High-Class Mob

Chapter 50: Colt Edgeworth

Chapter 50: Colt Edgeworth

In an open training field, there was Colt who stood with a straightened back and before him were the schemers who had the situation turned against them. There were only four as the two were together with Cutlass Meyers and Fluff who brought with him the offerings he was given.

They were injured thus has no ability to actually fight. However, the other four were different, they picked up their weapons, as they sized up Colt.

Barely holding onto a sword as if they were no able to properly lift it. They were panicking as they were under the gazes of the hundreds of students who gathered to witness the duel.

The spectator seats were filled to the brim. This may be a training hall but it was also a place where people go to witness duels so it was quite normal for such a sight.

Cutlass spoke the rules and raised his hands, it was the sign for the match to begin. The other three felt fear, but also courageous as they remembered the humiliation, they had undergone both today and yesterday.

Colt had beaten them up, he was a man whose prowess they could not match, but they believe he was merely lucky at the time, a thought only idiots and delusional people make.

Thus, as the Cutlass’ voice echoed, announcing the start of the duel and his hand making a soft sound as it cut through the wind, the three charged forth with no plan.

“STOP!”  Gargosa whose head was oddly the clearest at the time shouted as he tried to keep them under control. But they didn’t listen, their eyes seemed crazed and their fear had long disappeared.

Colt looked at them and held a face filled with fate, but all their courage and hopes were met with disappointment.

“You bastard!”

One of them shouted as he reached Colt first. He held an axe, but it was clear he was unaccustomed to it, so much so when he swung it forward, he was dragged forth and met Colt’s fist.

‘My techniques originated from being a mere sword art, I learned it from my master when I was seven and I followed its original path until twenty-three years ago I met your father. He defeated me and made me join him in the battlefield, and my sword meant to fight a single person evolved to fight a small group of five until it grew bigger and reached a group of fifty. And as to where it stands now, the sword technique is not executed by the sword, but the body that will face hundreds of enemies.’

The sword technique he learned from Neun is a technique created to become a dueling technique, used against one person. But as Neun grew older, he was honed in the battlefield and when it was time to pass the technique to the next generation, it had evolved to something one cannot fathom.

The technique’s original name was [Heavenly Water Sword] but it evolved and became known as [Bloodbath Sword Art].

Its every aspect had been turned to become useable in an actual war and in short span Neun was together with Colt, he hammered everything needed to know about the skill.

But Colt was simply supposed to know the basics, but as time went on, as he spends more and more time honing the sword he was given, for days to no end until his arms can no longer be lifted, Colt swung his sword.

He sweated and vomited his food, but never did he quit. He looked forward as he tried his best to get what he wanted, to become stronger, and then gain the fame that he needs.

And to the rejected Young Masters before him who had not spent even a sliver of their time to try and pursue new heights after having lost the succession race at an early age, they are nothing compared to a man whose whole purpose is to stand on top of mediocrity and gain the right to have a family.

Colt’s right hand moved. Opening his palms, he grabbed the first man who came seeking death on the face and had him thrown to the ground like a rag.


The Young Noble groaned in pain, his head had been rocked and lost all strength to move. Colt on the other hand continued to move forward, two more were before him, both of them held a sword.

Having the time to swing the sword in their hands, they smiled as Colt was left with nowhere to run.

“You can’t get away this time!”

They had seen Colt’s nimble movements twice already and with this, he cannot escape anywhere. He’s trapped! Or so they thought, because colt simply raised his sheathed sword and blocked the oncoming assault.

The weight of the attack was enough to make anyone stumble as they feel their legs become something akin to jelly; their wrists and arms become weak and bend – but Colt didn’t stumble neither did he bend.

His training was meant to push his body, especially his limbs to its limits. He had trained when his body had already been pushed beyond its limitations, such flimsy attacks like this will not faze him.

“Back off.” A cold voice sounded out as he pushed the two backward. The strength he possesses was also not normal for he had been swinging a sword many times heavier than the norm like it was nothing.

And as the two got pushed back and began to fall on their behinds, Colt raised his right leg and kicked the one on the right on his chest!

Kuk! He grunted as a few ribs cracked to the point of breaking, and as the other one remained to go down, Colt clenched his fist and punched the other one on the face, breaking his nose and sending several teeth flying about!

Both fell on the ground, their groans echoed and before Gargosa can even follow what was happening, Colt was already before him just like before.

His body became frozen stiff from the fear save from his eyes that widened in disbelief.

Somehow, he forced himself to swing his sword but Colt simply stopped it by grabbing him on the wrist with his left before his swing could be realized.

“From now on, don’t you dare try and dream of making an attempt of fighting me for Mina.” Colt lightly threw the sword on the side. He was too close to make a proper sword slash thus he clenched his fist and with cold eyes, he delivered the strongest punch he had delivered in both lives.

BaM! A muffled notice echoed along the training filed as Gargosa’s body spiraled through the air and Colt turned his back against him as he picked up his sword. Thud! When Gargosa’s body touched the ground, Colt had already picked up his sword and as he looked at the stunned crowd.

“Winner, Colt Edgeworth!”

As Cutlass announced, everyone was silent, the duel they waited for didn’t even last twenty breaths of time for Colt already beat them up. But before they could even cheer, some of them realized something absolute weird, as they stared at Colt unwrapping the sword, the same train of thought emerged:

“He didn’t even use his sword.”

And from then on, they realized something even more baffling. The video feed, and his first duel, there was only one time when Colt used the sword and that is against a Soul Partner.

But against a human? There had been no news regarding such a thing. He was a swordsman who didn’t use his sword, and as they realized this point, they looked at Colt with admiration and bafflement.

Everyone wished to ask why he was acting like so, was it for show, or was it simply because he was arrogant and this thought process also emerged on Cutlass Meyers.

As Fluff went to Colt’s side dragging the bag that held onto the numerous empty containers of food so he can carry it for him, Cutlass approached Colt.

Colt noticed him coming to his direction and bowed as he said, “Thank you for officiating this duel.”

Cutlass raised his hand to say it was nothing as he laughed. And as he watched Colt pick up the bag Fluff dragged to him, he couldn’t fight his curiosity and asked the thing everyone wished to know.

“Why didn’t you use your sword?”

Colt raised his head to look at Cutlass and showed a soft smile as he gave the answer, “They are not strong enough to make me draw it.”


“If that is all, I leave this thing to Professor. As I have already given you the evidence, and I protected my honor, might I ask if I may now take my leave?”

“You’re free to go.”

Colt’s step reverberated in the ears of the students who was stunned by his answer. And as Colt walked out the training hall with a bag of empty containers and a cat on his shoulder, the crowd went wild as they learned of his reason.

And as the ladies squeal and the men roared, all of them looked at Colt in admiration as they realized that he truly was the son of the Edgeworth Family.

As the crowd left the hall, they carried with them admiration in their hearts and a story that will spread around the academy which will eventually reach the ears of the populace.

In a single fight, Colt’s training finally manifested. And the idea of him being weak disappeared, and as everyone thought that [The Queen’s] man was nothing but a weakling, they realized that he is simply someone who has yet to show his cards.



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