Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 24: Open season on salamanders

Chapter 24: Open season on salamanders

Now that she was slightly fattened in the middle due to the still digesting food, Tang Yue didn't dare to use the tree branches any longer.

She slowly slithered across the forest floor in search of more salamanders.

Soon she came across a swampy pond in the distance, with a slimy tail inconspicuously hanging out from the water.

Tang Yue quickly slithered towards the swamp and cautiously stalked the salamander.

The creature seemed to be happily drifting in the water, occasionally extending its green paws to catch the passing by fish.

Once it got hold of a fish, the creature immediately tossed it into its mouth full of teeth.

Tang Yue curiously watched it for a while and confirmed that no other animal was present in the vicinity.

She then silently shifted to her human form and removed the mid-grade long sword from her space pearl.

The blade was shining in the glow of the dusk, obnoxiously threatening to slice anything in its path.

Without wasting another second, Tang Yue quickly dashed towards the reptile, halting right behind it.

She aimed for its thick head and in a single slash cleanly severed its body into two halves.

The animal didn't even get a chance to respond. It could barely lift its head before it dropped dead on the ground.

"Waah! This is the sharpness of a mid-grade sword!!" Tang Yue's eyes widened in surprise.

She thought that she was going to have to hack the poor creature multiple times and fight a bloody battle but the entire fight was over in a second.

She, of course, knew about the different weapon grades, but this was the first time she held in her hands a mid-grade weapon and its power completely surpassed her expectations.

The low agility and unresponsive characteristic of the beast also played to her advantage.

"Not bad." Salamanders were indeed a perfect target for the current her.

While Tang Yue was still rejoicing about her overpowered sword, a surprising notification sounded in her mind.

Ding. 1 Wild Salamander killed.

Ding. 5 Experience points have been rewarded.


Tang Yue dropped the corpse she held in her hand in utter shock. What a scam?!

She had worked hard on those daily quests and earned 5 Experience points for each but just one easy effortless kill gave her the same points?!

Tang Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was awesome!

She quickly tossed the salamander's two halves into her space pouch and shape-shifted back into her serpentine form.

She didn't dare enter the swamp but slowly slithered around it to see if she could spot any more salamanders.

She spotted a couple more just a few yards away and quickly dashed towards them.

Now that she was used to the power of a mid-grade sword, she had much more confidence to deal with these puny common grade beasts.

Something agile like a wolf might still give her some problems, but these fat bundles didn't stand a chance.

Just like before she cleanly slaughtered the next couple of salamanders and the same notifications popped up again.

Ding. 1 Wild Salamander killed.

Ding. 5 Experience points have been rewarded.

Ding. 1 Wild Salamander killed.

Ding. 5 Experience points have been rewarded.

Tang Yue grinned as she shifted to her serpentine form and searched for more easy targets. Today was the day she was going to level up!

The little snake busied herself repeating the same process several times over. Another hour passed and she had collected almost a dozen wild salamander corpses.

Just as she was planning to retreat for the night, a weird looking salamander peeked at her from under a mesh of dried branches and creepers.

Unlike the others, this chubby reptile had a strange horn on its head.

But that made little difference to Tang Yue, as she quickly slaughtered that as well.

Life was simply too easy with an over-powered weapon!!

And just as she had suspected, as soon as Tang Yue slashed and killed the last salamander a unique notification popped out.

Ding. 1 Mutated Salamander killed.

Ding. 10 Experience points have been rewarded.

"Hmmm... So this guy was stronger than the previous weaklings?? Most probably its skin was thicker or maybe more poisonous." Tang Yue rubbed her chin as she wondered.

But it didn't matter how thick its skin was or how strong its defenses were, her mid-grade long sword was simply too much for that animal.


Tang Yue suddenly let out a loud puff of air.

She could feel that the food in her stomach was almost about to be completely digested.

So she swiftly tucked in the last corpse into her space pouch and slithered back to her secret cave.

Time to eat more meat and power up her bites!


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