High-Class Mob

Chapter 23: Like I said, I wanted to take a bath

Chapter 23: Like I said, I wanted to take a bath

The guards on duty were yawning as it was still too early for anyone to pass through the City Gates. It was the lazy hour, but the guards on duty waited for the sunrise and looked out to the horizon, his brows creased.

A cloud of dust was already forming on the horizon of the Capital City Regal. The guards on duty were alerted as they thought about the possibilities of someone attacking the city.

It was farfetched, but it was a possibility. They prepared to defend the gates, only to ease up almost immediately as they saw the crest on the carriage’s doors.

The crest on the carriage was unique; a black tiger lying atop a boulder—sleeping in peace. Only two families in the whole Regalus Kingdom chose the color of black to represent their family crest.

Only the two hegemons of the military chose the color black – the Vera Family and the Edgeworth Family. Despite the two not being a duke and only one of them was a General, everyone knew that they could ascend and become a duke if they wish to rise in power.

Fifteen years ago, Marquis Vera was only a Count just like Count Shickly, it was said he was offered to become the fourth duke of the Kingdom, but at the time, Count Vera refused and said the title of Marquis was enough.

It was also said that Count Shickly was given the same opportunity to become a duke, but refused everything. He didn’t even rise up to become a Marquis, and the two became legends in the noble circles.

They said that this particular move of the Marquis and Count created a balance in the Nobility. And indeed, because of their power-move, there had been no significant shifts.

If one wishes to rise to power, one must first surpass these two legends’ contributions, and that’s not a simple feat one could easily accomplish. The King also sees their sacrifice as truly noble, so no one could voice their complaints.

They were both respected and hated throughout the noble circles; however, these guards were not nobles but ordinary men, and as they stood in the face of the Black Crest, they stood tall as their yawns disappeared like morning dew.

As the Vice-Captain approached the guards of the gate, they saluted to show respect.

“Open the gate.” a weighted commanding voice came from the Vice-Captain.

“May I ask who is inside the carriage?” The guard asked, still very much awestruck of the Vice-Captain’s presence.

The Vice-Captain had a steeled expression as he answered the inquiry, “It is the Young Master of the Edgeworth Family, the Young Miss of the Vera Family, and their companion.”

And as Colt’s carriage approached the gate, the doors opened for the mandatory inspection. The guards peeked inside the carriage and saw a handsome young man with olive skin, a beautiful young lady, and a man dressed in ragged clothing.

The soldier was understandably surprised seeing Avern mixing in with nobles. He looked at him suspiciously.


“He’s a companion of mine.”

“We need to…”

“He’s a companion of mine.”

“Yes, yes, if the Young Master says so.”

Colt was not a genuine Edgeworth warrior. He was looked down upon as much as he was a wastrel in name. However, for every Edgeworth, there was this sharp gaze that pierces the hearts of those who do not know their place. And with the immense backing behind Colt, the guard saw Colt as someone bigger than who he was.

‘You’re not going to get in my way of saving the lass.’ Colt had basically figured out the simple logic on how the Killer of Ten Thousand came to be.

If this place takes too much time, then Colt would be really pissed off.

“Open the Gates!” the gates opened, no problem.

Subsequently, as soon as those words were uttered, Avern stepped out and rode a horse with a soldier.

“Thank you for everything, Young Master Colt. I will never forget this debt.”

“Do not worry, no need to repay me; just live a happy life. If you need anything else, do not be shy to approach me.”

“Thank you again.”

Avern left for their destination, to the common area where Avern’s home could be found.

The carriage was just about to proceed forward when Colt caught sight of a person from his peripheral view, eyeing the direction where Avern left. The man he saw carried a peculiar eye and a slimy smile.

“Stop the carriage!”

As he saw that gaze, Colt had the carriage stopped all of a sudden, shocking those at the gate who heard him. The Vice-Captain didn’t expect the sudden order, but he still followed his commands and had the carriage stop.

Colt slammed the door open and stepped out of the carriage. Everyone in the gate was frozen, their gaze all directed at the irritated Colt.

Colt’s every step echoed in their ears, and despite the numerous claims regarding this wastrel of a Young Master of the Edgeworths, his demeanor as of that moment was impeccable, managing to command the attention of everyone without fail.

Approaching the person wearing a tunic, Colt stood tall face to face with the cowering man.

“I-I am a man of the Magic Tower!”

The man was a mage, and the wand in his hand proof of his identity. Mages were prideful people; they do not easily bow down to others. But as Colt stood before the Mage, he trembled in fright.

The long silence only prolonged the suffocating feeling of being judged, and when Colt finally spoke, his tone was cold and unfeeling, “If you are from the Magic Tower, then I am from the Edgeworth family. Whatever it is that you wish to do, give it up. If I learn anything that happens to that boy or the item that is in his hands, the consequence you will face is not something you will be able to shoulder.”

Colt turned his back and left with the carriage leaving the Mage to plop down on the ground, still shaking from coming face to face with a noble of Colt’s caliber. Or so that would be the reason others would see if they only looked from the side.

Because from the Mage’s point of view, the one who made him tremble in fear was the immense mana mixed with bloodlust coming from inside the carriage Colt came from.

‘He’s with a monster!’

The Mage was scared.

As Colt and Mina entered the city, nothing was noteworthy as the stalls and markets were still being opened. The preparations for the Academy’s opening were still underway; thus, the two of them headed to the Tiger Manor of the Edgeworth family.

As the gate opened, a line of maids and butlers welcomed them to the manor. Colt did not waste his time speaking and merely thanked them for their hard work.

As he settled in his room up on the third floor, he opened the faucet in the bathroom and filled the bathtub as he prepared to take a bath and clean his body of accumulated grime.

As he relaxed his body, Colt’s mind sunk in the euphoric feeling of getting his body revitalized. And as he was just about to reach a pure sense of ease and relaxation, the door to the bathroom suddenly opened.

“May I join you, Darling?”

It was Mina entering the bathroom with a single line of question. But she didn’t wait for Colt to answer as she entered without hesitation.

She properly cleaned every part of her body before joining Colt inside the bathtub. And as Colt and Mina shared such a tight space, everything about Colt was at ease, but something else tensed up.

And this marks the day of Colt’s arrival in the capital.


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