High-Class Mob

Chapter 45: Tired

Chapter 45: Tired

The oh-so-wonderful night has come for Colt. He didn’t actually think he’ll be able to bait one of the Genesis’ Black Cloaks, but here he was facing one while being backed against an alley.

He smiled as he spoke, “I have a proposition.”

“You are in no position to make any proposition. Do you think I can’t kill you?” The Black Cloak threatened. 

“Oh I know you can kill me, but I also know that you can’t, after all, I am the scion of Top-Notched Military Family. So, would you kindly release me? I have something to say about the matter of your Young Miss and my newly hired Apothecary.”


The Black Cloak released his hold of Colt. Although his glowing amber eyes are the only uncovered part in his body, it was enough to let Colt know that this man was irritated from the manner of his speech.

So, he stopped.

Acting like a professional, Colt’s expression became calm and unfeeling. Showing no emotion, hesitation, or fear.

He calmed himself as he recalled various data from the novel.

‘The Genesis Family is not scared of the Edgeworths, they are scared of our connections; to be more specific, a Warrior’s connection.’

Warriors, Mages, and Illusionists these three are the classes people could take. The three have their advantages and strengths, but with that comes weaknesses.

Mages are weak against Warriors because they need time and space to cast a spell; Warriors are weak against Illusionists because they have weaker minds thus are more susceptible to illusions; Illusionists are weak against Mages because Mages have stronger minds necessary to resist illusions and possesses the attacking power to retaliate.

The power balance of this world is easy to understand, and is an essential reason why the MC of the story is so strong to the point that he can face anyone without consequences is that his powers bypasses this power balance

He is a man born with Mana Affinity that strengthened the mind and someone who has the past-experiences to become a warrior thus giving him an edge in every possible way. One could ask, why doesn’t anyone train in more than one way then? The answer is simple it leads to death.

Mana, Aura, and Prana these three are different forms of energy that govern the world.

Humans are born with one of the three energy; only one can exist in a vessel and if another exists in the body other than their original force, they will become mentally and physically crippled before dying a horrible death.

The three create a balance that makes the world function as it is. Thus with the three great families being the hegemon of one path, a balanced system of power between the three forces naturally forms. However, that doesn’t mean they do not fight with one another, actually it was the opposite as they often have conflicting values against one another.

An example of this feud is the Genesis and Phantasmagorias who had been fighting for who knows how long.

Thus, the Black Cloak is not afraid of the Edgeworths, he is afraid of their long time enemy the Phantasmagorias who may or may not back a Warrior Centric Family to attack them. If the beehive known as the Edgeworths is poked and decided to retaliate, the Phantasmagoria are sure to jump into the fray and take advantage of the situation by backing them.

As they say, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

“Even if you don’t want to talk about it, the fact is that you have to listen to me, or else you won’t get to Jin.”

The Black Cloak member grunted at Colt’s words, “What is it that you propose?”

“I propose a trade.”

“What? An item for Jin? That’s not possible.”

Colt made a silent laugh and riled up the Black Cloak ever so slightly.

“Yes and no, I meant I want Jin, his sister, and Vyra Genesis to be written off as a target from your little escapades.”


A few inches away from Colt’s head was a hand radiating with blazing heat.

“Don’t push your luck, kid. Do you really think that—“

The Black Cloak was angered and tried to threaten Colt once more, but such an act wouldn’t work.

“Ah-ah, I am not finished just yet. I also want the Dragon Pearl from your vault.”

The Black Cloak’s eyes twitched. Instead of anger and irritation, his expression leaned on being surprised at the fact that this brat knew about the Dragon Pearl.

‘Should I kill him?’ if this was a normal circumstance death should have befallen against Colt by now, but the confidence in the child’s eyes made the Black Cloak hesitate, ‘He’s too confident, he must have his reasons why he’s acting like this.’

“What is it for the Genesis Family?”

“I don’t know who you work for, so I can’t tell you. Instead, have Yrva Genesis come here. I’ll give him what he wants, even the information about the fruit he is drooling over.”

“What do you mean?”

“As I said, I can’t tell you, but if this doesn’t reach Yrva Genisis’ ears then that means something is up with you guys then once I confirm that…you better ensure that your defenses are fortified or else the other Great Families might make a trip to your terittory.”

Colt and the Black Cloak exchanged gazes. The Black Cloak can’t touch Colt as he can’t start any conflict, but as he stayed his hands, he remarked.

“So, the useless Young Master of the Edgeworths is beginning to rear his head from his shell?”

“Humph, I am simply doing what is right.”

“…I shall convey your words to the Family Head.”

The Black Cloak left by traveling through the shadows of the alleyway. Colt looked at the direction where he had left and heaved a sigh of relief.

Colt’s heart was beating wildly, he was in a state of anxiety as he could have died if he showed any reluctance.

‘They might fear the Edgeworths, but…that doesn’t mean they can’t eradicate us if they pour their hearts into it. Hehe, thankfully, they can’t do that right now.’

While Colt’s mind was thinking and his heart was racing, a white ball of cuteness walked towards his direction.


“So, you’re here already? What happened to the job I gave you?”

“Myaa, Nya.”

“Well sorry for not entertaining you enough.”

Colt laughed as Fluff hopped on his shoulders. Fluff rested as it asked something to Colt.


“I can’t do that. I can’t break those guys like the Lackeys. Unlike the other two, they were the mastermind and I can only take care of them so much. Fortiko and the Slitherhead Families are people I can’t touch so easily. Despite their actions being out of line, I can only give them fractures and such.

“Sigh, they didn’t even make a plan that can actually work. The only thing they did is endanger the position of their families; they are no better than the…Fellatio Guy?”


“Orc-face, yes. All of them are just third-rate Young Masters without any power or influence that’s why they are not afraid of risking this much on someone who will never look their way. It’s pitiful and pathetic.”

The ones who attacked Colt were mostly the Third or Second Young Masters of their respective families. The First Young Masters, the Heirs, and the ones who are born to rule would never act in a manner such as this.

However, there are stupid people, those who had little to no responsibilities are the ones causing a ruckus. They are those who are born with money and those whose punishment after doing something stupid is getting some mild beating.

“They don’t know the might of the legendary Tri-Weapon: Slippers, Branch, and the Belt. I pity these young’uns.”


“Oh, you don’t know about it? Well, the Tri-Weapon of a Mother, or a parent in general can make anyone swoon whether it be a gangster or martial artist, you see…”

Colt recounted the tale of the Tri-Weapon of the Parents as he heads home with light footsteps. The night will come to pass; Colt wishes to talk with Jin and his sister but nothing productive will come of it.

The two were tired from the emotional rollercoaster they had ridden, thus they were understandably tired and were forced to turn in early.

‘The true talk will come once Vyra and Yrva arrive.’

As for Mary, she left the second it turned 10 in the evening. A maiden like her cannot stay too late in the house of a wastrel with a bad rep like Colt.

That night, Colt was tired, both mentally and physically, but as he ate his daily sustenance, he dragged a sword out and began practicing.

He would not let anything stop him from completing his routine. Unless he is knocked unconscious, there is no such thing as rest.

‘Training with a beaten-up body is the essence of Teacher Neun’s Sword. To have a soft flow like a river, that is how I am supposed to move. The more tired I become, the weaker my sword will become but in turn, smoother will flow, the number my hands and feet end up the more I will gain.

‘The essence of water is to flow, to let it flow is to make it stronger. The more fluid it flows, the more accurate it becomes, and the more accurate it becomes, the sharper it will be.”


A flash of an azure hue came out from Colt’s body. It was a dim light, but it was present. As the cat watched, it felt irritated as it realized that its partner was blue.

‘Meow’ The Lord remembered something and was thrown in a state of irate.

When 2:00 strike, Colt finally swung his last before having to be dragged inside by the Lord.

‘Mya, nyaaa (Maybe I should change my name).’ It thought as it dragged Colt to his room. When it was time to sleep, the Lord contemplated something before nodding its head.

Usually, it would lay on Colt’s chest, but this time it slept on top of Colt’s forehead.

As Colt slept, he began to dream, in the dream he was in a dark room where he and Fluff sat.

For some reason, there was a White Line going down Fluff’s forehead. The line was around the size of a toothpick as it went over Fluff’s head in a curve.

Colt looked at him and asked, “Is this a dream or is this one of you doing?”

Fluff shrugged its cat-shoulders as it answered, “Myaa.” it waved its paw as it tried dismissing the issue.

“Both, huh, I don’t get what you mean but I don’t think I’ll be able to rest if I am here so why not finish this quickly?”

“Nya!’ That was an agreeable statement.

Fluff agreed to his words and as it jumped up, it used its cat paws to kick Colt’s forehead sending him flying.

There was no wall in that dark room, so Colt was forced to stay fly into the distance.

In the physical world, a white light flashed from Colt’s forehead as Fluff covered it.

Inside the dream, Colt landed on the ground causing his body to jerk up as he lay on the bed. Fluff who was sleeping peacefully was catapulted as Colt abruptly got up but he soon felt tired and returned to sleep.

Fluff hit the wardrobe that was in Colt’s room, but the cat was sleeping too soundly to wake up. So, the cat just slept on the floor, not caring that it had been catapulted across the room.

It was a peaceful night.

Morning came, Colt ate breakfast early in the morning after having been slapped awake by Fluff. Jin and his sister were nowhere to be found but Colt didn’t care for much.

As he scratched the middle of his forehead, Colt and Fluff yawned.

“Did you do something last night?”

Fluff nodded its head.

“Will it harm me?”

Fluff shook its head.

“Fair enough.”

Colt didn’t care and left for the academy.



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