. During their conversation, most of the time Mina would smile, sometimes she would pout, and sometimes she would reek killing intent that stifles even the most hardened of veterans.

As to what they are talking about, none can yet know.

Time passed and without any more unsettling shit happening, the 29th day of May arrived. Two days before Filla’s birthday, Colt had returned to the Edgeworth Manor.



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