He’s My Real Brother, Duke

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The bloody smell that pierces the nose’s tip, blood-like red paint on the white bed linen.

A man whose body is too big to fit on a small bed.

His lips were torn, and in his arm, there was a deep scar that might not be known what caused it.

I swung the knife in my hand toward the man.

It’s a long time to do that.

“It’s over.”

I put my knife down on the bedside table, and I quickly wiped away the cold sweat flowing from my forehead.

And I carefully observed him. I trembled with anxiety, and my heart was beating fast, so I couldn’t calm myself.

If anyone who sees this suspicious figure and the surroundings, it will be mistaken for a process of abduction and murder.

It was clear.

…… Of course, I can never be a kidnapper.

It’s just that, I’m a good healer who saved the “Duke Anais” who was injured in front of the house.

I moved the Duke to bed and even finished his treatment, so I have just become his “Lifesaver”.

This knife, too, was just used to tear the gauze, and it means nothing!

I whispered gently as I wiped the unconscious Duke’s forehead with the back of my hand.

“You may not hear it, but… … The treatment is over.”

Fortunately, the fever went down, and the wound was treated.

The reason why this man, who boasted overwhelming power in the novel, got injured so far is unknown, but the reason for him to faint seemed to be due to the outburst of some power, so I prescribed a special medicine and fed it to him.

Now I am completely relieved. With a sigh of relief, I looked into his face one by one.

Certainly, he was the “God of the night,” he looked reliable.

Like the dark night sky, the black hair is the softest of all the elements that make him up.

Long shades of eyelashes, straight nose, and slight shade under the cheekbones created a sharper atmosphere.

Even if those eyes are close, I think I can capture everything at once.

His eyes, however, were only obscured by his thick eyelashes.

“You must get better. Okay? “

I need to finish the treatment.

As I safely put the sleeping medicine into the man’s lips, I thought to myself ‘Oh my God!!’

“Because I’ve been waiting for more than three years today to save you!”

Of course, even if you think positively, you cannot overcome physical fatigue.

Maybe it’s because I worked hard all day, Or perhaps it was because of struggling to drag this big and heavy man into the house and was relieved of pain.

“……. Only five minutes to sleep.”‘

I thought so and started to doze off.

In front of the bed, he is recovering.

  • • •
  • I decided to sleep only five minutes, but I couldn’t cope with the fatigue that had accumulated in my body for a short period of time.

    I was deeply asleep and dreaming.

    In my dream, my past unfolded like a panorama.

    It was no coincidence that I saved the Duke of Anais today.

    In advance, I knew that he would fall in the grass, about 10m away from the 1st Treatment Center outside the northern Duke Castle.

    He, travelling alone to hunt for monsters, was forced to fall in front of a small log house in the forest because of mana instability due to the last war’s aftereffects against monsters.

    That’s why the manager of a nearby branch office saves him. The Duke of Anais takes the manager of the treatment centre and gives him what he wants.

    The reason I knew this was simple and clear.

    This is a fantasy novel, 『Blood Revenge』. I was reincarnated as “Astel”, the younger sister of “Cassian, ” the novel’s male protagonist.

    Unfortunately, in this novel, The Fate of Astel and Cassian is a tragic, dark ending.

    Our brothers and sisters were born to Count Vietry, the most prestigious magical family in the Empire, but the family is framed and destroyed.

    Fortunately or unfortunately, our parents sacrificed their lives on our brothers and sisters with ancient stealth magic that cannot be traced.

    Thanks to that, we barely survived the bloodbath.

    But what could a little child who knows nothing do?

    Our childhood was challenging, sad, and needy.

    It was customary to be starving, and there were times when I was begging and begged for luck and was beaten.

    Luckily, since my brother got a job as a stable keeper, he could eat even soiled carrots for one meal a day.

    Still, it’s fine here.

    Initially, there exist adversities in one’s life.

    However, when I was ten years old, the problem began when I realized that I had reincarnated from this novel.

    “The genre is revenge, and even the ending is sad?”

    According to the original content, Cassian, who grew up with his younger brother, tries to take revenge on our parents’ enemies.

    As a result, he uncovers the identities of some of the spies who destroyed the count and is taken off the frame accusation.

    However, after when he thought it was a happy ending, he was eventually brought to death by the final Villain, which he did not even know existed.

    “Astel” was also in a situation where she was attacked and killed while raising a nephew that his brother left behind.

    The novel ends in bitterness, though it is not clear who the final Villain is.

    That fate.

    When I realized that I had just been reincarnated, I was so scared of the future that I cried while walking or begging.

    “Astel! We are beggars, so I said we have to work. You shouldn’t cry all the time.”

    “Brother, what if we are supposed to die?”

    Cassian responded calmly to my helpless question.

    “Cassian, you stupid idiot. You know nothing! Just go away!”

    He laughed without knowing that he’s destined to die or that I’ll be living a miserable life with my nephew alone!

    While He looked tense, I had an incredible realization in his words.

    “Still… … I like the saying that If the ending is bad, you can change it”.

    If I catch and kill the final Villain that Cassian failed to catch in the end.

    I will make him eat poisoned carrot soup until he dies.

    Keep going until the belly bursts with carrot soup and dies.

    After that, I prepared to take revenge. Of course, it was the same with my brother.

    “I want to take the Knights Templar entrance exam.”


    ‘Just wait ten years. I’ll take off those frame of accusations and live in a nice house wearing only pretty clothes.

    My brother didn’t share a lot of information about his revenge.

    However, He was reborn as a hero of the Empire. He received the nobility status and connections with High-Level Information. I already knew that he would try to find the truth by meeting people under the surface.

    He left me in a safe village, to walk towards his future of path full of thorns.

    “What’s with that expression!”

    “It’s just….’”

    “Cause I’m not good enough?”

    “Yes. You’re not good enough…”

    My brother looked shocked, but I couldn’t help it.

    Anyway, if he fails.

    Then we all die. So there was only one way to overcome this tragic ending.

    Without my brother’s knowledge, I will reveal who is the Final Villain!. Only then can we survive.

    I recalled several hints that appeared in the novel, where the Villain was not revealed until the end.

    First of all, it was not possible to know exactly who the spy had infiltrated Count Vietry.

    However, some of the most important hints were given.

    One of the three spies who fabricated false evidence that Count Vietry was traitorous was a “human”, and two were a “Shapeshifters”. It was the fact that after they destroyed our family, they flowed into the Duke of Anais.

    If I caught them right away, find out who the final Villain is and immediately deal it with him… …

    Only this time will we be able to reach a happy ending.

    If a problem arises, it won’t be easy to enter Duke of Anais Castle.

    There were complex political reasons for this.

    In the northern part of the Empire, the entire Duchy of Anais was the land of Shapeshifters.

    The Shapeshifters hated humans who had enslaved them in the past, so they would threaten them when outsiders entered their land.

    There were also a few humans who had died.

    Of course, there had to be some humans who entered the northern Duchy.

    First of all, I could get a job at the Duke’s treatment centre after a difficult journey.

    However, the circumstances were different for the Duke, the vassal family, and Duke Castle, where the pure-blooded stay.

    It was a dangerous castle where unauthorized persons could not enter and exit even if it were a guard.

    Duke Anais is the place where humans enter, and their throat will be cut off immediately due to a magic device.

    As a human being, how can I enter the building without risk and spy them without being suspicious?

    After working in the treatment centre for a long time, I finally found a good way.

    That’s by being the lifesaver of Duke Anais!

    It may be another matter of being a lifesaver and getting in without spilling blood in the Duchy.

  • • •
  • For a moment when I realize the contents of my dreams, I opened my eyes like playing a game.

    Immediately I looked around in a hurry, and the Duke, whom I had finely put on the bed, disappeared.

    Maybe not everything in the dream was true?

    Or, unlike in the original, Duke Anais left without ungratefulness for the benefactor who saved him..… !

    I stretched my shoulders and pressed my red eyes, and then I heard a soft voice behind my back.

    “You are the one who saved me.”

    It was a terrifyingly stiff tone to describe the phrase “the one who saved me”, but the low tone was so sweet that I was confused, I turned my head and looked behind as if possessed.

    At last, our gaze met in the center.

    Black hair, bluish eyes. This is Duke Anais, whom I saved.

    The ruler of all the Shapeshifters in the north.

    However, except for the title of “Duke Anais,” the truth and race are unknown, so it is a mysterious figure in the north whom was known as a dangerous beast.

    And now, he is the only way to bring me into Duke Castle!


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