High-Class Mob

Chapter 103: Mother (part 2)

Chapter 103: Mother (part 2)

Night arrived, and dinner had passed. Lyra was already asleep in her room, and Mina was in Colt’s bedroom together with Hylda and Filla.

She tucked the two in bed, readying them for sleep. Though Colt was not with them, they still have smiles on their faces.

Mina had been trying to forge a bond with them, and it was clear that her efforts had paid off.

Their relationship was not limited to their association with Colt. It does not stop there; they too have their thoughts and emotions reserved for Mina alone.

Filla may be a genius, but she was still four years of age; thus, the longing for a mother was intense. Hylda was older, and yet she had been cast away for so many times that she too was no better than Filla.

Mina knows a lot about the two, and at some angle, even more so than Colt.

And because she knows of their past, she knows that she needs to be strong for them. After all, she knows how it feels to be motherless.

Mina tucked the two children into the bed and waited until they fell asleep. She, however, did not feel any tired and stayed awake. Mina grew restless by the second as she remained longer in bed. Unable to calm down, it resulted in her moving around without reason.

She could just close her eyes and wait for her to feel tired, but she knew this situation could not be solved by mere time.

‘It’s occurring more frequently since he left my side.’

Mina longed for Colt; an itch was blossoming in her heart. Anxiousness and worry that wouldn’t leave her be.

She got out of the bed and opened the doors to the balcony. She stepped out of the room and experienced the chill of the night wind.

It was midnight, and the moon hanged low. She looked towards the east. Longing and desperation in her eyes were present.

‘My love, when will you return? I grow restless by the day, memories of the past seeps into my mind attacking my psyche like the days before I met you.’

Her expression grew somber. Memories of the past surfaced. A woman dressed in a light pink gown appeared in her mind; it was her Mother, the late Marchioness Maya Vera spending time with Mina.

To this day, the memory remains ever so vivid in Mina’s mind. She was unable to erase it no matter what it was that she does.

Try as she might, this image was etched deep into her mind.

Her heartbeat raced, and soon, her breathing followed.

Mina looked at the moon, and to the east, she held herself trying to keep her sanity in check.

She yearned for his arms, she yearned for his warmth, but most importantly, she yearned for his presence.

That presence that made her feel as though she was indeed not alone. She wanted him to return, so he can comfort her in his arms so that he’d be able to become a pillar for her.

Mina had promised to wait for his return, and she had done that magnificently over the past weeks.

But the more time passes, the more she forgot his touch. His scent remains close to her through the sheets and coverings, yet that was not enough.

She grows scared at the fact that he might disappear in her life. She was worried that he would leave him and go away without her knowing. In short, she was scared of his death.

Mina’s thoughts only grew more vivid. Her emotions finally could not help but burst. Memories of the past flowed like the river of time.

From her early childhood to the time when it happened.

Since Mina could remember, she had always been with her Mother, Maya’s side. Maya was the Marchioness, the wife of the Hero Liron Vera.

Maya was a cowardly and yet courageous woman. She feared many things, lightning, dogs, sword, fire, and even blood.

And yet she always steps up to protect her family. Her smile was retained when Mina trembled before thunder and faced a rabid dog that chased her daughter.

Maya was a good woman, and an even better mother and wife. She protected her family from those who tried to harm and tarnish its reputation.

However, that became her downfall. The Ducal Family Maya forced out of the Kingdom sought revenge.

Under the brilliance of the sun, and the shades the Forest provided, the carriage was ambushed by the same Ducal Family’s soldiers led by its First Young Master that had lost his mind having been robbed of his inheritance and future.

The guards protecting Maya and Mina were slaughtered, one managed to escape and to ask for reinforcement, but Maya and Mina were not so lucky and were forced to stay.

Mina and Maya were stuck in the carriage with no one to protect them. As the Mother and daughter were dragged out of the carriage, Maya hugged Mina. She used her body to protect her daughter from harm.

Maya was a Healing Mage, albeit not a strong one, for she had no talent. She had no experience of fighting; thus, if she retaliates, then the worst things may happen to her daughter.

Thus, Maya acted like a shield for her daughter. With her back turned to her assaulters, she received slash after slash from the sword she feared.

Because Maya was not big enough to fully shield Mina, the young lass would experienced cuts here and there, but it was then that Mina heard Maya speak.

“Does it hurt…my precious? Don’t worry…Mother will make it…go away.”

Maya, who had been cut tens of hundreds of times, didn’t use her magic to save herself but made sure that her daughter was left unscathed.

She poured her life to Mina.

Her pain could not be measured, and blood flowed out of her deep wounds, yet she remained silent to ensure Mina wouldn’t get scared.

She smiled throughout the harrowing experience, and without her knowing, blood flowed out of her body, trickling down onto Mina.

Only after the cries of reinforcement did the swords of the enemies stopped.


Maya heard the calls of her husband. It was at that time that she looked at Mina’s eyes.

The Mother, who bled to protect her daughter, looked deep in Mina’s eyes. She smiled with blood trickling down her mouth, “See… everything’s all… right…Fa…ther’s…here.”

With a body riddled with gashes and was devoid of strength and mana, Maya breathed her last after losing too much blood.

All of this happened with Mina watching inches away from her Mother. Her Mother’s breathing growing faster with every cut, the minute changes in her expressions, Mina could remember it with the tiniest of details.

And when Maya showed her that smile, it was carried by Mina throughout the years. It became a lasting memory and a bitter reminder that life was fleeting.

Thus her reaction to when Colt’s arm was severed.

Often she would dream of her Mother’s final moments, and when she closes her eyes, she would see that smile from across her, and her body will tremble from fear.

And as time passes, tears would flow out, and the child that lost her mother would appear. Unable to stop the tears, she cried.

Mina’s knees grew week, and slowly, she slid down onto the ground.

Mina’s tears could no longer be stopped.

She cried and wailed, waking up the sleeping children.

Moments later, her sobbing was heard by Hylda and Filla. The two awoke and stepped out and saw their Mother crying, unable to stand.

Mina raised her head as she saw her daughters.

They looked at her, and without saying any words, Filla walked to her side while Hylda went to take a thick blanket.

They did not know what’s happening, but they could tell what she needs was not words but companionship.

The children held onto Mina’s hands as they shared a blanket.

Filla and Hylda know not what was happening. But they felt that no words were needed to convey what that they need to say.

These children were also motherless, just like Mina; however, they did not know that Mina was like them. And yet they knew what it was what she needed most.

Mina felt their dainty hands. She wept as Hylda and Filla tightly held onto her.


Mina felt their emotions.

And it was then that she realized that being a mother was beautiful.

Only then did she realized that strength can be drawn out from them.

She thought that she needed to be strong for them. But she can also grow stronger with them.

Such was the connection of a Mother and her children.


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