He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 404: Disciples' Business-II

Chapter 404: Disciples' Business-II

Between the two, Chengye fought to kill. His life was one where he would kill if met a person he dislike and it had gone deep through his bone, soaking with the intent to kill. Tian Shi was the opposite. Despite his harsh words he often directed at his uncle, he had always followed Tian Yi's teaching, the rule he made not to kill. But today he have to broke the rule.

When a punch came across Chengye's Tian Shi's stomach, he moves back, his hand holding the place where he had been punch and could feel that his ribs were broken and if he was a step to near, it would have costed another one bone.

"You've got to be serious. With those weak punches you would not be able to do anything." Chengye said with his steps light and a malicious grin twisting his lips. Seeing how Tian Shi was suffering from the punch, he could tell that he was going to be defeated by him in another ten moves. Twelve if he is being humble and generous. "How is Master?" came the question that stopped his smile for a moment.

Tian Shi's eyes flared a glare, he gave a sarcastic look and shrugged his shoulder, "What do you expect? He must have held back with you seeing that you have no injuries mean that uncle doesn't see you as his opponent but a child. If he doesn't come here, there's only one answer don't you think?"

"He's dead?" Asked Chengye and Tian Shi could see how his smile became wider. "That's great then, I was deliberating if I should kill you or not but now on the second thought if he's already there, then I could send you and the rest of his disciples." Pulling something from the jacket he wore, a black knife flicked to his hand.

"He didn't die," Tian Shi eyed the knife, "He just said that he had enough of you, enough of your psychotic antics and say that he regretted bringing you to the home." saying this, Tian Shi could see the bubbling anger rising to Chengye's eyes and he didn't stop to push the button. "What could you expect? After all you've killed his two disciples and then you tried to do the same to him. Now I understand, how a murderer's son is a murderer, you can't change some things you are born with."

He didn't meant his words but he knows it was the words that could trigger Chengye and he was correct. The moment he had said the words, as if all of Chengye's rage blew up, his face was distorted in anger.

Bringing the handle of the knife, Chengye gritted his teeth, "I'll kill you!" He slashes the knife forward, aiming for Tian Shi's vital points even before his words had finished.

Tian Shi was able to dodge most of the slash, but with the experience, Chengye was better when it comes to fight to death. Chengye continued to attack, when his dagger moved, so did his legs. With the time passing, Tian Shi was pushed to the corner with the skill.

The place where they fought didn't help either. The corridor was narrow, there were vases and cupboards Tian Shi could use to distract and make distance between them but the place was only with two ways; front of back and now he was force to go back.

When Tian Shi had the chance to attack using the vases to his head and at the same time jab his vital organs to immobilize his movements but that doesn't work. Chengye was able to stay his head clear even when the vase had hit his head hard enough for blood to trickle down from his forehead.

"You're head is **ing tough!" He remarked and his head was banged to the floor. Reaching out his hand, he saw an ornament candle hang on the wall and pulled the handle out, using it, he stabbed Chengye's shoulder when the man came close.

Chengye grunted and pulled out the sharp and thick metal that had pierced out his shoulders, "I've just found out," Tian said when he finally picked the distance again, "If your head is just too tough, I could attack you somewhere else!"

"You **ing sh*!" Chengye shouted and drove his knife forward.

Tian Shi jumped back. looking at his feet, his face grimaced at the body of people lying on the ground. Sure enough not either of them were alive but he can't exactly step on the body either just because they were dead. Chengye could do it but not him. Pulling a light table he pushed it beside him and kicked it fast toward Chengye.

"You have knife but I don't. What kind of cheat game is this?!" He shouted at himself and remembered how he could just use all the candle handles here which he did and he ran to pull up the candle handle while Chengye slide from the surface of the table and ran to plunge his knife to the back of his head and Tian Shi pushed him back before he could do it. Turning his body, he twist his pelvis in mid air and kick his head that work for once until he felt his legs caught and his body thrown again.

Chengye held a twisted smile on his lips, "Weak." His boots tapped on the floor, each time he walked, he passed by the bodies and didn't hesitate to step on them as if it was a mattress. Tian Shi had many curses in his mind, his head didn't stop from commenting in everything.

He pulled himself from the floor, turning when he saw a knife left from the corpse and took it to charge forward again. Seeing this, Chengye slashes his knife toward his neck when Tian Shi felt his legs slipped. His body staggered to the floor and looking down he found that it was the blood that made him fall.

A knife plunge down toward him, rolling his body, he manage to narrowly escape the blade and kicked Chengye's stomach, the hardest he could and he could feel how many bones he had broken which was good. While Chengye was holding his stomach and the bones that was broken, Tian Shi ran and slide bellow the desk that made a bridge between them. Running again, his eyes moved left and right noticing how the door was opened, he kicked the room and went inside.

Chengye wiped himself, standing up his eyes had turned chillingly murderous with the thirst of blood. He chased after Tian Shi, entering the room where he entered and carefully went from the foyer. The wooden floor creaked, sounds of steps were hard to be heard in the heart wrenching scene. Chengye took a right turn first, finding no one he then noticed something flew from his left side and dodge by turning back when he felt a cold metal had wounded his back.

"Never face your enemy in a lukewarm manner. You must be sleeping when uncle teach you to study!" Tian Shi said and kicked him down to then pushed the knife with pressure.

Chengye glared at the knife before his eyes closed. He waited for the knife to kill him but instead, he felt a needle pain to his neck. Opening his eyes he saw Tian Shi had standing and stagger to get up.

"What the ** did you do?" Chengye asked with his movements staggering.

Tian Shi crooked his brows, pulling his leg to his waist, he kicked him down and Chengye body tilted to the ground with his eyes tightly closed. Holding his aching ribs where his bones had been broken and his back aching, Tian Shi frowned at the needle injection on his hand. He can't kill Chengye as he had his sins he needed to pay and shot him with a tranquilizer directly to his neck.

"Can't believe this! He is a **ing monster! A dose of this should have a horse sleep like a baby and make him unable to move again!" But Chengye did and he couldn't believe it. He turned to the walk where the candle holder metal he tied to a string and sighed before he turned around the place, remembering how he had trashed the whole floor. Maybe not all, but the corridors. Uncle will have to pay for all of this, thought Tian Shi with a nod of himself.

Bending his body, he then kicked Chengye to see if he really was asleep and fortunately he did.


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