Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 80: From the frying pan into the fire Part3

Chapter 80: From the frying pan into the fire Part3

The smell of charred flesh interlaced with the bloody scent lingering in the cave and created a particularly pungent odor. 

Pieces of burnt fur and skin sizzled and dropped on the ground revealing jade-like white flesh. 

Tang Yue snapped out of her daze and stopped watching the show. 

She readied herself and joined the battle taking advantage of the chaotic state of the wolf. 

She swiftly stepped forward and slashed at the wolf with all her might.

Kacha Kacha

But unlike her previous opponents, this one was not that easy to deal with, even at its disoriented state.

The strong blade hit the agile body of the wolf and slightly bounced back.

There was barely a scratch registered on that sturdy muscular body.

Tang Yue gazed at the sword in her hands with her eyes full of disbelief.

Why is a low-grade beast not yielding to a mid-grade sword?

Just how many mutations had it undergone to be this sturdy and at the same time even mastered basic wind magic?

The damned beast had both mana and physical mutations.

Tang Yue didn't have the time to think this through.

It was only a matter of time before the wolf ignored Little Plum and attacked the main source of its trouble.

If Tang Yue disappeared, then Little Plum would also disappear or be weakened at the least.

It probably wouldn't take very long for a mutated intelligent low-grade beast to figure this out.

The snake retracted the blade and coldly gazed at the ferocious beast in front of her.

Its entire body was now covered with blackened soot and charred flesh. Almost all of its fur was burnt haphazardly.

Looking at the exposed skin, Tang Yue quickly made a split-second decision and morphed into her serpentine form.

The thin blue snake hurriedly slithered closer to the wolf, using her high agility to avoid being crushed into a pulp by the wolf's panicked movements.

Once she was closer, in one swift motion, the snake drew back and bit into the wolf's charred feet.

Tang Yue's sharp silver fangs dug into the rugged wolf's flesh, just barely puncturing it.

But that small scratch was more than enough!

She drew blood. Tang Yue's Level 11 venom seeped into the wolf's flesh and instantly entered the bloodstream of the beast.

Within a matter of seconds, the wolf's entire body trembled with a tremor running through it.

And all this while, Little Plum still continued to wreak havoc on the beast's body, causing it intense scorching pain.

Now it was only a matter of time before the battle ended

The wind woven wolf painfully looked at Tang Yue and then at the damned wisp of fire.

It let out an agonized howl, before breathing out its final puff of wind and landed on the messy cave floor with a thud.

Ding. 1 Mutated Wind Woven Wolf killed.

Ding. 500 Experience points rewarded.

Ding. Congratulations. You have leveled up.

The crisp series of notifications were like music to Tang Yue's ears.

The snake tiredly rested her head on the ground and watched the beast's body lying still on the cave floor.

"Oh no! It's not over yet! Fuck!" She lifted her head back up again and vigilantly looked around.

"Wait. Why aren't the other beasts coming in yet?"

With the death of the wind woven wolf, the entire night was suddenly restored to its deathly silent state as it had been before the wolves surrounded her.

"Huh?" Tang Yue was confused. "Where did they all go?"

"Shouldn't the other wind woven wolf have barged in by now?"

The snake dragged its heavily ragged body and slightly peeked out of the cave.

Absolute silence. No one was there.

Only the faint distant murmur and chirping of the forest echoed in the darkness of the night.

Tang Yue slithered out of the cave grinning at the unexpected turn of events.

Maybe the other beasts had watched her slaughter their leader and everyone ran away?

Or maybe the sight of the fire drove them away?

She didn't quite understand what had happened, but nevertheless was glad that it happened.

She collected the last of the carcass lying outside the cave, the body of the common grade bristle wolf, and popped the space pearl back into her mouth. 

The entire cave and the air around the cave reeked of blood and gore. 

There were traces of blood and bits of flesh everywhere. 

This was only bound to attract more and more beasts to this spot. 

So Tang Yue did not plan on staying here for much longer. 

Her emerald eyes restlessly darted around the cave and the snake started slithering out of the jumbles and the mangled thicket. 

The wolves had done quite a number on the vegetation surrounding the cave and it was barely usable now.

It was about time she left this hideout. 

But before Tang Yue could even slither an inch out of the bundle of thickets, her small head bobbed against something heavy and sturdy. 


She looked up in confusion. Her bloodshot tired eyes trembled with unprecedented fear and shock.

Tang Yue did not need to sense the mana signature this time around, to identify the beast standing like a bulldozer in front of her. 

She knew exactly what it was!

Standing under the moonlight, with its gigantic body covered by thick golden fur was a mid-grade beast, the Golden Titan Ape!

The huge beast's silver round eyes sparkled in the darkness of the night, along with its shimmering golden fur. 

Even worse those deadly silver orbs were staring directly at Tang Yue!

The stench of death hung vividly in the still air. 

A huge blob of saliva slam banged on Tang Yue's small head, it's sheer force crushing her entire existence.

Damn it all!

This was why the other beasts had absconded and disappeared into oblivion!

Not because of her battle prowess or Little Plum's fire attacks, but because of the appearance of this mid-grade monstrous predator! 

"I am done for." Tang Yue shuddered. 

She was already as good as dead snake meat. There was no doubt about it.

Even Little Plum couldn't possibly save her from this predicament.

With her life literally hanging by a thread, the scared and trembling snake princess did not think twice and quickly yelled out. 

"Damn it all! One Lucky Sticker! Purchase and Activate!"


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