High-Class Mob

Chapter 57: Negotiation

Chapter 57: Negotiation

“Father! I only did it so that I’ll be able to damage the Edgeworth’s reputation, I just thought that if we shake them, we’ll~”

“Enough! Do you even know what you’re talking about!? Tsk! The Edgeworth Firstborn was already a rotting wood, if you had just let him alone then nothing bad will happen! He’ll become forgettable, drift into the background like any other. He has no footing in the capital so why the hell would he have a pull here!? Dammit, just admit it Gargosa, you did it for that little Vera witch!”

“No father, I~!”

Gargosa was about to say something, but Duke Slitherhead raised his hand to slap his face. As the hand touched him, it was time for Gargosa to open his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the roof of the carriage he boarded. He thought back to his father’s words and gritted his teeth as he cursed.

“Dammit! That conniving bastard!”

Bam! He smashed the adjacent wall of the carriage as Gargosa began to remember. At the moment, he’s being sent to the Western Area of the Kingdom in order to “heal” his injuries.

That’s the official story sent to the academy and the public at least. But the fact is that Gargosa had already met the end of his usage. To be more specific, he was being disposed of.

The words of his father still echo in his head.

“You worthless waste of a son! You have caused our name to be tainted while lifting his name! Leave! Go to the Lion State and cool off, I’ll call upon you after I deal with your mess.”

His words were not so harsh, hope was present, but the truth is that Duke Slitherhead is making sure he will never get to return to the capital. After all, what is there for a son whose only use is to create trouble?

Gargosa was already thrown out of the succession war when he remained aura-less at the age of 20.

His older brother has already been named the heir, but he still can’t accept that fact, thus he tried using the Edgeworth name to make him seem more valuable in terms of the brain and schemes.

Making use of the outrage Colt was receiving when the news of Colt and Mina getting engaged surfaced Gargosa called upon those who hated Colt and gathered them to one banner.

His plan was simple and yet layered: by involving the families of the suitors. Gargosa would find Colt and create concrete evidence of his savagery and cruelty. He will release the video and it will spread inciting the people’s persecution and then dragging the Edgeworth name with them thus lowering their grasp on the nobility.

The involvement of the other noble descendants will prompt their families to join in on the fray once the Edgeworths take a beating thereby pulling them to his family’s side.

His plans never had Mina in mind, he only wished to get back on the race for the title of Duke. He doesn’t want to lose the position and the power that is slipping away from him.

If he managed to execute his plans, then, he’ll be able to receive the favor of his father and he might even throw the race over. Instead, Gargosa was instead used as a stepping stone by Colt, but he also dragged his family’s name to the ground!

“Dammit, that fucker ruined everything! That wastrel should’ve acted his role, dammit, dammit, god fucking dammit!”

As Gargosa was cursing, he heard a bell that indicates there are people wanting to speak to him outside. He tried to retain his composure as he opened the doors of the carriage trying to look as decent as possible. He no longer wishes to anger the Duke more than had already done.

But as he opened his doors, an abnormally bright white light blinded him. The last things he saw were two silhouettes and a hand out to grab him.


Three days after Mina’s arrival – Monday.

It was deep into the night; the manor was already silent as most of the maids and the staffs are already asleep. On the balcony of the mansion, he stood overlooking the back garden’s pond that reflected the beautiful moon.

Behind him was his bedroom where Mina was fast asleep. He closed the door to ensure no cold wind would bother her.

Colt leaned on the railings as he yawned. He observed the pond with eyes full of curiosity. The pond was still, fully reflecting the splendor of the moon, but as a slight wind blew past a ripple was created destroying the beautiful reflection.

‘Such is the flimsiness of beauty I supposed. Just like the moon’s reflection on the pond, the heart is also flimsy. Shaken by the slightest emotion that appears…when did I start thinking like this?’

Having witnessed too many lives has caused Colt to think in this manner. The individual lives of those villains are the cause of a ripple created by a tempest known as fate.

Sanity borders insanity, a thin and brittle wall separates the two. A small puncture can cause the walls to crack and collapse.

As Colt found himself in an unusual state of mind, a person garbed in a jet-black cloak appeared before him

“I knew you’d arrive by now, so, what do you think of my proposal, Family Head Yrva Genesis?”

The man who had his face hidden took off the dark cloth hiding his face. A beautiful countenance that can rival Colt’s face appeared.

It was Yrva Genesis. Standing before Colt, he did not have a pleasurable expression on his face.

Colt didn’t care as he asked, “Did you received your older sister’s letter? She said she’ll write you one and inform you of the situation.”

Colt expected Yrva to say some unsavory words, but as he asked him those words his expression eased as he nodded his head.

“That I did.”

“Hooh, it seems like you are very accepting of the situation. I didn’t expect such maturity. Then again, you are three times my age. So, do you agree to my terms?”

Yrva silently smiled as he said, “I respect her decisions. Though the Elders will use this chance to attack me and shake my position, I can still manage. I know that she carries the burden of our parents’ death. She had also shielded me from the Elders for the past four decades so that my talent will blossom, it is my time to do the same for her.

“To let her blossom like the flower she never got to be. I agree with everything you asked of the Genesis Family.”

Colt was taken aback. But he merely shook his head as he remembered that Yrva was a hero of the original plot.

He was the younger brother of Vyra and unlike his older sister he only possess one type of element and that element is a variant of the original air, water, earth, fire, healing, and dark.

It was the element of lightning. Yrva will become the first Lightning Mage of the world.

He was forced to kill his older sister Vyra as she was devoured by her rage. In the novel, Vyra tried to kill Yrva as her mind slowly began to deteriorate because of the hidden plot that is going on in the background that the MC is trying to unravel.

In the end, Vyra was slain by Yrva while he was crying. And as Vyra slowly lost her life, her last words were, “I never got to live.” As she remembered the words her father left her.

Colt looked at Yrva and took a piece of paper he kept on his pants. He handed it over to Yrva.

“These are the names of your parents’ killers and the location of the Lightning Orb of Astrape.”

Yrva received the paper with trembling hands. He bowed to Colt as he found this exchange life-changing. With this list and the location, he’ll finally be able to get his revenge and finally grasp what it is that he truly wants.

“Thank you, Young Master Colt.”

“Don’t mention it, this is a trade so don’t worry about it. With that, you’ll publicly announce Miss Vyra leaving the Genesis Family and you owing me a favor. If you’re generous you can also owe me a Dragon Pearl, I really need that one.”

Colt laughed as he shamelessly showed his greed to Yrva.

Yrva did not take offense to this as he simply found his way of speech and doing things refreshing. He is neither sneaky nor conniving, Colt was honest and straightforward which was really nice.

As he heard his requests, he even showed a beaming smile, “I’ll give it to you once I take over the Genesis Family.”

“Really? That’s good then.”

Time was of the essence and soon it was time for Yrva to leave. He can only stay out of the Genesis Family for so long before the Elders do anything stupid.

“Farewell, Young Master Colt. I shall invite you once the Genesis Family has been cleaned. With that said, please, take care of my older sister.”

“I will, oh yeah, you better succeed you’re going to be an Uncle soon.”

As Yrva was just about to jump, he slipped on the railing and lost his balance upon hearing Colt’s words and fell from the third floor.

Colt hurriedly looked over to see if anything severe happened and as he saw Yrva sprawled on the ground he shrugged his shoulders as he thought, ‘He’ll be fine, he got plot armor.’


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