He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 407: The Lies Of I'll Die For You-I

Chapter 407: The Lies Of I'll Die For You-I

Xiao Yun felt her head hurts, the feeling of ache hurt her head. What happened? She tried to think when she remembered she was taken suddenly from behind in to a room. When she realized what may happen to her, Xiao Yun's eyes that were closed earlier flew open and she found herself inside an empty room. She tried to stand up, only to feel how she was too weak to be able to do so and the situation made her to frown. Where was Hi Gu Yan? There was suppose to be no one in the floor, unless there was someone since the beginning. But she had been careful. Nowadays, when one walk behind her, Xiao Yun would easily sense their presence but she didn't notice when the door was open until she was pulled behind.

Where is Hi Gu Yan? If it's her bodyguard, she believe he would notice what happened and search for her. Her earpieces weren't here either. Despite having her legs paralyzed by the sedative, Xiao Yun moves her body to the floor. Pulling herself, she leaned on the door to drag her legs out of the room.

"Even those dose of sedative doesn't work on you." The voice spoke, it was low but slithered and she felt shiver running to her body when she heard the voice. "I'm sure it should work on your body and your body doesn't have the resistance to the medicine. It is because your will are much stronger, right? To go to him."

Xiao Yun turned her body, her black eyes met a green one. However it was not the same green eyes that she knows, a different one with a deep void inside the pair of green eyes. Xiao Yun clenched her hands, her eyes glaring at him when she saw how he was twisting a grin. "Choi Yeon Jun." she pressed her words, feeling the anger boiling when she saw him. All her frustration came to surface to her heart.

"There are many good points of your stubbornness. Like the way how you wouldn't break in when you see everyone around you die or how your soul was so strong to go back to the past that it actually did." He continued, picking his cigarette, he pushed it to his mouth and tapped the cigarette to a small plate. "However you ought to know and study more that out of all the advantages it will bring you disadvantages too."

Xiao Yun quickly turned her face she dragged herself again and when she did she felt her head swirling in dizziness, the world was tilting in her view. She heard a sound of rustle, turning her eyes she saw Choi Yeon Jun standing up and her hands hastily pulled her way to the foyer.

Before she was able to make her way to the door after seeing him standing, Xiao Yun's hand was pulled, she was dragged to the nearest couch which was right across the one he had been sitting earlier and he pushed her shoulder for her to stand up.

"You don't take time to run. Always running." Choi Yeon Jun hummed, "What's with the hurry? Don't worry I won't hurt you, you could just stay here for only a few second, a minute or two. Take it as accompanying me as your past acquaintance."

"I don't know you." replied Xiao Yun the last thing she could do was to feign her ignorance.

Choi Yeon Jun smiled, his grin was wide to create her uncomfortableness. "After running with only one sight from me?" Xiao Yun saw him picking the cigarette he placed on the golden plate and her eyes moved all over the room, trying to search what she could use to escape when her eyes stopped at the fork and knife placed near her.

"Please forget about killing me now. You could later but now isn't the time you do not want to die, don't you?" He asked, and she looked up to know that he had notice where her eyes had fallen to.

Xiao Yun refused to speak to him and her legs tried to move when she realized her legs only limped. "What did you do to me?" She demanded for answer.

He looked at her, blowing a gray smoke from his mouth, he leaned his back and stared at her, "Do you mean why you can't walk now? Don't worry it's not permanent. In the past I tried to find a permanent one for your limbs and found this too by chance. It would work again in a few minutes, I thought we need to talk but I doubt we would be able to when your eyes are livid now."

Xiao Yun turned her head to the door, she parted her lips and he spoke, "You could try to scream and we should inject you with a little magic liquid that could make you not speak either. Is that what you want?" he lowly threaten. Her eyes shot a glare at him again. "You must be frustrated now." he commented.

"You think?" she shot her answer.

He picked the cigarette between his fingers and tapped it again, letting the burnt cigarette to fall on the plate. "I don't blame you."

Xiao Tun turned her eyes, rolling it, "If you blame me, you wouldn't only be psychopath but also one without a brain." She glared at him and clenched her hand, "Wang Li Lei is here." she threatened.

Choi Yeon Jun chuckled, "Of course I know he is here. Did it look like I was taking a sleep in a middle of a fight?" He then leaned forward, "Do you think he would come here soon? Or that he will be able to save you fast? You always have this blind trust to him, but don't you remember that there was one time when he was unable to fulfill your promise?"

Xiao Yun knew what he was talking of, her hand clenched the armrest where her hand rested on, "You're wrong. He did fulfill his promise. Unlike you, he did fulfill his promise."

"But there is one promise he was not able to do. Protecting you from danger and harm, promising to save your life. I remember your oath in your wedding though I doubt you remember it."

Xiao Yun glanced at the door again. It seemed very near that she could make a run but at the same time it was too far for her to make a run there with the condition she was in.

"Says the one who erased my memories." she scoffed.

"Don't mistake me, you're the one who forgot him and I was just making use of the condition."

"You didn't have to come back here to the past what are you doing?" she questioned, her eyes were holding the ire. "Trying to save my life?" she laughed cynically. "What a hypocrite for the one who had killed me."

Choi Yeon Jun's smile faltered, his eyes looked at her with a frown that could have make one to shudder from his glare but she didn't. The fear he tried to give her had gone and there was only anger inside her. "Tell me, if I don't save you, who could save you, your prince charming Wang Li Lei? He let you die-"

"And you killed me!" She screamed at him, "Don't forget Yeon Jun what you did to me! You killed me, force you to love you when I don't have any feeling for you, bringing me to your room to see innocent people being tortured to threaten me! You try to ruin me, not only my body but my soul and now you are trying to save me?! Do you think by doing that I will be happy, forgetting what you did, letting my anger disappear to pity?" Her eyes were rigid, flaming anger took over her, "I will never!" she shouted at him.

"Then don't." His green eyes glared back at her. Slapping his hand on the table, he stood from his chair, "Do you know Xiao Yun out of everything you did there was only one thing that I can not accept from you. The fact that you went to a world where I don't remember you." He hissed at her. Their glare clashed at each other. Both having their anger and frustration. "You can't be mine, you can't be his, you died that night, and you should have gone! Yet here you are turning your own time for what?-To have a life free of me. Did you think I will forget everything?"

He walked over toward her, pulling her hand and she pulled her hand back to glare at him, "You can't never forget about me. I would rather have you hate me for all your life rather than a life where I don't exist in front of you!"


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