High-Class Mob

Chapter 133: Destroying dreams

Chapter 133: Destroying dreams

 Since young, the Second Prince had always received many people’s blazing attention but never its center. 

At the center of it all would always be the First Prince— the Crown Prince, who would eventually inherit the throne. 

Every Noble flocked around the Crown Prince, trying to get on his good side and curry favor for him. 

Everyone flocked around the First Prince to get to know him and become closer to him. However, that was not the case with the Second Prince.

The Second Prince was treated not as himself but as the extension of the First Prince. 

“The First Prince is the only one in their eyes, as for me, I am the second choice. Those who approach me see an opportunity to get close to the Crown Prince, and I want to prove that I am more than an extension, I am Trist Valar, and I will let them know of my worth! And to do that, I want you, Young Master Colt, to lend me your strength.”

Trist’s eyes were burning with passion. But as Colt saw him act like this, the only reaction he could muster was a sigh, “Prince Trist, I want to say something, but I fear that you would take offense of my words. Thus, I would like to ask if you would like to hear my sugarcoated words or the absolute truth?”

Trist sat up straight like a spear, “Tell me the truth.”

Trist wanted to hear the truth. If he wanted to know Colt’s intentions and decision, then it would be best to know what’s inside his heart. There was a higher chance of recruiting Colt if he let him say what he wanted to say. That’s what he got from his observation, at least.

“Then I would be honest, ahem. Your ambitions to become King is ridiculous, your highness.” Colt had a severe expression. He was taking this seriously because everything that would be spoken in this room would affect his future.

“Are you mocking me, Young Master Colt? I am very much serious about what I want. For years, to be denied of who you are, do you even know how that feels? Do you even know how you are nothing but a replacement to someone else? It is as if I do not exist in their eyes. It is as if I am nothing but air.” Trist asked in a more solemn tone.

Colt placed the wineglass as he stared intently at Trist. He was in deep thought as he watched this Prince, whose current mentality enter a perilous spot.

‘This is for the best. But I need to be careful.’ 

If he fucks it up, he would be forced to take a side and engage in a war between brothers. He did not want that to happen.

“You said everything about having your existence being a replacement. You know pain, yet you do not see the shackles placed upon the First Prince you envy. If you simply wanted your existence to be validated, there are numerous ways to do so. Become a hero, brave the frontlines and charge to the enemy lines. Did you not think such a feat would bring you not only honor but also a chance to even exceed the First Prince?”

Trist abruptly stood up from his seat. He glared at the calm Colt as he gritted his teeth, “Don’t act like you know how it feels! Do you think you can even fathom how it felt being ignored and treated as if your entire being does not exist because I cannot take the Crown?”

Once again, Colt could only sigh.

“My youngest daughter was someone who cried, for she felt her existence was nothing but an unwanted mess. She would cry, but after that, she would look ahead and smile to live her life. She’s four years old, and I thought she was just more mature than her peers, but I could say that she’s more mature than you are. 

“And please listen, your highness, the First Prince, carry a heavier strain than you. If your life is an extension, then his life is not even his to live. His life is bound to the Kingdom. His everything is poured to become a King, becoming as close to a perfect ruler and giving the people a better life. His destiny had already been written for him; he cannot lead a life other than what is best noted. Can you even tell me what you will do once you steal the Crown? Can you?”

“…” Trist was left speechless.

“Did you really think if you become the King if you surround yourself with people who will validate your existence? Do you really think all of that is genuine? Let me ask you one last question? Do you even think those who approached you, those who support you, truly support you and do not want to use you to climb the ranks by having you point your sword at your brother’s neck? Do you really-”

“ENOUGH!” Trist shouted aloud and threw the wineglass away, destroying it in the process. His eyes were glaring, his rage was uncontrollable, and his confusion could not be explained. 

Colt dissected him, little by little, he spoke of the truth he didn’t want to hear. Trist was a smart man, and he could see that Colt’s words were all true. However, he was also a Prince, and his pride could not accept that someone like Colt knew more about him than himself.

Trist was fuming, and Colt was calm. 

“I’m leaving.” As Trist gritted his teeth, he turned his back to Colt and walked towards the door. 

But as Trist grab hold of the doorknob, he heard Colt speak once more, “I know it pains you to accept my words, your highness. But, if you still want to have everyone validate your existence, find me again, and I will turn you into a Light that everyone would acknowledge.”


The Prince violently opened the door, and outside, he saw Grant and the Knights rushing to his side. They had heard the commotion and tried to reach Trist and provide him support.

“Your highness, is everything all right?” The Knight named Barns asked with an anxious tone of voice. 

The Prince waved his hand and gave Colt one last look. His words stuck to him, still. But he shook his head and announced, “We’re leaving!”

Colt watched the Prince storm out of the Tiger Manor. It was quite the sightseeing someone his status cause such a commotion. But nonetheless, it happened.

It frightened some servants, but as Sera stood by Colt’s side as they watched the carriage of the Prince leave on the front gates, she asked, “That went well. So, what did you say to the Second Prince to make him burst into a fiery temper?”

“Well, let’s just say I crushed his dreams is all. Sera, go and ask the Chef to prepare lunch, I am hungry after doing all that.”

“What destroying someone’s dream?”

“No, I was out last night, remember? Well, destroying someone’s dreams was also exhausting.”

With Colt’s identity, this would not pose much of a problem. The Second Prince would not do anything against him or his family. Why? Because he was an Edgeworth, that’s why. And he also had the Courtgain family, the Genesis family, and Gilbert’s backing.

If the Prince actually challenges Colt, it would not end with Colt losing but most likely Trist being banished.

And after that long conversation, Colt tended to the sick, and night came and went.


Night came, and Colt had already given everyone food. And as he sat underneath a tree and observed everyone.

‘Their symptoms had lessened, and the pain they endure is now nothing. Because of Jin’s hard work, we even managed to create enough Evergreen Soup to provide for the adults.’

Colt was satisfied with this night.

Before long, an old man, no older than sixty, raised his head at Colt and asked, “Young Master Colt, may I sit beside you?”

A bold move from a commoner, to ask a place to sit beside a Noble was by no means something anyone could ask.

But Colt failed to think about that and simply shrugged his shoulders, “No one is sitting there anyways.”

“Hoho, it seems like the Young Master of the Edgeworth Family is just like what I heard. Unrestrained and free, not bound by social orders.” The old man laughed as he sat down beside Colt, a noble. He coughed as he sat on the grass.

“Are you okay, gramps? You don’t seem to be looking good.” Colt asked as he saw the signs of the Red Vein disease on the old man.

“Bah, I’m fine, it hurts, but it doesn’t beat the backpain I already have. Gahahaha!” The old man was oddly brash and unrefined. His white hair and long white beard gave the impression of him being weak, but if novels taught anything Colt, that would be that anyone could be an essential plot point.

He could be a hidden master for all he knew. Colt wanted to ask, but he hesitated, ‘He might not like me being too nosy.’ In the end, he let it go.

Both grew silent, but then, the old man spoke.

“Young Master Colt, can you answer this old man’s question?”

Colt wanted to think, but the mysterious old man interrupted. But despite everything else, with his back against a wall, Colt would rather have free of mind now than trap himself. 

“Yes, what is it?”

“Why are you really trying to help us? Or is this some kind of ploy the Nobles played to gain the support of us commoners?” The mysterious old man watched the suffering people as he spoke. His words didn’t have a hint of a joking tone.

Colt looked at the old man and sighed. He rested his chin on his palms as he answered, “Do you really think my family will allow me to do that?”

“Who knows? You are different from your family, right?” The old man rebuked his words.

Colt laughed as he became pretty sure that this old man was someone wise, a sage or a wizard perhaps. As to why he was infected, he could only think of reasons, but in the end, Colt chose to focus on their conversation.

“Well, what do you think, sir? You can think of anything you want. After all, it seems like you have the answer in your mind, then it would be rather difficult for me to convince you otherwise.” Colt honestly did not know what to say.

The old man chortled at his answer but then became serious as he said, “I want to believe that what you’re doing is genuine. There are little to no Noble who would like to help us, commoners. “

The mysterious old man played with the ring on his finger as he continued, “You see, Young Master Colt, many people died in the capital, and yet, the Nobles hadn’t done anything other than rely on You.”


“Yes, using your name to spread stories about your achievements, how you helped in creating the medicine that suppresses the pain of the disease, they are trying to use your name to give us hope, they called you a Hero. Many believed this, and many commoners took their chances in begging on your doorsteps despite the risk. In a time when the Nobles are as useless as they always have, I thought you were nothing but a sham. Then, I saw your carriage, and I joined the people who would plead on your gates yesterday, I wanted to see what you would do. I thought you would promise something and leave it at that, but then, you opened your gates and offered the hungry food and the ones in pain what little medicine that you have.”

“I was honestly…surprise that you opened your gates…but I wanted to believe that, Young Master Colt…someone who could help us in our dire needs, become a true Hero for us commoners…someone who can provide change.”

The old man then fell asleep without notice. Colt then blanketed him.


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