Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 83: When a snake gets lucky Part3

Chapter 83: When a snake gets lucky Part3

While Tang Yue was busy running for her life, the number of people heading deeper and deeper into the forests was steadily increasing.

And the humungous centipede was wreaking havoc, tossing around the experts who had already arrived at the spot.

Several attacks of fire, ice, lightning, wind, and even dark energies were hurled at the monstrous high-grade beast, but its strong and rugged body provided a supreme defense that just couldn't be breached.

"Damn it. Why did we have to run away? We should have immediately attacked the ape and killed the snake."

"By now, we could have easily pocketed the golden ape's body, the snake's body, and the heavenly treasure!"

"Damn it, Ginko! Why did I even bother coming with you? Do you have to be this cautious ALL THE TIME?"

"Now we have so many of these assholes competing for the heavenly treasure and this stupid centipede!"

"Arghhh!! If we had fought against the damned ape, we could have pocketed the treasure and escaped by now! Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck."

Gale was freaking out. They had very narrowly missed a godly opportunity, all because of his stupid partner! 

If they hadn't run away in fear of more mid-grade apes approaching, they would have been the closest to the treasure!

It was a god-sent opportunity. It was fate. The treasure would have fallen right onto their laps.

But now

"Stop blaming me. I didn't forcefully drag you with me." Ginko sullenly retorted back. 

He, as well, felt sour at this random transgression of events. 

He had never miscalculated something to this extent. His intuitions had never failed him before this.

Both the assassins had an unsightly look on their faces, as they skillfully maneuvered around the rocks and the trees that the centipede was hurling around randomly.

Several limbs and torsos laid lifelessly on the ground around them. It was a completely one-sided massacre.

Forget about the treasure. At this point, the two goblins simply wanted to just return back unharmed.

Even Charlotte and her group were currently running away from the bloodbath.

The dreadful centipede was turning upside down the entire forest looking around for the treasure.

And that was not the only beast that had shown up.

The entire forest was suddenly filled with powerful mid-grade beasts.

All the animals in the forests were extremely riled up, raring and ready to attack. They all wanted the treasure at all costs.

An aroma of death and danger lingered in the air. The situation had entirely gone out of control.

This was extremely dangerous since the Eldorian establishment was very close to these forests.

If things were left unchecked, then the beast horde could even turn towards the settlement, wreaking havoc and claiming numerous lives.

Not long after the first centipede emerged, two other tremors started surfacing on the ground.

As if the chaos and commotion already thriving was not enough, two more humungous centipedes popped out of the ground.

What's even worse was that the three centipedes didn't fight with each other and were instead unleashing hell on everyone else.

Blood splattered. Bone-chilling cries echoed. 

Corpses were littered everywhere. It was a terrifying sight to see.

But fortunately, before things could get even worse, several blinding shafts of golden light shot down from the sky.


A divine godly being descended from the heavens, his long silver hair fluttering in the wind.

Surrounding him, ten other majestic figures landed on the ground as well, instantly grabbing the attention of the three high-grade centipedes.

The crown prince Xander and his ten famed Generals had arrived!

Their arrival immediately turned the tide of war. 

The elves, dwarves, and orcs who were getting slaughtered just a second ago, were now dominating the battlefield.

Xander's inhumane killing intent was even more deadly and tyrannical than the centipede's tantrums.

A long pitch-black sword materialized in his arms, a sword purely formed from intangible dark energy.

The elegant figure then flickered in the wind, his image appearing directly behind one of the centipedes.

A single slash emerged in the thin air, and the centipede's strong and sturdy body which was holding tight until now effortlessly gave away and a big wound appeared on its slimy body.

Wisps of dark energy seeped out of its wound, preventing the healing process from initiating.

The General who was fighting the centipede immediately gained an upper hand and followed the crown prince's lead in thoroughly finishing off the beast.

The centipede screeched in pain and fear. It was a high-grade intelligent beast and it knew that it had met its match.

The heavily wounded slimy monster quickly burrowed back into the ground, without lingering around any longer.

But before it could completely disappear another slash of dark energy appeared and cut the lower half of its body.

The animal agonizedly screeched in pain, but it continued burrowing forward. 

As long as its head and its upper half survived, a centipede was still able to remain alive. 

So the humungous beast continued burrowing further and further away. Its life was literally hanging by a thread.

And soon after, the other two centipedes that had popped out also fell and experienced a similar fate.

But surprisingly, they all managed to run away at the nick of time, just with a sliver of their life left.

"Huh?" Xander had a weird expression on his flawless face. It seemed as if he was ever so slightly out of his game tonight.

All three high-grade beasts had slipped out of his hands as if they were destined to.

"Never mind. Let's get the other beasts under control and focus on the treasure. No one leaves here tonight without being inspected." 

The elf's chilling voice thundered in the midst of the chaos, that had slightly calmed down because of the disappearance of the high-grade centipedes.

Soon, several other powerful Demi-god figures arrived, including the royal members of the Dwarven and the Orc Empires.

Every single pair of hands and eyes scanned and searched for the heavenly treasure, leaving no stone unturned. The entire forest was thoroughly combed from top to bottom.

But even after everything had calmed down, and the beast horde was brought under control, there was not even a trace of this so-called treasure


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