Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 40: Money grows on beautiful female elves Part1

Chapter 40: Money grows on beautiful female elves Part1

As the day was almost coming to an end, the royal guests gathered for the feast also started departing from the Eldorian elven establishment, each headed towards their own territories.

But in a remote corner of the forests bordering the Eldorian establishment, the strange male fairy, with blackened soot-covered wings, who was sitting next to Tang Yue, stood alone in deep contemplation.

He had a hesitant look on his face as if he was pondering about something. He was not sure if what he had just done was right or wrong.

However, the hesitation only lasted for a moment, after which he wiped his shimmering sword covered by dark red blood and sheathed it back.

He raised his hand forward, out of which a silver ball of mist emanated. The tall figure who was no longer a gentle fairy touched the silvery mist.

His human face shone in the moonlight, as he took one last look towards the distant elven settlement and disappeared, with the silvery mist sucking him in.

And just like that, the human who had infiltrated the royal feast disguised as a fairy, completely vanished from the forest grounds without leaving a single trace behind.




Meanwhile, Tang Yue was still shivering inside her private chamber. She couldn't believe that she had actually managed to get out of that situation unscathed.

In fact, she was half-expecting Charlotte to at least slap her till her cheeks stung from pain. But somehow everything ended smoothly.

Tang Yue heaved a sigh of relief and was about to nag the system for her reward when a notification suddenly popped up.

Ding. Congratulations. You have been rewarded the Archaic elemental contract technique.

Tang Yue excitedly clapped her hands and quickly selected the gift-wrapped box bouncing in front of her.

As soon as she touched the bouncing object, it disappeared and a white glow enveloped her body, lasting for a few seconds.

Several images flashed inside her mind, pertaining to the ancient art of runic magic. Tang Yue stood in a trance as she greedily absorbed the knowledge and memorized it by heart.

The archaic elemental contract was essentially a high-level runic magic technique that allowed the caster to interact with an elemental youngling from the elemental energy plane.

But there was a prerequisite for using this technique. The person attempting to contract with a baby elemental needed to have an affinity for that elemental energy.

As she read this part, Tang Yue's excited eyes slightly drooped. The innate ability of the serpentine clan members was illusion magic.

Unlike the elves, who had a natural affinity to the fire elemental, by birth, Tang Yue did not have any affinity for any of the diverse elemental energies.

"Oh well. It's nothing that can't be solved with some more binge eating."

And luckily for her, Tang Yue had just the beast for the job stored away in her space pearl.

Fire twin-tailed bird!

And she even had four of them!!

Tang Yue can potentially gain the bird's innate affinity to fire elemental after completely absorbing its bloodline.

Though, she highly doubted that four would be enough to completely absorb that bloodline.

After all, unlike the ugly salamanders, which were common grade beasts, the fire twin-tailed birds were low-grade beasts.

Low-grade beasts had a higher potential to grow stronger because of their powerful bloodline.

Some of them were even able to form beast cores like the mid-grade and high-grade beasts.

So it was highly unlikely that a mere four bird dinner might help her complete the bloodline.

Tang Yue did not waste any further time and swiftly got down to business.

She retrieved a huge bird carcass from her space pearl, shifted to her serpentine form, and gulped it down in one go.

Now all she had to do was wait patiently and let her digestive juices do the trick.

But unlike the forest, Tang Yue did not have to waste her time, since she was in the relatively safe palace chambers.

The fattened snake bobbed her slimy head up and down as she gazed intently at the book in front of her with her beady emerald eyes.

The book contained a detailed description of the various known herbs and their medicinal properties.

In her current state, without a condensed beast core and without any elemental affinity, she was still unsure if she would ever be able to cast any fire magic in the future, but she would be a fool if she didn't prepare for the possibility beforehand.

Especially now that she had the ability to contract with an elemental, she can borrow its power to train herself in the myriad alchemy techniques.


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