High-Class Mob

Chapter 131: Shattered

Chapter 131: Shattered

‘Is this Colt Edgeworth?’

Trist was left flabbergasted at the sight of Colt. Blood splattered all over his clothes.

It was a sight to behold indeed. Colt stood there, exchanging gaze with Trist. Trist was a tall man; he was the same height as Colt.

But despite being separated for 20 steps, he felt tiny compared to him. Colt Edgeworth radiated an aura that’s as dangerous as a ravaging beast.

‘Is this the son of Shickly Edgeworth? It appears I have been wrong of him.’

Speechlessness struck to him. This was the man who he treated as a schemer, someone who dwelled in the shadows trying to kill those who oppose him.

“State your name! What impudence to show such a sight in front of the Second Prince Trist Valar!”

A Knight around who stood before Trist questioned Colt with his voice as deep as the deepest of trenches.

When Colt heard the term Prince, he immediately took note of the situation, and reeled in the fine intent seeping out of his body.

He dropped on one knee and lowered his head, “I apologize for my impudence, your highness the prince, I am Colt Edgeworth, the son of Count Shickly Edgeworth.”

Colt sounded respectful; his tone perfectly suited a man whose respect could pierce the moon. It was perfect.

When the Knight heard of Colt, he wanted to make him know his worth, but the Prince’s earlier words entered his mind.

‘We are to meet Colt Edgeworth; he might be the most important component in fulfilling my ambitions.’

The Knight stood his ground. He wanted to choose his words as to not hinder his Prince’s ambitions.

He snuck a glance at Trist and found the Second Prince ordering him to step aside. Prince Trist walked past the Knight and stopped three steps before Colt.

“Rise, Young Master Colt.”

Colt stood up and met face to face with Trist. He met with the Second Prince’s eyes. Most nobles would turn away, a sign of fear, but Colt didn’t.

It was not disrespectful to do, so he didn’t fear it. In fact, he read that if a Noble can see eye to eye with Royalty, then that would mean his trust for that Royalty was on a level none could match.

As Royalty, Trist knew of this fact. But only the Duke and mightiest of Generals had the gall to do so in their first meeting. Most fear that it may rub the Royals the wrong way and have their head suddenly grow wings.

Colt slightly bowed to the Second Prince as he asked, “What may I do for you, your highness?”

He was respectful—the same as before. He wanted to address his intention for coming here to meet him.

“Might I know what happened to Young Master Colt? For you to be drenched in so much blood. Were you in any fight?” Trist, however, chose to address the whole situation before moving on.

Colt’s expression changed. He was bewildered and lowered his sight. And only then did he realize his current attire. It was not pretty—so not pretty.

“Oh dear, I apologize for showing your Highness such a sight. I-I had been wearing this since last night that I had forgotten.”

With a white shirt dyed red and possessing some holes on the sleeves. Even his pants were ripped apart.

Trist stared at Colt in horror, ‘Since last night? What kind of life is he living? Does he think he’s above the law? For him to strut around the city in such attire, such audacity.’

A low sound escaped Trist, which Colt took notice without fail. Colt saw Trist’s face and quickly connected the dots to ensure no misunderstanding was to arise.

“Ah, please do not misunderstand. This blood does not belong to anyone other than myself. I was in a hurry to assist Sir Gilbert with a fight that this turned out like this.”

“Sir Gilbert was attacked!?”

“It’s nothing much. We managed to fend them off. But I had to sacrifice both arms and a leg, thankfully I didn’t turn into a cripple as I got healed in the Magic Tower. Also, Sir Gilbert is fine. He’s tending to his wife’s needs at the moment after he left me at the Magic Tower.”

A smile formed on Colt’s face. He was smiling as he recounted the story about sacrificing his limbs as if it was an excellent afternoon talk.

‘For him to tell such a traumatic story with a straight expression, does he not fear even death itself? H-how bold of him. Also, for him to save Sir Gilbert knowing his enemies would be stronger than himself, such bravery is something I can only dream of.’ Even Trist could not resist as he inwardly praised.

Their conversation was not only heard by them, but it was also loud and clear for everyone present. The Knights who came with Trist could only look in wonder at Colt. They could tell his strength was below theirs, but they could tell none could match his bravery.

‘Truly, he’s the Hero of the South.’ No one would make such a blatant lie about rescuing Gilbert, the Dragon Slayer.

If it was an ordinary day, Colt would be laughed at. But seeing his attire and hearing how he delivered the story with such flawlessness, all of them believed him.

These Knights had their own pride. All of them were Rank-9 Warriors, but they doubted they could give much assistance against anyone fighting the Dragon Slayer.

“Please forgive me for not meeting with your Highness. Though we had no guard to inform me of the situation, I should have gone out to meet you the moment I heard someone’s arrival.”

While Colt was busily explaining his situation, Butler Go appeared from beyond the opening gates of the Tiger Manor. His voice echoed as he bowed to show respect to the Second Prince and gave Colt a dirty glare to show his displeasure.

Trist awoke from his thoughts as he heard Butler Go’s words. He cleared his throat as he waved his hand, “It is not a problem. I had already known about your situation before I came here.”

“Thank you for understanding, your highness.”

Trist could only nod his head. This one before him was Butler Go, who had been taking care of the eyes he sends to observe the Tiger Manor.

‘He doesn’t deal with anyone who’s not entering the Manor, but because of his interference, we can only take footage from outside.’

Trist found Butler Go’s presence pressuring. However, he could do nothing for this old Butler had done so much for the Kingdom and could be faulted for nothing. After all, he’s the one doing the illegal entry.

“Might I inquire why your Highness has graced us your presence?” Butler Go asked.

Trist finally woke up from his thoughts and remembered his objective, “I would like to speak with you, in private, would that be of inconvenience, Young Master Colt?”

“By all means, come inside…ah.” Colt wasn’t that eager to accept his presence, but he eventually found a hole he could escape to.

“Is something the matter, Young Master Colt?” Trist raised a brow.

Colt kept his unwavering expression as he answered with a nod, “I, I may need to have you wait for a bit, your Highness. I need to tend to the ones I have taken in under my wing, I have been away for too long.”

But Butler Go had to step in and intervene with his desires, “Young Master, please do not worry about them. I took it upon myself to serve them food. The theory had also been proven true; I indeed did not get infected after covering myself with Aura.”

“…is that so? Then, that is for the best.” Colt had mixed feelings about this development, “Your highness, if you still want to talk, please, by all means, follow me, and I shall lead you inside.”

Colt took the initiative to invite Trist.

Trist accepted as this was his intention, and when everything was going well, a man with scarlet hair appeared from behind the Knights, “May I join as well, your highness, Young Master Colt?”

“And this is your companion, your Highness?” Colt didn’t know who he was.

“Oh, how rude of me. I am Grant Slitherhead of the Slitherhead Family. I am his Highness’ escort for today.” Grant, introduced himself with a bow.

“Ah, you must be Gargosa’s older brother then.”

“…..Yes, my younger brother has caused you so much trouble in the academy, I apologize for that.” Grant laughed as he answered, “Will it be fine for me to join you both?”

“It is all right; I have no problems with it.”

Thus, all of them entered with the Knights trailing behind and Butler Go showing them the way.

And as they entered, it was inevitable for them to pass through the front garden where the infected people gathered. All of them turned their attention to Colt as soon as they saw him.

And when they saw how he was dressed, many, if not all, became alarmed.

“Young Master Colt’s hurt!”

“Young Master, what happened!?”

Despite the pain, everyone was under, they tried to move and get near to Colt. They should have feared him, but they didn’t.

The Knights who were together with the Second Prince were prepared to make a move to protect Trist from the infected when Colt’s voice reached their ears, “Don’t…”

A single word froze them.

“…they are sick, and they are in pain, they are weak and so, do not frighten them. They are suffering enough.” His words were whispered to ensure no commoner would be able to hear.

Colt saw the struggling people get to Colt. Every movement they made was painful, but they wanted to show how much they care for their benefactor.

They were worried about his wellbeing. Colt risked being infected to help them, these pain would be more painful if not for Colt’s assistance.

“Your highness, Young Master Grant, please excuse me for a moment.” Colt knew the commoners would not calm down unless he says something or shows them he was fine, so Colt walked over to an infected little lass, “Thank you for worrying for this big brother…”

“He’ll get infected, someone, stop him.”

“Your Highness, it is fine. The Young Master will be fine.”

But Butler Go motioned to the Prince as to inform him that it was all right. A smile emerged from his aged visage as he continued his words.

“It may be impudent of me, but please let the Young Master do what he needs. If you wish to get his support, it would be best if you let him do this to show that you care for the common people’s wellbeing. After all, the Young Master’s kindness is his best and most prominent feature.”

Butler Go stated from the side.

Trist watched Colt, his earlier thoughts of him were finally crumbling. As he watched this young noble drenched in blood, he found no War God or a Schemer. He found a kind person.

Trist had heard many things about the Nobles, and he had seen how they interacted with the common people.

He was a Royal trying to get the throne. It was only a matter of fact that he would know what his soon-to-be-subjects were shouting, and many of them hated the Nobles.

But before him, a Noble adored by the people.

And so, his view of Colt shattered once more.


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