High-Class Mob

Chapter 106: Where are they!?

Chapter 106: Where are they!?

“Mother! What happened!?”

Colt met was not welcomed with a grand reception nor happy smiles.

The deep creases on Faerith’s brows were as clear as day; there was blood on her hands, a sign that she was in a fight.

As soon as Faerith saw Colt descend from his carriage, she rushed to his side to comfort him before telling the truth.

“Listen to me calmly, my son, what I am about to say is of utmost importance. Ensure that your heart is prepared to listen…”

Faerith recounted what happened. How mysterious men came to attack the city and how she defended it all by herself.

Only now did Colt knew of Faerith’s title, the Mother of Monsters. She was not a Beast or anything of the sort. She was simply someone strong enough to control the Edgeworths through her own worth.

But, because of certain circumstances like past injuries, Faerith couldn’t fight in the frontlines.

“Risa sustained injuries. Thankfully it’s nothing too severe as her Soul Partner came out to protect her and the people near her…”

“How about Mina and my daughters!? Where are they!? If they sustain injuries, I can heal them!”

Faerith’s expression grew tense.

“That’s good. We can help Hylda, but as for Mina and Filla…we can’t help them for they have been taken.”

It was at this point that Colt’s mind blanked. A white line on his forehead grew ever brilliant, and Fluff mounted his shoulder to let him know that his rationality was getting taken over by anger.


“I know…but, they dare mess with my family. Ha, hahaha…” he didn’t speak any further and walked away.

“Son! Where are you going!?”

“…I need to help my daughter. Her condition is severe, isn’t it?”

Colt didn’t wait any longer and hurried to Hylda’s side. After the grueling training Neun put him through, he was now a Rank-5 Warrior. He was fast enough without the help of a horse.

Colt ran through the destroyed garden of the manor. Burnt Corpses littered the ground. Both combatants and non-combatants were killed in this attack. It was a gruesome sight to behold.

He hurried to Hylda’s side, which was in the hospital where most of the injured lay. The hospital was east of the city, and from outside, eve non-mages could feel the thick mana.

Colt entered the hospital, and almost immediately, he smelled an unwanted stench. The stench of burnt flesh assailed his nose.

He does not need to look around to see people suffering; their cries were enough. Some stared at him, hoping to receive some help, but Colt didn’t waver for he did not have the time.

He went to the hospital’s very back room, where Risa, Mary, and Hylda were admitted.

After taking a deep breath, he managed to calm himself and opened the door. As soon as he did, he was met with the growling face of a white winged-lizard.

The lizard was as big as a tiger, and its wings unfurled to make itself look more prominent.

Colt knew that this before him was a Dragon. Was it the Soul Partner of Mary, or Risa? He did not know, nor did he care.

If this were any normal circumstances, he would be squealing in happiness, seeing such a beast in front of him. But at the moment, that cannot be far off from his mood.

With Fluff on his right shoulder and the Chick on his left, he looked down upon the Dragon, “Sit!”

His voice was low and powerful. With his emotion running wild, Fluff and the Chick didn’t hesitate to pressure the poor beast.

The Dragon moved to the side and buried its head on the ground as it whimpered.

Colt didn’t care, and the Chick who passed the Dragon pressured it further and made it reveal its belly to show respect.

Colt knows not how it works, but he was well aware of Fluff and the Chick’s pressure. He’s not so idiotic to not abuse it.

The three women were unconscious; all of them were in pain, especially Hylda. Colt saw his daughter writhing in pain, and almost immediately, he felt his heart being gripped.

“Teacher, the World Tree.”

Neun, who had been standing behind Colt, brought out a box made of ancient wood. A sapling with eight leaves appeared. The glow of life enveloped the room alleviating everyone’s pain.

Colt didn’t even try examining Hylda’s wounds and already fed her a crushed leaf.

Hylda’s body glowed evergreen, and the leaf healed her damaged internal organs. She regained her color. Her breathing became regular, and her aura returned to normal.

While watching Hylda, a sudden epiphany appeared struck Colt. He checked Mary and Risa and confirmed they were in no serious condition, ‘They’ll be fine with a Healer.’

He plucked one more leaf and handed it to Neun.

“Teacher, go to Mother and giver her that leaf. Have her boil it in water. If we can distribute the efficacy of the leaf in the form of a soup, then we can help the suffering people.”

“How much water exactly, Young Master?”

“A hundred liters.” It was not Colt who spoke but the Chick, “I didn’t think you’d use such a treasure for Mortals, but I am not against it. Use a hundred liters to dilute the effects, and half a cup would be enough to heal minor injuries and alleviate pain for a few days. Though it will not regrow limbs.”

Colt looked at the Chick and smiled.

“You seem knowledgeable about this?”

“Well, the World Tree was created to go against me, after all.”

Colt didn’t know what it meant by that. Fluff grew silent at its sibling’s comment.

“You heard it, just go with its instruction. That should avoid any death and help lighten the load of the Healers.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Colt sat on the chair adjacent to Hylda’s bed and covered his face with his hands. Despite Fluff’s help, he was still under a lot of stress.

He could tell that he was slowly breaking down under the pressure of what might happen to his family.

His heart was beating fast, and with the echoing cries of both adults and children in the hospital, Colt felt like the world was pushing him to the brink.

He’s from modern earth; he had not stayed here for even a year; he killed many and even almost died himself. He had limits too.

There’re many stories where the Hero mysteriously meet only those he can match in strength.

But that’s not the case for Colt.

The enemy was someone he does not know. The enemies are the bastards, even the MC of the original plot had yet to uncover. All this time, he managed to change the future thanks to his knowledge of the story.

He acted thanks to the information of the plot and even changed the fate of many people.

But right now, he was treading a road far off course from the original. This story was now his own, and it seems like the world was trying its best to make sure that Colt will meet his end.

And that’s crushing him.

He’s just a normal human. He was no hero. He was just a man who wants everyone to live in peace. But why couldn’t he get that?

‘Isn’t it better if I just end this? This is too hard.’

He asked himself as he found all this to be so heavy.

When humans face so much stress, death appears to be an easy escape. They would wish to disappear for it felt like it would be free them of their problems.

‘I am not a hero. I am not strong enough to…’

He was in despair, but then, a dainty shaking hand held onto him. It was warm. He turned his head and saw Hylda looking at him, in tears.

“I’m sorry,” She was trembling as she cried, “I-I’m sorry…I-I broke my promise…I said I’ll protect them…but, but I, I was too weak. I’m sorry, Papa, I’m sorry…”

Hylda’s teras brought him back from the darkness. The doubt in his heart shattered, and the thought of death disappeared.

He held Hylda in his arms and held his tears at bay, “Don’t blame yourself, I’ll be sure to save them. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll save your mother and sister.”

‘I can’t fall apart now.’ Colt reassured himself. He was not alone anymore. He had people counting on him.

Colt did his best to calm Hylda. After a few minutes, Hylda fell asleep from fatigue.

Colt called upon Fluff and the Chick and stepped out of the room.

It was just in time as Neun was about to enter.

“Young Master, where are you going?”

“I’m going to find my wife and daughter.”

Colt’s answer was firm.

Neun was taken aback as he felt something about Colt had changed.

“Then, should I leave now and track them down, Young Master? I can sniff them out with Alpha’s help.”

“No, your nose has a limit of five hundred meters. If what Mary said was true, then I’m sure they’re already out of your range.”

“Then, how?”

Colt didn’t answer. He left the hospital in haste. He went to the Light Orphanage, where he saw Sister Mary with the children.

“Young Master Colt, I heard what happened. How may I help you in any way?” Sister Mary was also incensed. Her presence told everyone that she’s pissed off.

She held onto the pommel of her sword as she spoke.

Colt, however, shook his head.

“I’m going to have to talk with the people who know where they are, don’t disturb me.”

Colt then kicked the door of the church open and saw the statues of the Three Goddesses.

“You three, I know you can hear me! Tell me where they are!”

Colt shouted as he called out to the ones who know everything about this world.

The Three Goddesses.


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