High-Class Mob

Chapter 32: Move, bitch

Chapter 32: Move, bitch

In the Dragon Amphitheater, the students of different classes were separated.

“The Dragonheart Academy has been established for 213 years and the number of Phase 2 [Pathfinders] we cultivated numbers at the dozens we of…”

Colt was lined up with the rest of the aura-less warrior pathfinders and as he listened more to the old dean’s words, the more he grew tired and almost fell asleep.

He was beginning to nod off but every time he is about to fall into the sweet trap of the dean.


The cat would smack him from the back of his head waking him up. But as he stood there with his back straight and a cat on his shoulders, Colt was drowsing off undetected.

However, he suddenly woke up after hearing the name, Mina Vera being called out to the stage.

Mina who was in the Advance Mage Class walked away from her line and walked up to the stage. There, she stood tall with both dignity and elegance radiating from her awing both the noble and commoner students alike.

“As the representative of the Mage Class…”

Mina began her speech. Colt could not listen properly for he is beginning to notice unwanted gazes mixed into the crowd of men. The leering of the many lust fiend and lovestruck males were many.

“If I can just hold her hands or smell her hair…”

“Take her body as mine…”

Such remarks were enough to make him consider abusing his nobility status.

Colt was irritated, very much irritated by the men looking at his woman in such a manner. He was not a man of this world, but at the end of the day, he too was a man and his irritation could not be measured.

The cat saw the irritation coming out of Colt and it merely sighed. But it too decided to remember the faces of those who were looking at the woman of its partner. It was ready to point paws when need to.

Colt has no aura, but his presence was larger and those who were aware of who he was and his relationship with Mina all paused for a moment. They discreetly looked over at the enraged Colt and saw his veins bulging from his anger.

There were females in the line as well, and as they saw his enraged visage, they all thought, ‘That’s not so bad as well.’

The morning address ended after the Illusionists Representative who Colt didn’t even have the time and focus to observe finish talking.

After the morning address on the first day of class, there would be a one-hour break before the next classes were to start.

“My dear, this is your first time in the academy, correct? It would be for the best if I show you the way.”

Mina and Colt met up and Mina offered to give Colt a tour of the school, her way of speech that radiated with odd confidence got to Colt and made him smile without reason.

“That would be much welcomed.”

“Then, is there anywhere you want to go to, my dear?”

“Ah, yes, can you show me the way to the library? This little one over here wants to read some books and pick a name for himself. It says that it doesn’t like my naming sense.”

“Meow!” the fat cat agreed with the sentiment of Colt.

The fat cat was pointed at by Colt and as Mina looked at it, the fat cat meowed in an expecting manner.

Mina and the cat stared at each other without saying anything. Unlike Colt who mysteriously got the ability to talk to the cat, Mina does not have such an ability but as she and the cat stared at one another, they came to an understanding.

‘Watch over him and make sure not to let any flies approach him…I’ll reward you with something you would like if you do good.’


They communicated through the eyes and for the first time in a long time, Mina managed to make a friend. Other than Risa who she treats as a real friend and her sister-in-law, this nameless cat was her second friend slash trade partner.

And on the side, Colt was left there wondering what the hell was happening with Mina and the Cat. He shook his head as he waited for their staring contest to end.

And as Colt waited, he saw some people looking at them and one of these people was a man with a not so handsome visage who has pure white skin and a sword on the side.

A man who resembled that of an Orc, and with his not so beautiful visage he openly glared at Colt for no reason whatsoever. Colt observed the Orc-like man and he does not know where he got the idea to do it but he smirked at the Orc in a mocking manner.

The Orc went away with fumes coming out on top of his head.

Colt watched this and thought to himself:

‘That guy would surely go after me, he must be a noble and the way he looked at me means that he has some beef against me and with my current position in this academy, the only source of hate I can get is because I have Mina by my side…at least this will become a problematic but fun school year.’

After thinking in such a manner, Mina and the cat finally cut off their gazes and smiled at one another before doing a fist bump.

‘What the hell?’

Colt watched this and headed out soon after with the two.

The tour went smoothly but the whole academy cannot be covered in a day and as the one-hour time was about to end, Colt and Mina had to say goodbye.

In the plaza

“I must go now my dear, I hear the training regime of the Warrior Class is pretty strict. You are still in the aura-less class but it will not be any less intense, I ask of you to take care of yourself, my love.”

Colt nodded his head and assured her that everything would be fine. And as he did so, he felt like something was wrong with their interaction of farewells. It was more like a mother sending out her son to kindergarten, it was pretty embarrassing.

Shaking his head, Colt rummaged through his inner breast pockets and handed out a piece of paper to Mina.

Mina opened the paper and it contained names that Colt had compiled.

“What’s this?”

“The people you must avoid at all costs.”

The paper she gave Mina was a list of names in the Mage Class that he remembers. Of course, if there is a villain there are lackeys so he made sure to also list out the lackeys he remembers.

Colt does not know most of the plot points because he had forgotten it, however, the odd and bizarre occurrence of him still remembering the villains’ names and their lackeys that appeared in the first four volumes was like his special ability.

The reason why he can remember the background character Colt is because of this odd turn of events. Being the background of the villain Mina helped him remember who this body was and remembering the name of villains, their lackeys, and their backgrounds were something that Colt truly appreciated.

Because right now, the information he held in his mind were more powerful against a sword against different families.

Reading the piece of paper which contained of many males and some females, Mina showed a mysterious smile. She looked at Colt and with a peal of coquettish laughter mixed with the hint of a shy giggle.

“Even the girls?”

“Yes, those girls are dangerous as well.”

Mina giggled some more.

“I understand, my dear. You don’t have to worry; I won’t be talking to anyone you don’t want me talking to.” Mina left in high spirits and Colt left satisfied.

Colt headed to the Aura-less Warrior Class Room A or AL Room A in leisure. He already knows the general direction of the building and as found the Aura-less study building, he found Room A plastered atop the door.

He would have entered the room without a problem, but as he approached the room, trouble obstructed him!

‘What the hell?’


An amber-colored panther blocked the path to the room. The panther was on its four legs and as it stood stall, it was clear as day that it was half of Colt’s height.

“What are you doing!? Come on, enter already, don’t tell me you’re acting like a coward in the face of a mere Soul Partner?”

Looking past the panther, there were three students laughing at his predicament, the Orc-face he saw earlier was there with the group. He was even the one called out to Colt just now.

Colt looked at the three with a passive expression…

He does not want trouble, but he has ways to deal with them if they walk towards him. He was taught by Neun different methods on how to deal with them and most of them comprised the use of a sword but as he was just about to do something, the fat cat suddenly jumped off his shoulders and approached the panther.

“Haha! What the, this guy is even more pathetic than before. It seems like the phrase a tiger does not beget a dog son is not true.”

The three annoying students saw this and began laughing even louder than before.

The panther was growling as it eyed Colt and ignored the fat cat. But as the fat cat was just a few inches away from the panther, it suddenly kicked the ground and appeared before the blockade!


Pah! Boom!

The panther was sent flying as the fat cat snorted and spat on the ground. It looked at the three annoying humans and then at the panther with disdain.


The fat cat cursed out loud!


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