He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 413: Interview-I

Chapter 413: Interview-I

The interviewer for the day, Tian Shi fixed his hair in front of the wide mirror with golden lamps attached all around the mirror's frame. The rest of the backstage was filled with noises, people waiting with anticipation and some was worrying over the interview. 

When the time came, the handsome and beautiful characters of the book walked out of the stage from the door hidden behind the curtain and began to waved their hands to the audience. 

"Is he ready yet?!" Tian Yi asked his feet was busily tapping the floor.

"Yes! he should be done now!" said the crewman. "He's there!"

The audience became quiet waiting for the room which was dark without light until the lamp began to shine and people cheered for the characters.

"Good morning/ afternoon/ night to everyone who is reading the interview! This interview is sponsored by Wang Corporation and Azure Company! Please applause for our characters who had come today!" Tian Shi spoke through the microphone, his hand spreading to the characters sitting in the seat who then waved their hands to the audiences and the author.

"We have some of our most hated, pitied, and often cheered or surprises for here who everyone have seen or read along the book. "But first, I heard author you have created a draft for the third book which followed this story?"

Author nodded her head, "Yes. Though I may have to correct that the third book which followed the series after this have little connection with this book and do have a little time interaction with the two characters."

Tian Shi, "For every reader who may not understand, this book is under the series of [My Series]. The book began with [My Husband Is The Emperor] and [He's My fiance!] followed by the next book which the author is currently writing." Author nodded head at Tian Shi's through explanation.

Tian Shi, "I've heard that you have named the books that came after this and have spoiled a little in the comment of the name of the book?"

Author, "Yes I did. The book [My Queen, your wish is my command] is a modern based story book of Han Xi Guang who is Han Mi Er's cousin, where [My Dear Crazy Monster] is a modern fantasy book starting with Liu Yan Hui and his fate."

Tian Shi, "Fate?"

Author smiled, "I have tell a little spoiler and have placed a few subtle or direct key of the story if anyone had read between the lines."

Tian Shi, "Please tell us a little of the third book, author! We are dying to know."

Author, "It's about Liu Yan Hui who by now I'm sure everyone know how different he was from being called as 'human' a little like what the title had said and the girl named Zhou Li Xi who by chance called him with a bell."

Tian Shi, "Bell? How does that happen?"

Author smile, "I will not give much details and hope every readers to continue reading the series to find out more about the couple. As everyone had seen, Liu Yan Hui is slightly sarcastic with his words and Zhou Li Xi is a girl who had quite a sassy character."

"I can't wait to read about the two!" Tian Shi clapped his hands.

Tian Yi: "You should come back home first before it happen."

Tian Shi ignored and turn, "Mr. Wang there had been many people commenting about how you are too jealous that often become a bother and that it all happen only because of your insecurity."

Wang Li Lei narrowing his eyes with his hands holding Xiao Yun's: "I do think it is normal for anyone to be jealous with insect that came next to your beloved partners. Xiao Yun is mine and I see no problem guarding what's mine."

Tian Shi cleared his throat, "Uh-huh, yes, yes of course we understand that. Xiao Yun, how do you feel about Wang Li Lei's possessiveness, is it perhaps too overbearing?"

Wang Li Lei grinned, "Overbearing?"

"It isn't you who is asked," Choi Yeon Jun snipped beside, eyes rolling.

"It involves me and Xiao Yun is mine which placed whatever she is involved with mine." replied Wang Li Lei and the two man goaded at each other.

"If it wasn't for this handcuff I would have killed you." threatened Choi Yeon Jun.

Wang Li Lei shrugged his shoulder, "Try me."

"OKAY! Okay!" Andy who sat in between the two men hoped he could still be alive, "Next question please."

"Oh we will pass the question?" asked Xiao Yun, seeing the cue she replied, "Of course Uve never seen him overbearing. Isn't it adorable when he is drinking vinegar? I love watching that side of him."

Tian Shi nodded his head to turn face at Andy, "Throughout the book, you've been distrusted by many, Andy. What do you say about it?"

"I think each people have layers like me. I wish to do the best for people who are dear to me although I know well that my approach is wrong. I have apologized." said Andy

"Apologized? What did you do?" asked Tian Shi, curious.

Remembering his punishment, Andy shuddered, "Uh, I had to eat Xiao Yun's food. I did great by not fainting outright."

"It tasted good." Xiao Yun sulked, "Tian Yi also said it's good!" she turned her head at Tian Yi who nodded his head up and down.

"He's a glutton so you should took his opinion out," Tian Shi mumbled.

"It is good." Wang Li Lei vouched for the taste and Andy looked at them to shake his head.

"Next question, Mr. Choi Kang So! Nice to meet you, I remembered you appeared very briefly." said Tian Shi and Choi Kang So coughed in bitterness.

"I serve as a distraction." Choi Kang So eyed the author who looked away from himm neither denying nor agreeing. "..."

"I heard that you remembered your past but you didn't turn back time. So how do you remember the past?" asked Tian Shi reading the cue paper.

"The gem of course. My brother was the one who made it what do you expect." shrugged Choi Kang So and Tian Shi shifted his eyes at Choi Yeon Jun who sat calm despite being cuffed and wearing jails clothing.

"Mr. Choi senior, what is your reason for using the gem to Kang So when he could ruin your plan?"


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